BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

they are whoring the shit out of Jin online...

all i fought tonight were: jin, jin, jin, noel, jin, jin, ragna, litchi, jin, jin, litchi, jin, noel, noel, jin jin jin jin jin jin

online has made me hate jin so very much.

I'm currently making a tally of how often I encounter each character on ranked as was done for SC4. So far about 20-25% are Jin. I'll post the results when I'm done.

Oh, and if anyone wants to add me as well, I'm always up for a friend match in this game.

As of July 4
That's saying that Ragna is picked more often than both Jin and Noel which is blatantly untrue from what I've been playing. When was that taken by the way?
It's not the death of 8WayRun, it's just that same 8WayRun goodness for another game and maybe the death to some of those other sites out there on the internets.

If I can play two fighting games, then I can certainly go to two forums, so mad fucking props on the site Jaxel.

I figured that Arakune would be used more than Tager, but I guess not because of how gigantic he is. But people online are going to use what works to win the easiest way possible like with flowchart Ken in SF4 and now with ice carz and mash D.

So I guess now is a good time to move the discussion onto the new forum. See ya there.
Honestly, you were the first not d-spamming noel I've played so my usual 2C them until they die strategy didn't work. That Jin match fooled me too since you just died to repeated ice cars.

I usually need to play a few games against new characters since its still ridiculously hard for me to deal with pressure (in generally I get totally killed once I'm cornered), but your punishment was spot on so I would eventually die no matter how much I tried not to screw up.

I think I needed to throw out more pumpkins rather than throwing so many air lobelia's but my brain was just freezing up in fear of your low/high mixups, and for some reason I kept on trying to see if the close air lobelia would hit as you run under (one of those stupid things where you're convinced that you can do something and you keep on doing it), so I couldn't quite get the projectile pressure going right.

Really good job not dropping any combos, reminds me that I really need to step up my execution.

Oh yeah, VS that Jin, the lag was atrocious. My inputs literally appeared a half a second after I initially had made the input. So I kinda gave up because I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything in the lag I had with that guy. As for Noel's high - low game, I'm going to admit that it's kind of weak and main reason it worked against you was because:

1) It's online
2) You weren't subject to it before
3) Rachel doesn't have a DP?

Her mix-up block strings are interrupt-able/DP-able. If I go for 5A > 2B > 5B > 6B (overhead) as a mix-up I can be jabbed and DP'ed out of it considering how slow 6B is. If I go for 5A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 2D (Chain Revolver overhead), you can block the 2D on reaction so there is really no need to guess. Just look out for it and block when you see it. Lastly, I don't know what Rachel's best punishment combo is, but if you ever block one of Noel's 3Cs (her sliding sweep shot that leads into her juggle) punish her hard. 3C is so unsafe on block it makes me want to cry, but it leads to a lot of her damaging combos.
Has anyone played the story a bit? Bang keeps calling Carl his "cute little apprentice/disciple." I heard it a few times and i was like... o.O Bang's a pedo? Move over M. Night Shamanlynanglengnanan, take a look at this plot twist.
Uh-huh. And you're maining Rachael, right?

That's like saying people who ride the bus shouldn't complain about how slow it goes. While you're driving a Porsche. Before the big race. Secondly, ain't nobody whining, so there's no need to toss words like "whining" and "lazy" around. There's an imbalance and all I've heard so far is "it's a pity". You'd think in a game with this small a cast they could have hammered it out.

In any event I'm currently trying to decide between Jin, Ragna, Bang and Hakumen. None of them are top tier but I find them enjoyable to play.

You're right. All of you who don't choose to play Rachel, Nu, or Arakune should just roll over and die since those 6-4 matchups are absolutely unbeatable. Is that what I'm supposed to tell people that don't play top tier characters, that they can't compete? What I said in that post was true. If people want to play lower tier characters and compete, then they should compete with their lower tier character, because that's what they like to play and they won't hit the tier barrier for a considerable amount of time.

That post was addressed completely at someone who was just whining, saying something like he doesn't want to play competitively because non s-tier characters can't compete. If that's not whining, I don't really know what is.

You're analogy isn't very good either, since maining Rachel isn't like starting out with a Porsche. It's more like people who ride the bus complain that they don't have a Porsche while I am working at McDonalds saving 5 dollars off each paycheck for like 15 years so that I might eventually afford a Porsche. Even then, I'm not really playing rachel in the hopes of being able to tier-whore a top tier character, I play her because she's damn fun to play as. So a better analogy, we can call this analogy', would be I'm working at McDonalds because I find it fun to flip burgers, and happen to have 5 dollars left over from every paycheck which might go to a Porsche. Well, you get the message ^_^.
Yeah, I think the American players who JUST GOT THE GAME, have no reason to worry about tiers at this point. We don't even have a good enough grasp of the game to reach that ceiling. If you say you do, it's a straight up fabrication and I know you're a liar.

So, why not main the character you like, and when the time comes... you'll be able to switch over to an "top tier character" quite easily, If need be.
Yeah, I think the American players who JUST GOT THE GAME, have no reason to worry about tiers at this point. We don't even have a good enough grasp of the game to reach that ceiling. If you say you do, it's a straight up fabrication and I know you're a liar.

So, why not main the character you like, and when the time comes... you'll be able to switch over to an "top tier character" quite easily, If need be.

Hey, to be fair, some of us have had it in arcades! We just, uh, never lived close enough to go there every day...
Great games last night, guys. Really enjoyed it, was extremely tired, though. Had to contend with a lot of "scrubbish" behavior before I got to challenge you guys, so my tactics felt a little too altered to be much competition. On the new forum I posted up a bit of info on how to deal with Jin and Noel spammers. Hopefully it'll be useful.
Hey, to be fair, some of us have had it in arcades! We just, uh, never lived close enough to go there every day...

And, yet some of us only have one arcade called "Electric Rainbow" and the only machines there are Area-51 and Cruisin' USA, complete with a bald owner that touches himself behind the counter. So... no, no I didn't get to play this in the arcade.
You're right. All of you who don't choose to play Rachel, Nu, or Arakune should just roll over and die since those 6-4 matchups are absolutely unbeatable. Is that what I'm supposed to tell people that don't play top tier characters, that they can't compete? What I said in that post was true. If people want to play lower tier characters and compete, then they should compete with their lower tier character, because that's what they like to play and they won't hit the tier barrier for a considerable amount of time.

That post was addressed completely at someone who was just whining, saying something like he doesn't want to play competitively because non s-tier characters can't compete. If that's not whining, I don't really know what is.

You're analogy isn't very good either, since maining Rachel isn't like starting out with a Porsche. It's more like people who ride the bus complain that they don't have a Porsche while I am working at McDonalds saving 5 dollars off each paycheck for like 15 years so that I might eventually afford a Porsche. Even then, I'm not really playing rachel in the hopes of being able to tier-whore a top tier character, I play her because she's damn fun to play as. So a better analogy, we can call this analogy', would be I'm working at McDonalds because I find it fun to flip burgers, and happen to have 5 dollars left over from every paycheck which might go to a Porsche. Well, you get the message ^_^.

Christ man, shut the fuck up. I'm a neophyte at this game, and I'm asking the Blazblue players from this forum whether they think that characters like Tager stand a chance at winning tournaments against the A or S tier characters in this game. Period. If you don't feel qualified to make an assessment, then do not reply. I don't need your bullshit rants making straw men of my question or your sneering mischaracterizations of what you perceive to be my opinion.

Let me reiterate: I've played this game for about two days, mostly in single player, and I barely know shit about it. I haven't formed any opinion on balance yet. All that I know on this subject comes from internet hearsay, and I want some people whose opinions I actually somewhat trust to weigh in on what they think.
for some least one player of each character has qualified for SBO

tager won a qualifing tournament for SBO in japan so that's SOMETHING...
Wall of text...

I don't think anyone in the US can really weigh in on tiers right now. I think this has been discussed many times. If you know Japanese, go ask them. They have had this game for awhile. Otherwise, you are going to get a bunch of answers that are not backed by any fact at all.

I can say it's as extremely balanced or imbalanced as I like. But, I've had the game a week, how would I know? Or anyone in the US for that matter.