Siegfried Videos

Here are some videos Zuzu uploaded of me playing his Tira. I don't have a capture card so I can't actually record them myself.

- Nice, but I notice you two end up exchanging attacks a lot - needs more movement around the board for better mind games and whiff punishing opportunities etc - If you weren't from Aus/Nzl I would ask to play you, but we would probably have a 1 bar connection.....

exchanging attacks or pedestrian movement makes you much easier to read and easier to JG - indeed, he JG's you regularly - a few button/unblockable cancels wouldn't go a miss either.
Yea maybe but remember that these were on that 3 bar Aus to NZ connection and two of those matches were from a few months back... wait omg I uploaded 1 of them twice and not the third one I am a retard give me a sec...

Edit: Oh yea now that I have posted the third video out of curiosity what attacks does Sieg have to cancel that you think I should be using Caspian? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Also I don't really unblockable cancel with Sieg because well it is a useless i66 move... I don't know if I can scare or mindfuck someone with UB cancels from that move because it is so bad.

I definitely agree that I get JGed a bit too much, that is why I go for so many grabs but Zuzu might be option select JGing, I should get around to asking him at some point. But thanks for the constructive criticism man I appreciate it.

PS. We definitely would have a one bar, I have 1-2 bars with anyone outside of NZ-Aussie. And to Aussie NZ only gets 3 bars why internet why... why no constant 4-5 bar.
Okay, here are two from last night. Every time you see 2K, it was supposed to be 1K, by the way.

Pretty scrubby players (not this guy, but just using round 1 here for example) can beat me pretty easily with nothing but constant pressure and mixups if I don't know which animations mean which exactly or I misread them (or simply predict wrong). I was all set to do SBH kBE at the end of round 2, when I saw he'd stood up, didn't think he'd possibly let me hit him with another SBH A, did it anyway, and... hence what I said earlier about low spam.

It still haven't figured out how to know for sure what kind of launch you get with a successful 3(B) - which is why I wasted the crumple stun in round 5 against ZOo00OOm doing SCH KK because I had been predicting a launch. I also couldn't think of a move other than A+B that would definitely hit him after the guard break in round 4 (if I'd known he was definitely going to break then, I wouldn't have done 6K). I thought he'd be watching for a low poke after that, but really should have done just BB rather than BBB out of SSH to be on the safe side.
Too much SBH A bro.
I'm trying to become better able to recognize opportunities to use a wider variety of moves, though what happened with SBH A is I became overly dependent on it when I found I could use it to teach a lot of opponents to always block low and then kill them with 88BB, 66B, SBH kBE, SBH B CE, etc.
Thx for uploading.
I noticed in the alpha fight you were using 22BB way too much. That move is quite unsafe on block and only safe against some chars due to pushback. Alpha on the other hand though, has no problems to punish from range, so you really shouldn't use it in that MU unless you are spacing it at tip range. I am also not quite sure how safe it is against tira, i believe she has options to punish you from range too but you weren't getting punished by the player so its ok.
In those MUs you could use 99B, 99K or 22A instead for example.

I have to second MKH Spartan with SBH A, its launcher punishable and fairly easy to block on reaction, so be really careful to use it. It works wonders against people who dont know the MU but if your opponent shows you otherwise...
Yea maybe but remember that these were on that 3 bar Aus to NZ connection and two of those matches were from a few months back... wait omg I uploaded 1 of them twice and not the third one I am a retard give me a sec...

Edit: Oh yea now that I have posted the third video out of curiosity what attacks does Sieg have to cancel that you think I should be using Caspian? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Also I don't really unblockable cancel with Sieg because well it is a useless i66 move... I don't know if I can scare or mindfuck someone with UB cancels from that move because it is so bad.

I definitely agree that I get JGed a bit too much, that is why I go for so many grabs but Zuzu might be option select JGing, I should get around to asking him at some point. But thanks for the constructive criticism man I appreciate it.

PS. We definitely would have a one bar, I have 1-2 bars with anyone outside of NZ-Aussie. And to Aussie NZ only gets 3 bars why internet why... why no constant 4-5 bar.

Thx for your response and no problem - I was concerned that I might get flamed for my input, so was pleased - Although the unblockable itself is pure garbage, you can cancel it almost instantly and you would be surprised with how those split second flames mess with your opponents head - The other thing I mentioned was button cancels - As I am sure you are aware, you can cancel a basic A,B or K input by pressing G immediately after - Like the unb cancel, used sparingly, this can really help to unsettle your opponent for that split second (plus it looks sexy, which to me and my trolly style of play is very important lol) giving u a higher chance of getting whatever mixup you are going for - An example I would quote would be Keev's NM - 1A with NM is scrubby garbage for the most part, but throw it out after an UB cancel and bang, it is suddenly usable lol.... - Shame we can't play, but on that type of connection, it would be a waste of both our times.

Okay, here are two from last night. Every time you see 2K, it was supposed to be 1K, by the way.

Pretty scrubby players (not this guy, but just using round 1 here for example) can beat me pretty easily with nothing but constant pressure and mixups if I don't know which animations mean which exactly or I misread them (or simply predict wrong). I was all set to do SBH kBE at the end of round 2, when I saw he'd stood up, didn't think he'd possibly let me hit him with another SBH A, did it anyway, and... hence what I said earlier about low spam.

It still haven't figured out how to know for sure what kind of launch you get with a successful 3(B) - which is why I wasted the crumple stun in round 5 against ZOo00OOm doing SCH KK because I had been predicting a launch. I also couldn't think of a move other than A+B that would definitely hit him after the guard break in round 4 (if I'd known he was definitely going to break then, I wouldn't have done 6K). I thought he'd be watching for a low poke after that, but really should have done just BB rather than BBB out of SSH to be on the safe side.

Derlindwurm - we should play man - send me a msg (full FL at the moment - sorry) next time your on and we can do some Sieg mirrors - As the others said, too much SBH A - I cant remember the last time I used it, I would concentrate on 1K, 2A and his just low and forget about that move almost entirely - also 2A+B IS useable with the right timing, stepping and mixup/mind game if required and you can of course get the K~BE for good damage after a successful hit - I like to step up close and then do it, as my opponent would generally be expecting a grab at that point or (caspian exclusive lol) do a back jump and go straight into it - works wonders, believe me! - Anyway get at me man, either over XBL or on here for some games^^
In those MUs you could use 99B, 99K or 22A instead for example.
I do like 99_66_33B, but the crouch afterward bugs me - seems like it leaves me vulnerable to mid retaliation if it's blocked and less able to capitalize on the knockdown if it hits. Where's best to go from there?

I've also noticed that I miss a lot with 33_99K, though other Siegfrieds hit me out of step with it very easily. Timing, I guess.
I do like 99_66_33B, but the crouch afterward bugs me - seems like it leaves me vulnerable to mid retaliation if it's blocked and less able to capitalize on the knockdown if it hits. Where's best to go from there?
If think you confuse 99B with something else. Its essentially like your 3B only from step. 66B is very unsafe, only use it when its spaced out on tip range, where it becomes pushback safe.
If think you confuse 99B with something else. Its essentially like your 3B only from step. 66B is very unsafe, only use it when its spaced out on tip range, where it becomes pushback safe.
Oops, yes, I did. My brain still interprets the notation weirdly sometimes.
Rare footage of me actually being recorded from last week's Global Colosseum match with Schneider. GGs and thanks to him for the uploads. I don't know why I didn't just do SCH B after 3B CH instead of going for a mix-up attempt. Also, do not mind my CaS.

Haha... CAS wankery... I'm never guilty of any of that myself! *angelic look*

I've started almost always going for SRSH B against higher level players since it's like they've become programmed to duck for the kick. Intersting that K was getting this guy so often. And yeah, a 3(B)/WR (B) launch is your best chance to go for a real combo with Siegfried, so it's best to take advantage of it, though for a while I also got into the habit of going into base hold for a mixup any time I got a good launch. It actually worked a bit better for me since I rarely get a high enough launch for a guaranteed SCH B (it has to be on counter or is range also an issue?) and any practically any time I try for K or K BE out of SCH I miss somehow (despite how easy it is to get in training.)

Plain agA certainly does help for lack of iagA - if I could just get that down it would help tremendously.

I prefer SRSH B or K mix-ups and SSH A or B mix-ups. SRSH for close-up oki if I feel like having to rushdown or SSH for ranged mix-ups. I personally don't find SBH that great in terms of mix-ups.

Also, I couldn't quite understand what you were saying about SCH B about being a counter or range. SCH K BE is actually pretty easy to do, but yea for agA, you've got to practice that a lot. It's easier to hotkey it and slide to get iagA, but I stopped doing that because I wanted to get into the habit of plinking it.
Also, I couldn't quite understand what you were saying about SCH B about being a counter or range.
How high they get launched by 3(B) varies. And if it's at long range they just crumple back and if you're lucky they're still in range of a ground hit from SCH B. I meant when it really launches them I have trouble juggling them with K or K BE. Though I have had some success with K tonight so far.
So, after a month and a half here are two more. I've been using agA a lot more in the past few weeks, but not at all in these matches against Omega because it seems so automatic that she'll be doing something that goes under it. Same with 6A. So, I used lots of 22 and 88 A. I also tried to poke more rather than going for as many kamikaze YOLO 22 and 88 BBs. Some spectacular 2(A+B) whiffs at short range - I really need to stop trying that at such short range, actually. I often waste wall splats when I do 2(A+B) and it just whiffs.

Wow did YouTube ever screw up the quality of these videos.
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