Nationals: What Went Right/Wrong

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I apologize in advance for the long post, but forgive the oldest fighting gamer in the country, lol. Now onto it:

It’s a shame that things seem to have left something of a sour taste for people, especially after such great things happening in the community recently (the French visiting to play a bunch of us, Jaxel’s fantastic July event, and Evo—et al).

Speaking honestly, I’m sort of ambivalent about the number of players who paid to play without qualifying in Nationals. On the one hand, I can see the thinking that there should have been a complete 64-man tournament. This was supposed to be Nationals—the best players playing one another in a tournament that decided the national champion—a big deal. So, anything less than the best 64 was (to quote Kowtow) a slap in the face to what the tournament was supposed to be about. Not to have a 64 person field, I feel, would have been disrespectful to those who invested their precious time and energy to plan and organize the event; to all of the players who used the hundreds and hundreds of hours to practice, play, and compete for the event; and, more importantly, to the spirit of the community itself.

On the other hand, it is assuredly unfair (yes, a slap in the face) to those who competed in good faith who made the national tournament and especially to those who did not! Hey, I know Sporko drove to Jersey from Philadelphia, paid, and competed in the Jersey qualifier to make the tournament. He then later drove to Chicago, again from Philadelphia, paid, and competed in the Chicago qualifier when he didn’t make it in from the Jersey qualifier. He didn’t make it into the National tournament. If there is anyone who should be incensed that something like that happened, it should be him—and every other person who has a story like that. And like I mentioned earlier, to have something like this happen is disrespectful to those same groups that I already mentioned. I feel badly for those of you who have stories like this one.

The real problem that needs to be addressed is that there were too many players who qualified that did not show up. It made the community look badly (and I’m being polite by saying “badly”).

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that life can throw a hiccup or two at people, and I’m sure there was more than one qualifier who had illness, personal commitments, or professional obligations (or whatever) pop up at the last minute and couldn’t get out of those things.

But there is no way that happened to thirty players.

There should have been no excuses. None. No matter what personal feelings (or lack thereof) players had for organizers, how much input people had (or not had), the location of the city, Evo, or any other peripheral, tertiary concern, players who qualified should have made every possible attempt to make it to that tournament. None of those things were going to change. Players knew the circumstances surrounding the tournament for quite some time.

But if a player’s principles, morals, feelings—whatever—were so compromised from these things (or from any subsequent change from what was understood at an earlier point) and he decided not to attend, then he should have acted maturely and responsibly by communicating as early as possible that his attendance in the national tournament was not forthcoming, and the organizers (or the player himself) should have made every effort to offer the next highest finisher at his regional to take his place.

Was it difficult for those players who could not make it to contact the organizers—make a post—do something—to let someone know that they couldn’t make it as early as possible? Was it possible to offer spots in a timely fashion to players from the qualifiers who didn’t make it in after the players who did make it bailed? Did that happen? Was there even a contingency for something like this?

For something like Nationals to work, we need to make sure that we communicate as clearly and as often as possible so that things like this don’t happen in the future.

Spoken like a true non-hypocrite. This post addresses things on so many levels without acting like the community isn't to blame. 1000+ Props to u. However in the end its a waste of a post as u can see from all the complainin in which the community takes no blame for themselves.

If I was a potential sponsor for this game I would never reconsider in regards to some of the behavior.
Thank you from the NVGA

idk about you egg, or about any of those people, But that right there is very dissappoting to the community to the once that don't even compensate you for your time an effort. Personally TX would (and should've) at least given you gas money (that is of course assuming that that didn't happen) But i don't think TX would do such a thing, we always love to show good hospitality, and hope to expect it in return.

*hugs* you deserve all the respect in the world egg.....especially you putting your own CAR through that kind of punishment
Thank you from the NVGA

Jaxel/KowTow: You are both 100% wrong. I already addressed Egg, we are cool and now I'll respond because obviously you don't have the whole story. Again, the details of Egg/I/gas money and others are the business of Egg/I/others, so I'll make my point this way:

If you go to a tourney and pay for a plane ticket, a gamer should pick you up and NEVER charge you. That is absurd. Egg was a nice guy and decided to pick up everybody and anybody. However, since the venue was brilliantly 40 minutes away, he had to fill his gas tank a few times.

However, that does NOT give him the right to start charging people. I told him in person to do exactly this: Pick up people you know, and that's it. Pick 5 gamers and stick w/that, but don't CHARGE them for something that should be free. If ANYBODY ever comes to TX, they will NEVER be charged for being driven around. You already paid a couple of hundred at least for a ticket, so it's borderline insulting to even CONSIDER charging for transportation.

If you both feel the gaming community is now a taxi service, people will tell you not to even bother getting them at the airport. I am only 1 person, and my car fits 4 others comfortably. If 6 people need a ride, 2 are shit out of luck. If you want people to come to your city and tourneys, YES you make damn sure you DO drive them where they need to be and be damn glad they are there supporting your city and the community.

So again, you EXPECT that it's your right to be given free rides, when really it's not. When I was playing in NJ still, I'd take people back and forth to the train station, that was like 5 minutes so I didn't bother charging gas. But for 40 minutes one way, you better believe I'd ask for some gas money.

Doesn't give him the right? It's HIS FUCKING CAR. How fucking ignorant can you possibly be to say something like "he doesn't have the right to charge for gas" when it's his car and his time? If he wants to charge you 5 bucks for gas, as opposed to what you'd pay a taxi, how is that not fair?

I knew people in this community were fucking ignorant, but I never expected someone to come out and straight up say some shit like this. I'm putting you on ignore I don't even want to see the fucking verbal diarrhea that comes after this. What a fucking scumbag.
But if a player’s principles, morals, feelings—whatever—were so compromised from these things (or from any subsequent change from what was understood at an earlier point) and he decided not to attend, then he should have acted maturely and responsibly by communicating as early as possible that his attendance in the national tournament was not forthcoming, and the organizers (or the player himself) should have made every effort to offer the next highest finisher at his regional to take his place.

Was it difficult for those players who could not make it to contact the organizers—make a post—do something—to let someone know that they couldn’t make it as early as possible? Was it possible to offer spots in a timely fashion to players from the qualifiers who didn’t make it in after the players who did make it bailed? Did that happen? Was there even a contingency for something like this?

For something like Nationals to work, we need to make sure that we communicate as clearly and as often as possible so that things like this don’t happen in the future.

There was a problem here as well with Nats. If someone wasn't planning to go they were suppose to tell DFG and he was suppose to tell them out of the people who tied who deserved to go. I contacted DFG many times about the tiebreakers and one of his PM's he said he would make a thread about it because a lot of other people were PM'ing him about it. This thread never happened so I Pm'ed him some more. I got another PM were he explains to me how the tiebreaker works which I already knew, I just wanted to know who broke the tie. In the end after numerous PM's I never got the answer he was suppose to give me. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who ended up in this situation because DFG said a lot of people were asking him to help them with this.
Thank you from the NVGA

I could go further w/this, but I'm going to choose not to because everything I had a problem w/Egg w/, we talked about. I certainly don't need to defend my statements to a keyboard commando
Thank you from the NVGA

I could go further w/this, but I'm going to choose not to because everything I had a problem w/Egg w/, we talked about. I certainly don't need to defend my statements to a keyboard commando

You have nbothing to defend since you arer speaking the truth about us having that talk. He was very open with me and I was grateful for that. Id rather know then not know.
Thank you from the NVGA

You have nbothing to defencd since your speaking the truth about us having that talk.
You had a bad experience, but like I told you, you shouldn't have had to get almost everybody. That is beyond awful on planning (not your planning). In the future, when time goes by and I'm sure eventually there will be a CO tourney where out of towners come (maybe Tekken or even SC), pick up people you want to where it's not a major inconvenience on your part. Nobody expects you to empty your gas tank for the community.
If you had been reading this thread you'd know that people had less faith in nationals than Evo because control of nats was taken away from the community over time by NVGA after it was announced and the results are everything you see bitching about.

Man are you fucking empty in the mind or what??

You always spend more time dissing the text I decide too post in, rather than addressing the points made in them.

Let me set some shit straight before I go any further, I don't have a damn thing against you but I'll be damned if you think you are going to pop ya' finger tips online when the last 4 tournaments I've seen you in... you can't even see me face to face.
All your little pot shots etc are becoming too annoying bra' and i'm warning you, shits about to get really fucking serious.


Now in regards to the NVGA Nationals 350z basically made the point I was trying to make but in a more nicer text tone.

I still do NOT understand how the "COMMUNITY" didn't nip the control issue in the bud MONTHS before this all transpired for real, JUST blaming it upon the organizers is NOT the way and just because a few things here and there were changed, does NOT constitute DISSING your own MAJOR for a tournament that hasn't acknowledged your existence in over 5 years.

I also do not understand those who keep trying to fuel EVO with more and more, just to be pushed to the back burner. Why not have the NATIONAL SC4 Championships on the East Coast or in the Mid-West on even ground, make EVO WISH they had something/some game as big as SC4 at there tournament, make them come to you and have you all gain the respect you deserve and become a STAPLE at a large event like EVO and many others, rather than running to EVO as if the only reason SC4 has meaning compared to other fighting games is because its at EVO.
That's one reason SC doesn't get respect.

That's just giving them all your power.

When I come to the forums and attempt to keep up with the SC community.
The heavy hitters are who I would want to speak with in order to plan something big would of course be the Mods/Administrators for this site, next in line the top players, who I feel safe too assume include YOU RIGEL, KDZ, CEIR, RTD, THUGGISH etc.
Sit down and have a legit plan, set it in play and roll from there.
NVGA not being run according to you all's standards doesn't only fall on them but you all as well, where was a thread like this once Jaxel or ANYONE caught wind of the drastic changes you all speak of??
This is a forum correct??
Why weren't these facts made known and addresses months and months ahead of time rather than the weekend of and 4 or 5 days AFTER the event??
And if they were pointed out for the public to address and resolve but NO ONE DID, how in the blue hell are any of you all mad about the outcome today??

Along with Smash when brought up into a conversation about legit fighting games, SC is considered a joke, Like it or not.
And it's not because of the game in general, to be honest it's because of the community overall, the community is considered WEAK and the attendance at your own Championships SCREAMS that as fact!!!
The game has been out LESS then 10 months, yet most of the top players reverted back to previous games, or began playing other games they've never touched before due to the lack of competitive nature within' your community.
Alot of the SC community does not travel, alot of the community is straight LAZY when it comes to promoting the game, building attendance, adding something to create some sort of nostalgia, something to make people say "Yo remember when we were in that SC Tournament at _______ and _______ Happen"

Other fighting games have stories that last for years and are still going til' this day.
Choi vs Diago in CvS2 years ago (EVO), Sanford Kelly v.s. The Original Duc Do in a speculated $3,000 money match at Sanford's 1st ever EVO tournament, Dark Prince being perfected out his 1st ever East CoastMarvel tournament 0-2 (Un-Heard of by the way), Epic Marvel MM Quite Possibly the best Marvel Players in the game at that time 1st to 10 Yipes v.s. Wong over $1000 on the line, POKCHOP v.s. NY at Final Round, JINKID v.s. KILLA 6 at Final Round, Eddy Pistons earning his crown as the mouth of the south at EVO, Jinmaster OWNED by ATL in Tekken at every MAJOR Tekken tournament held that year...

Epic Memories that organizers in these games, in these areas, put forth the effort to do for the love, for the excitement, for the community, long lasting memories for you and me, where are they for the SC Community.. Doesn't anyone care??
You can also blame it to the brokeness of this game, for why people are unmotivated or too lazy to invenst anyreal time in this game. An underlying issue that this community refuses to address despite numerous concerns many players have over it.

Basically just deal with it, or find another hobby.
Thank you from the NVGA

I think the important lesson learned here is that you don't hold a major 40 miles away from the nearest airport.
But here's the thing, SC4 isn't that broken compared to what else is out there. This must be a pretty inexperienced/whiny community if they really think it is.
You can also blame it to the brokeness of this game, for why people are unmotivated or too lazy to invenst anyreal time in this game. An underlying issue that this community refuses to address despite numerous concerns many players have over it.

Basically just deal with it, or find another hobby.

The game isn't even close to broke. . .why would you even say that lol?
Because instead of dealing with shit it's much easier to say the game is broke. Nothing new, just the defense of the lazy.
This game is far from broken, esp. when compared to the latest fighters out there. I think that the most balanced games out there are SC4 and Blazblue.
You can also blame it to the brokeness of this game, for why people are unmotivated or too lazy to invenst anyreal time in this game. An underlying issue that this community refuses to address despite numerous concerns many players have over it.

Basically just deal with it, or find another hobby.

Just out of curiosity why do you find the game broken. I would give u its buggy because the hitboxes in this game is all kinds of crazy sometimes but what makes it broken.

Cause from what I am seeing there is a variety of top placers as well as characters from tournament results and if the game is broken it sure wouldn't be that way.

So enlighten me please because based on responses such as this from the tier thread

Hilde doesn't win Nats or Evo and now apparently she isn't top any more lol.
Regardless of how RTD and Ceirnian lost, the fact is they could have easily adapted a simple strategy to win. And the only thing that really matters is that they consistantly placed high with Hilde. So she is still pretty much a God.

it seems to be just another Hilde complaint and excuse for Hilde ruining the game. For some reason I now understand why SCIII still has the top players for the most part that SCIV has as those are the only people that learn the in and outs of the game while everyone gives up when something is to much.

If that's the case I never pegged u for that type of competitor.
Man are you fucking empty in the mind or what??

You always spend more time dissing the text I decide too post in, rather than addressing the points made in them.

Let me set some shit straight before I go any further, I don't have a damn thing against you but I'll be damned if you think you are going to pop ya' finger tips online when the last 4 tournaments I've seen you in... you can't even see me face to face.
All your little pot shots etc are becoming too annoying bra' and i'm warning you, shits about to get really fucking serious.

I feel the desire just respond like a smartass and not actually communicate anything, but from your responses in this thread it doesn't feel completely like you're trying to down this community just for fun. Also thank you for changing to colors that are readable.

So you're mad because of the manner i quoted you in. It has to be that, because I explained the Nats situation in like 2 sentences. Your response seems to be "So what, you should have magicked that shit into perfection." Also why should we NOT care if we're in EVO's lineup? Regardless of how they've treated our game, EVO is EVO. Do you also think companies should ask to be taken off the Fortune 500 list if Fortune didn't include them in the previous one?

As for your personal feelings about me. I think this is only the 3rd and certainly longest time we've said anything to each other ever. I don't even know who you are: I just found out you're from ATL like yesterday. I've been to FOUR tournaments you were at? How am i supposed to see you face to face when I don't even know you're there. I have no real problem with you other than the fact that you talk like an idiot about a community on the internet that you self-admittedly don't keep up with. The only times I take shots at you is when you say stupid shit like "after nats SC4 is deeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaad" and tell us we don't respect our own game because some of us can't afford to fly from the midwest or east coast or Texas, or wherever to Vegas, spend Vegas money for a Vegas weekend, then fly home and back out to Colorado the next week.
People, please take what KingAce says as a grain of salt. I have never seen him at a major tournament, even in TX (he didn't compete at Houston Regionals because he came to late) so I don't know where he's getting this "broken" from. This game is FAR from "broken" so I have no idea why people are still whining about Hilde. Out of Nats/Evo/NVGA, only NVGA did RTD win w/Hilde (and this is w/out Omega/Oofmatic and many other top players playing). Hilde can be beaten. However, RTD is a pretty smart gamer from the start, so people tend to confuse a broken char, w/a smart playing playing a very good char.
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