Siegfried Videos

I've never had the WR B followup be out of range. 3B won't launch usually but WR B has yet to fail me. What are his alternative combo options at that range off 44A? I have a feeling 66B should work.
The wrB wont connect at tip range, after a GI this will normally be the case.
You can still save the combo with a CE though. If you immedtiately do the CE, you will get 100 dmg instead of 72 because you still hit them "standing" for better scaling.

For meterless, you can use 66A+B and 66B for different ranges. 66A+B combos for 62 dmg when you are just slightly out of range for wrB and 66B is for everything else, the dmg is a little bit unmanly in comparison though (46 dmg). At absolute tip range only CE connects.
I totally forgot about 66KBE reverse RO potentiel.
It's funny because I wrote it on the guide. Maybe because the SCHKBE relaunch doesn't seens as consitant as a I thought. I will do more test about it.

About 44A : On my side I`m used to go for 11A instead of 44A because of SCIV. In SCIV after the hit 11 o 77A kept the opponent closer. Maybe it`s still the case.
I totally forgot about 66KBE reverse RO potentiel.
It's funny because I wrote it on the guide. Maybe because the SCHKBE relaunch doesn't seens as consitant as a I thought. I will do more test about it.
The 2B+K for reverse RO works pretty well. 8B+K for front and side RO is character specific though (mainly works on smaller females).

About 44A : On my side I`m used to go for 11A instead of 44A because of SCIV. In SCIV after the hit 11 o 77A kept the opponent closer. Maybe it`s still the case.
Yes thats still the case. Thats also why you usually wont have issues when you use 11_77 A for whiffpunishment - the wrB will usually connect.
Post GI you need to use 44A though, since 11A would be 10 frames slower and therefore you wont be able to beat immediate reGI anymore.

If you anticipate a delayed reGI imo SBH B is a better choice because 11/77A might get ducked and both moves deal the same dmg.
11A would be 10 frames slower and therefore you wont be able to beat immediate reGI anymore.

On my side it's working very well. The 10 frame more were never a problem.

If you anticipate a delayed reGI imo SBH B is a better choice because 11/77A might get ducked and both moves deal the same dmg.
If you want to stay safe on this point I think it's better to go for a delay 3B or dash 3B or a_bG cancel to 3B/iWSB. More safe but less reward. 6B+K to SRSH can also give you a free mix up and decent damage with the B.
BTW about safe option after a GI, throws are the safest one I guess.

About 66KBE for reverso RO after a GI : it works but you need a specific angle. I guess I will stay on 1B.
For meterless, you can use 66A+B and 66B for different ranges. 66A+B combos for 62 dmg when you are just slightly out of range for wrB and 66B is for everything else, the dmg is a little bit unmanly in comparison though (46 dmg). At absolute tip range only CE connects.
Little correction: 22BB connects and has more range and dmg than 66A+B, so that is your preferred option.
nice job jink! im glad to see you're still around!

you did pretty well in these videos ^-^ but you should maybe try to be a little more conservative in how you step. i noticed that it got you hit quite a bit in the earlier matches.

just like me, it might be good for you to work on your oki game a little bit. try to lock the opponent down a little more, especially if they like to do crap like 214B on wakeup - however you did adapt to 3A to try to shut them down anways, and it worked well enough. infact if they're really insistent on being aggressive, you might be able to CH confirm a few 1AA's against them. but stuff like FC grabs, run up 2_8B+K ~ SCH B, 1K, 6B+K SRSH transitions in certain cases, and sometimes even trying to get fastest b4 blocks can be useful. b6 can be nice too if they insist on getting up immediately, because it allows you to force them to stop what they're doing without sacrificing range for speed. also moar b6 anyways!!! its a really awesome move, and its especially great when you need to interrupt something, or you need a very fast poke/whiff punish. neutral on hit isnt super great, but hey at range where they'd have to normally move closer to hit you, its gold!

i noticed you like to sit in stance alot, but hey if it works, dont fix it! just be aware of the dangers that can pose however.

other than that the only other thing i can think of is how you were dealing with 1KB stuff. i dont know if lag was a factor, but assuming it wasnt, why not duck it and WR B? or at least block the low. it looked like you were trying to step it.

your ivy buddy likes to press too many buttons by the looks of things =P you should tell him to tone it down a bit - its part of what defeated him XD

in anycase GGs jink! thanks for sharing! and its good to see you again!
I suppose I could put up my SCV matches that I have recorded.

These are the only decent connection games I have recorded. Everything else is 1-2 bar games lol.
nice job jink! im glad to see you're still around!

you did pretty well in these videos ^-^ but you should maybe try to be a little more conservative in how you step. i noticed that it got you hit quite a bit in the earlier matches.

just like me, it might be good for you to work on your oki game a little bit. try to lock the opponent down a little more, especially if they like to do crap like 214B on wakeup - however you did adapt to 3A to try to shut them down anways, and it worked well enough. infact if they're really insistent on being aggressive, you might be able to CH confirm a few 1AA's against them. but stuff like FC grabs, run up 2_8B+K ~ SCH B, 1K, 6B+K SRSH transitions in certain cases, and sometimes even trying to get fastest b4 blocks can be useful. b6 can be nice too if they insist on getting up immediately, because it allows you to force them to stop what they're doing without sacrificing range for speed. also moar b6 anyways!!! its a really awesome move, and its especially great when you need to interrupt something, or you need a very fast poke/whiff punish. neutral on hit isnt super great, but hey at range where they'd have to normally move closer to hit you, its gold!

i noticed you like to sit in stance alot, but hey if it works, dont fix it! just be aware of the dangers that can pose however.

other than that the only other thing i can think of is how you were dealing with 1KB stuff. i dont know if lag was a factor, but assuming it wasnt, why not duck it and WR B? or at least block the low. it looked like you were trying to step it.

your ivy buddy likes to press too many buttons by the looks of things =P you should tell him to tone it down a bit - its part of what defeated him XD

in anycase GGs jink! thanks for sharing! and its good to see you again!
Thanks Slay. All I'm focused is Just Guarding more & more. After making it 2nd nature, then no more obvious accidents :)
Now, more vids:
Jona-Youme sig vs NM multi JGs :D
JonaYoume sig vs Tira 7K knockBack long RO
JonaYoume sig vs Lara ivy
JonaYoume sig vs NM Unb punish CE

Jona-Youme sig vs ChaozGamer taki 1of8
Jona-Youme sig vs ChaozGamer nm 2of8
JonaYoume sig vs ChaozGamer asta 3of8
JonaYoume sig vs ChaozGamer asta 4of8
Jona-Youme sig vs ChaozGamer asta 5of8
JonaYoume sig vs ChaozGamer asta 6of8
JonaYoume sig vs ChaozGamer asta 7of8
JonaYoume sig vs ChaozGamer asta 8of8 Multi JGs

JonaYoume raph vs Sig
JonaYoume sig vs Antics_R_Us vol
JonaYoume sig vs LP pat

JonaYoume Sig vs Pat SSH'B punish to CE
JonaYoume Sig vs pat SSH'B punish plus JGs
I will tell you "wtf". :-)
But first it's SCH not SBH, and second it's a missed agA, so A+G.

How to it :

1) You have to delay the SCH kBE, but not too much. The opponent doesn't have to hit the ground.
2) You have to grab exactly when the opponent's head is hitting the ground. If you missed the step 1, the head won't hit the ground anyway.
3) The opponent has to guard.

Against some character you can have a backthrow sometimes. But that also depend of the range.
It does work with 3B and B+G as well.
But because of the required conditions it's very hard to perform, and not really usefull. I tried to use this in the past, but I gave up pretty fast.

Why is this happening ? Ask Namco hahaha.
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You are welcome.

Well, maybe you will be able to master it one day. But yes it seems inconsistant, and your opponent does not have to know about it.
On my side I just prefer to do the regular combo, since it is the best way with Siegfried to do damage.

It is like Siegfried's CH 3B combo super. On the paper it is awesome, but too much conditions and no consistancy.

Btw if you keep working on the character, don't hesitate to post again. Maybe you will discover interesting stuff.
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