BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

I can't wait for Forced Rapid Cancels and the edition of 4 new characters: One of them appearing to be what looks like a boy but is actually a girl! eh?.... See what I did there?

Wow Leo from T6 is gonna be in BlazBlue?

As far as the tiers go, Jin/Ragna/Litchi just off the top of my head are all completely capable of beating the top 3 in any given match. Others may have to work harder or have things a little more complicated, but it's still doable. Even as low tier as Bang is, he can win any one of those matchups. I'm not sure HOW he beats V-13 yet, but I know it's doable. I still need to sit down and play V-13 for a bit to see exactly how all that stuff works.
[youtube=Epic lulz]qt-NQTliP_s[/youtube]


[youtube=Fast forward to 3:38, holy shit]rPZlT7s0jh8[/youtube]
Well Sagat doesn't have any bad matchups in SF4 and people still ate that up like a bowl of candy

Windstar: I left you a message on your profile, let me know if you got msn or aim sicne i rarely have a keyboard hooked into the ps3.

also, tager sucks -___-
Well Sagat doesn't have any bad matchups in SF4 and people still ate that up like a bowl of candy

edit: lol, I don't know SF4's tiers that well.

That being said, the BlazBlue cast is much smaller than the 3S. Note that the top 3 is a quarter of the cast. This is pretty much the Chun/Yun tier in 3S. The tier that corresponds to the Kens, Makoto, etc. makes up another quarter of the cast. So the S tier and A tier is effectively half the cast, which is not that bad.

Doesn't change the fact that playing against Nu is extremely frustrating, but honestly, most people that whine about the tiers aren't actually good enough such that the limitations of the matchup is the deciding factor of why they don't win. If these people just learn the character they enjoy playing, they would most likely have a whole ton of room to improve since they are currently limited by their own laziness, not the imbalance of the matchup.

Maybe in the long run, they might hit that ceiling, but first of all, they would have had a lot of fun getting there, and second of all, they might even be able to play their character competitively. Competitive players don't get discouraged because they have to face 6-4 matchups. There are some that just tier-whore, but a significant amount of them just find a character they like, and just learn it until they can complete, bad matchups or not, because that's just what they love to do.
they are whoring the shit out of Jin online...

all i fought tonight were: jin, jin, jin, noel, jin, jin, ragna, litchi, jin, jin, litchi, jin, noel, noel, jin jin jin jin jin jin

online has made me hate jin so very much.
Don't think there is a theme I really hate in this game. I like them all. If I had to pick a favorite though, I'd say Motor Head.
they are whoring the shit out of Jin online...

all i fought tonight were: jin, jin, jin, noel, jin, jin, ragna, litchi, jin, jin, litchi, jin, noel, noel, jin jin jin jin jin jin

online has made me hate jin so very much.

Sorry. =x

Seriously though, I now feel for the Killik players of the first online days of SC4 who were actually trying to learn; everyone assumes my Jin is a freeze-whore and DC's on me. ><
GGs to WindStar and iKotomi. Matches were a bit on the laggy side though (especially against that Arakune/Jin player). iKotomi, I had no VS Rachel experience so I was expecting to lose against you, lol.
iKotomi, I had no VS Rachel experience so I was expecting to lose against you, lol.

Honestly, you were the first not d-spamming noel I've played so my usual 2C them until they die strategy didn't work. That Jin match fooled me too since you just died to repeated ice cars.

I usually need to play a few games against new characters since its still ridiculously hard for me to deal with pressure (in generally I get totally killed once I'm cornered), but your punishment was spot on so I would eventually die no matter how much I tried not to screw up.

I think I needed to throw out more pumpkins rather than throwing so many air lobelia's but my brain was just freezing up in fear of your low/high mixups, and for some reason I kept on trying to see if the close air lobelia would hit as you run under (one of those stupid things where you're convinced that you can do something and you keep on doing it), so I couldn't quite get the projectile pressure going right.

Really good job not dropping any combos, reminds me that I really need to step up my execution.
edit: lol, I don't know SF4's tiers that well.

That being said, the BlazBlue cast is much smaller than the 3S. Note that the top 3 is a quarter of the cast. This is pretty much the Chun/Yun tier in 3S. The tier that corresponds to the Kens, Makoto, etc. makes up another quarter of the cast. So the S tier and A tier is effectively half the cast, which is not that bad.

Doesn't change the fact that playing against Nu is extremely frustrating, but honestly, most people that whine about the tiers aren't actually good enough such that the limitations of the matchup is the deciding factor of why they don't win. If these people just learn the character they enjoy playing, they would most likely have a whole ton of room to improve since they are currently limited by their own laziness, not the imbalance of the matchup.

Maybe in the long run, they might hit that ceiling, but first of all, they would have had a lot of fun getting there, and second of all, they might even be able to play their character competitively. Competitive players don't get discouraged because they have to face 6-4 matchups. There are some that just tier-whore, but a significant amount of them just find a character they like, and just learn it until they can complete, bad matchups or not, because that's just what they love to do.

Uh-huh. And you're maining Rachael, right?

That's like saying people who ride the bus shouldn't complain about how slow it goes. While you're driving a Porsche. Before the big race. Secondly, ain't nobody whining, so there's no need to toss words like "whining" and "lazy" around. There's an imbalance and all I've heard so far is "it's a pity". You'd think in a game with this small a cast they could have hammered it out.

In any event I'm currently trying to decide between Jin, Ragna, Bang and Hakumen. None of them are top tier but I find them enjoyable to play.
Tager is center-of-the-earth tier

but he is a manly son of a bitch. I'm all about this game, it isn't easy playing ANY of the characters (except v13 i guess) so I just love every match.
they are whoring the shit out of Jin online...

all i fought tonight were: jin, jin, jin, noel, jin, jin, ragna, litchi, jin, jin, litchi, jin, noel, noel, jin jin jin jin jin jin

online has made me hate jin so very much.

I just felt like pointing this out, but you know what rhymes with Jin? KEN!!! SHORYUKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been staying away from ranked matches because ice carz is a fucking boss! online. :-)

Right when I figure out one strategy, I need to figure out another. Now I need to figure out what to against D spamming Noels. That flat-chested hoe is annoying. I was fighting this guy yesterday and Haku-men was all in that ass doing shit that we like to call big damage, so he switches to Noel and took it to me. I'll figure that shit out, but I love to use Haku-men. It's on when I actually learn some combos.
Noel's high/low mixups are too good. I'm acting like i'm teabagging when I'm on defense against her, its crazy. Anyway, learned a few new Ragna combos last night and messed around with getting Arakune's basic strategy down. I'm really liking Ragna, but I think I'm going to need to incorporate more rapid cancels and such to really see him shine.
Hey, if anyone wants to add me on PSN, feel free. Just put 8way in the message, and I'll accept. I haven't taken BlazBlue online yet (clearing story and arcade) but i will be done shortly and I'll need some decent/beginner/pro comp once I get done.