Siegfried: The Whiffing (Version 1.03)


[13] Hero
Alright folks. We know that the next patch might be the last one, so this could be our last opportunity to get these things fixed.
I think we should make a list about all of siegs whiffing issues along with video proofs, which we could post in captain russias thread, so that he can hand it over to namco.

If you have found a situation where a move whiffs for no reason, post it in here please.
EDIT: For easiness, i made a youtube playlist with added commentary: click
  • 66A whiffs against leixia (or other small CAS chars) at close range on block. Reported
  • SBH B, 22_88BB only works if you step to Sieg's right (22 side on 1P, 88 side on 2P). Doing the opposite will cause a whiff. Reported
  • 2A+B randomly whiffs at midrange, depending on how the opponent is angled towards siegfried while standing. Reported
  • Against some chars, 3B will whiff in combos against a wall where siegfried is totally perpendicular E.g. CH 66K, W!, 3(B), W! ~ SCH B, 3B (whiff possibility). Reported
  • (B) very often whiffs against grounded opponents. Reported
  • B4 whiffs on tip to mid range against some chars at certain angles. The input speed affects the whiffing. Reported
  • B4 whiffs on tip to mid range against patroklos and dampierre while guarding. The input speed affects the whiffing. Reported
  • Post 1B ~ W!: A+B will whiff against smaller chars like pyhrra and leixia, when being totally perpendicular to the wall. Reported
  • 2KKKKK whiffs. Period :P Reported
  • SCH B whiffs at various situations, most commonly after evading with 2_8 B+K (For example: On 1P side use 2A+B, have Pyrrha block it and immediately 236B. After blocking 2A+B do 2B+K, SCH B - it will go right through her and whiff). Reported
!!Due to only being able to add 5 videos per post, videos for glitch n# 6 and onward can be found on page 2!!

Reported- The whiff has been described and reported to belials Thread.
Against Ivy, Pyrrha and Leixia (and i'm pretty sure most female characters) 3B will whiff in combos against a wall where siegfried is totally perpendicular E.g. CH 66K, W!, 3(B), W! ~ SCH B, 3B (whiff possibility).

SBH B, 22_88BB only works if you step to Sieg's right (22 side on 1P, 88 side on 2P). Doing the opposite will give you a cool whiff combo.
Its probably a design decision but i found it also very awkward that 2B hits grounded while (B) whiffs, because its practically the same animation and the sword goes right through people with the latter.
Same with 3B (which hits grounded) and WSB which whiffs.

Edit: Just noticed that (B) sometimes indeed hits grounded opponents, so we can assume that its whiffing is not intended. Therefore i added it to the list.

Another whiff which happens fairly often to me is 2_8 B+K ~ SCHB, pretty random.

Oh and 2A+B sometimes whiffs at mid range (can be reproduced fairly easy against pat)

The Hitbox of A+B is very inconsistent but again this could be a design decision.

Against Ivy, Pyrrha and Leixia (and i'm pretty sure most female characters) 3B will whiff in combos against a wall where siegfried is totally perpendicular E.g. CH 66K, W!, 3(B), W! ~ SCH B, 3B (whiff possibility).
I just checked it in training mode and i can confirm that it doesn't work against leixia, ivy, pyhrra, natsu and viola. However i wasn't able to reproduce it on tira, so i just noted it as "whiffs against some chars" in the list.
Found something else.
B4 (very consistently) whiffs against some chars on tip to mid range, depending on how they are angled towards siegfried while standing.
Can be very easily reproduced with xiba and natsu when used as a round starter.

Edit: Apparently doing the latest input version effects the whiffing positively.
Post 1B ~ W!, all three hits of A+B whiff against Pyrrha. Possibly others, needs testing.
Post 1B ~ W!, all three hits of A+B whiff against Pyrrha. Possibly others, needs testing.
I tested it and it definitely seems to be dependent on the height of the char. I couldn't get it to work on smaller chars like pyhrra, leixia and to a lesser content natsu.
Some chars like viola or pat only worked on closer distance to the wall, while being more distant would cause a whiff and than there were bigger chars like raph that would work from almost all distances.

You can generally decrease the chances of whiffing by being closer to the wall (where at some point it even works against natsu and in rare occasions even on phyrra and leixia) and by not being totally perpendicular to the wall (which will apparently make it work on all chars).

On a sidenote, apparently the distance on where 1B turns into an auto throw is also dependent on character size - the smaller your opponent is, the closer you have to be.
Did some testing on b4 to the best of my ability. It's pretty difficult to get all versions on command (at least when you're testing every character consecutively) so forgive me if this vid looks super ghetto and inaccurate. I did mah bestest. The vid cut out at 25:00 - which is okay I guess. The bottom row of characters was missed, but I only tested αPat, Algol, and PyΩ, and results were all negative.

In summation, all characters blocked all versions of b4 consistently (if I didn't fuck up) except Pat and Dampierre. Both the slowest and fastest commands hit Patroklos, but anywhere in the middle of that seemed to whiff. ALL versions but the fastest "jf" version whiffed on Dampierre. I would strongly recommend refraining altogether from using b4 against him...

Also, I don't know a lot about Tira - I wasn't sure how to get her into Gloomy so I could test that stance at the beginning of a round, but I ended up saying fuggit. Vid is uploading as I type.

Also tested some 1B w! A+B stuff. It's relatively consistent with the top row of characters so far, except Leixia and Pyrrha. For those two, A+B whiffs more often than not - sometimes entirely, depending on range and wall angle. It seems to work better for Pyrrha if you're actually just off axis. Will do more testing later.
If there's a patch coming up...

• 2KKKK must be a complete combo on grounded opponents; 1B W!~2KKKK was my favorite choice in SCIV; why Siegfried have to do moonwalking using one leg after just 2KK?

I agree with all the whiffing stuff, but I do believe Namco won't do any about fixing it... so no more Siegfried's players can win tournaments...

I will need to find a psychic School so I get a better YOMI rate in every match...
If there's a patch coming up...

• 2KKKK must be a complete combo on grounded opponents; 1B W!~2KKKK was my favorite choice in SCIV; why Siegfried have to do moonwalking using one leg after just 2KK?
As much as i agree about that move being totally broken stupid bad, there is no clue right now about that move's whiffing not being intended. I thought about adding it to the list to troll namco though. lol
I agree with all the whiffing stuff, but I do believe Namco won't do any about fixing it... so no more Siegfried's players can win tournaments...
Hmm lets see about that. At least we can try, right? Thats better than just whining about the whiffs. Positive thinking!

@ Nightblade
Wow that was quick with the video. Nice job!
I have to say though, that it wont show up for me so far. (maybe it hasn't finished uploading)
Yea, it's a long vid, so it took a while to process. Should be up now, though.
Thanks for uploading, i kind of like your commentary :D
Its probably better for future videos though, if we just record the stuff thats not working and make them really short like 1 min or so. So that namco just see's the whiffs and what needs to be fixed. Quality was totally ok btw imo.

Regarding B4, the whiffs i was actually referring to were against standing opponents not blocking. I had no idea that it would even whiff against some chars on block!

There's also much more whiffing going on when they are not blocking. I just tested a hand full of chars but out of those there was a lot of whiffs. Try it against xiba and natsu for example.

I kind of believe i have figured out the pattern on when it whiffs and when not. All the whiffs happen on chars when they are standing "sidewards" to siegfried, so with their shoulder facing towards sieg (sry english isn't my first language, i hope you get what i mean). For some chars thats the case when they are not blocking (like xiba, natsu or leixia) and for some thats the case when they are blocking (like pat and damp).
As much as i agree about that move being totally broken stupid bad, there is no clue right now about that move's whiffing not being intended. I thought about adding it to the list to troll namco though. lol

I find it hard to believe that the only purpose they intended 2KKKKK to have is being used to get 190 damage wall combo + tech traps.
I find it hard to believe that the only purpose they intended 2KKKKK to have is being used to get 190 damage wall combo + tech traps.
Me too but its hard to believe that they didn't noticed that it literally always whiffs.
I can add it to the list but how do you want to me to formulate this:
  • 2KKKKK: The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th hit almost always whiff in almost every situation?
Could a mod please change the title? Outdated threadtitle is outdated.

Btw, according to belial, namco will continue to release glitch fixing patches like this one, so there is no reason to stop searching for sieg whiffs and other glitches. Keep posting stuff you've found.
I changed the title, but since I'm a smartass and you didn't specify what you wanted it changed to, this is what you get - a ripoff of one of White Wolf's games.

(let me know what to change it to)
I changed the title, but since I'm a smartass and you didn't specify what you wanted it changed to, this is what you get - a ripoff of one of White Wolf's games.

(let me know what to change it to)
Whatever, that title works for me :P
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