Pyrrha will be in SCV

She's looks like Cassie with a long hair. She's looks interesting though, and I wish Namco give her some of cassie move (and her own move).
Is there something wrong here?! I can't see the stuff you see on I can only se a 5% finished Pyrrah on that site.

EDIT: NVM fixed
Wait, so.. Patroklos is Sophie's son, correct? Pyrrha is her daughter? I thought Pyrrha was where they were from.. *confused* Sorry, just.. trying to catch up here..
I haven't actually played SCIV. but i saw the video where tira breaks into P+P's bedroom, and both of her children were mentioned in her bio's in scII and III.
but i saw the video where tira breaks into P+P's bedroom
What video is that? And that makes Sophie's "As long as Pyrrha is safe, that is all that matters." line kinda rude to her son.. 'Just make sure my daughter's safe, you can take the boy.' :x
If you want to know the video, I believe it is Tira's "good" ending for SC3.
Pyrrha wakes up when Tira enters the children's room and gives her the sword.

And yea, Pat is the lucky one of the two. Lol.
Oh, okay, I watched a few of the endings. I don't get why Sophie destroyed Soul Edge in SC3, but she's going after it in four..
Can anyone explain, please? >.<;
Endings in Soul Calibur are like ending in many other fighting games. Don't view any of them as actually part of the storyline unless Namco says so. Notice how Soul Edge has been either destroyed or taken by various characters throughout each game, yet it is with Nightmare, and Soul Calibur with Sieg in SC4.
Yeah, that makes sense... However, it doesn't make sense for her to destroy it in the previous game, then make her seek it out. I understand that because they don't count the endings, it makes it somewhat okay, but it's still kinda dumb.
..doesn't that also make Tira's ending A not count, so Pyrrha would have to be infected in another way?
If you look closely at the actually story for SC4, you see that Ties kidnapped her, and if I remember threathened to kill her if Soul Edge is destroyed. Which is the reason for her actions in SC4. She knows full well that the sword is evil and wants it gone, which her God also commanded, but Pyrr had to go and get kidnapped. She isn't seeking it out as much as stopping others from destroying it to protect her child. I don't remember if it ever said she was actually infected by the sword or not.
Well Ivy is an alchemist so she could make a potion to maintain her youth.

And if you were to ask why she didn't do that at an earlier age, I'll just say it's a recent discovery :P