Siegfried: The Whiffing (Version 1.03)

I would like to add some more information on the whiffing of B (or (B)) against downed opponents.
B will never hit characters like: Leixia, Viola, Pyrrha, Pyrrha Ω, Yoshimitsu and Raphael (all face up, possibly face down as well, I didn't test). On the other characters it whiffs differently.
For example: B hits Hilde and Siegfried only if their feet are towards you and you hit those (Face Up). All other areas make B whiff.
B hits Patroklos if you are at his right-down side (Face up feet towards you) only if you 6665B, but there is a possibility of random whiffing.
B hits A Patroklos if you are at his feet if you run, stop, B, and at his right down side. (Face Up Feet Towards)
And so on...
Yeah it is quite ridiculous, but against downed opponents we use 3B, 1K, etc...

Other stuff: SSH B whiffs against downed opponents sometimes and could cause a situation similar to B (hitting only specific body parts of different characters). Also the second and third hit of A+B may whiff on downed opponents. The second move will hit if you are on their left/right side only yet, but I cannot promise anything about the third
Other stuff: SSH B whiffs against downed opponents sometimes and could cause a situation similar to B (hitting only specific body parts of different characters). Also the first hit of A+B may whiff on downed opponents (it whiffed on Leixia)
I thought that SSH B hit mid. I dont remember it hitting anybody grounded(I dont use it much though.)
It hit my downed Zwei at his waist and did 27 dmg, but I'll check tomorrow again.

EDIT: I found the same stuff, SSH B hit downed opponent (Leixia) at her waist. Other parts would cause a whiff.
And yeah some mid vertical moves may be OTG as well, which means that they wit grounded opponents as well. Another example is 3B, it is a mid but it hits grounded too...
I really hope the 66A gets fixed because that drives me nuts watching Siegfried's sword go right through their face.
The problem is, that its too reactable. People just duck under it and punish you. It may work against less experienced players but against good ones it will only do you harm. Not really usable at high lvl at all.
66A is kinda good actually. There's a use. It kills whiff punish attempts. IT makes people not want to whiff punish you. Throw it out once and it shakes them up. especially in a tournament, when up against whiff punish heavy opponents.

I hate the 22_88BB whiffing after SRSH :(
66A is kinda good actually. There's a use. It kills whiff punish attempts. IT makes people not want to whiff punish you. Throw it out once and it shakes them up. especially in a tournament, when up against whiff punish heavy opponents.

I hate the 22_88BB whiffing after SRSH :(
hi! :D hey is the auto GI window for 66A an early one? I know its faster than his B+K window=o
66A is kinda good actually. There's a use. It kills whiff punish attempts. IT makes people not want to whiff punish you. Throw it out once and it shakes them up. especially in a tournament, when up against whiff punish heavy opponents.

I hate the 22_88BB whiffing after SRSH :(
How do you utilize it exactly? I am asking because i have some problems with dealing with people who abuse this tactic. Right now i am trying to close some distance and throw out some iaga's because even if it whiffs its really safe (should be around -13 on JG).
I tried using 66A/SRSH A on ultra long range but it usually never did good things for me. Normally they just duck it and the momentum shifts in their favor.

I actually don't have whiffing problems with 22_88 B, as long as i am using 2 on 1P and 8 on 2P.
I actually don't have whiffing problems with 22_88 B, as long as i am using 2 on 1P and 8 on 2P.
Funny thing I've noticed is when using it to whiff punish on it has super tracking to the right. Like every other move in this game. Lol
I had my 22_88BB whiff after SRSH B 4 fucking times in a row, it lost me a round and a game in two of those cases I was not happy lol.
After SRSH B or SBH B it's better to use 22B instead of 88B (well it can whiff too, but less often).
Against some character it's the opposite. For example against pyrrah it's better to use 88B.
So every time you are wokring a match up, you should look at this. Know your whiffs...
Yes its true, for some reason pyrrha has a very weird hitbox with siegs verticals. When you use 22BB on 1P a slight teching from her makes you whiff easily, 88B on the other hand works.
Apparently siegs BnB is char dependent lol.
After SRSH B or SBH B it's better to use 22B instead of 88B (well it can whiff too, but less often).
Against some character it's the opposite. For example against pyrrah it's better to use 88B.
So every time you are wokring a match up, you should look at this. Know your whiffs...
Facepalm you got to be kidding me...
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