Siegfried Videos

Nice stuff, but I'd still do agA and alternate between it with 3B. Yes, Omega is scary with her Nemesis Step. You could always ask Heaton about that lol. I would also do more 3K and 1K kicks if she's up close, also mix up some grabs, even if they are broken you can put yourself back into Sieg's optimal space range for agA or 3B again.

If you've ducked a grab, try using WR B. I would also get into the habit of using SCH K BE if you have meter, in which case you did. For example, in the first video you could've rung Omega out when you 3B'd her near the edge. If you followed up with SCH K BE that is.

Also, I wouldn't go for 2A+B too much and your doing a bit too much random 7*8*9 Ks in the first video, unless you want to be Jimbonator that is. You should also get into the habit of using B6 from agA/3B tip range, also a nice and fast punisher. 6A is alright, it's just for that get off me, but you did some pretty cool 22*88As. If you've knocked someone down, that would be a good time to mix up B4 and 22*88BB strings on their oki. You could also opt for SRSH B and K mix-ups or SSH A and B string mix-ups on oki.

Also, in the second video, when you hit Omega with SBH K, you can follow-up with 3B. When in doubt, 3B.

All in all, nice work.
Most of this is good advice man but two things:

1.I don't think SSH mix-ups on oki would work, just get up in low guard and react to the mid OR get up in standing and react to the low, either way I don't think it would work well on good players.
2.SBH K into 3B is techable to Siegfried's left I believe. 1K is the only guaranteed option I'm pretty sure.

All the rest of your advice is good advice however in my opinion.
If you've ducked a grab, try using WR B. I would also get into the habit of using SCH K BE if you have meter, in which case you did. For example, in the first video you could've rung Omega out when you 3B'd her near the edge. If you followed up with SCH K BE that is.
I think I could've clinched round 5 sooner if I'd done SCH kBE too since I got the low launch off WR(B). Whenever I get the high counter launch I use just plain SCH B for guaranteed damage since I tend to do SCH kBE too soon and it just goes under them while they're still in the air. I need to time it better, but most of all remember to do it when I get a low launch. If I'd been able to think fast enough, 4A would definitely have gotten me a ring out at the end of round 3 too.

You could also opt for SRSH B and K mix-ups or SSH A and B string mix-ups on oki
One thing I've been experimenting with lately is SSH (A) SRSH B on wakeup. I noticed that even experienced players almost always got hit by the first low of 1AA but got low to block the second, so doing (A) instead of AA from SSH turns it into a mixup. They have to fall right in front of you, though, else the step back and push from SSH (A) puts them out of range for SRSH B. It has worked on some people when I was close enough (like Spartan said, good players would most likely react in time BUT they do have a tendency to assume that K and not B is coming whenever they see you in SRSH).

Just don't over do it with the SSH A on wakeup. Players still get hit by 1A or similar strings imo because hardly any Sieg players will use that. Now if I could find a use for 44K besides being a crappy combo ender, then that'd be awesome.
If you want to use an attack like SSH A or 1A on wake up you might as well use 22ka:2A so you atleast get advantage on hit or a ch if the oppone nt tries to step. -15 so you wont eat big punishes like wr B but still should be wary. But yeah sieg is scary at +3
If you want to use an attack like SSH A or 1A on wake up you might as well use 22ka:2A so you atleast get advantage on hit or a ch if the oppone nt tries to step. -15 so you wont eat big punishes like wr B but still should be wary. But yeah sieg is scary at +3
The only issue with this is that it doesnt hit grounded like 1A does, which means a player can just lay there, wait for you to 22_88ka:2A, react and punish/at least mix you up on block, or they can lay there, get up and whiff punish.mix you up. its nice to get the +3 on block, and it will probably work if they dont expect it, but even so i wouldnt depend wholly on it - if you find your opponent is rolling to your strong side, you may find 1A comes in handy. whats also nice is its very difficult to punish 1A blocked when spaced properly, and it also has fear advantage.
Some of the matches from GC Tuesday this week.

vs. Aeon: Too bad I couldn't close out round 1. That would have spared me round 5. 3A was working really well against this guy because his stepping was very predictable (helps me know what it's like for opponents facing me!)

vs. Astaroth: I had him in round 4! A B+G flapjack would have won it after he stood up while I was on the ledge, but I got too excited and not only stood up before throwing but did A+G instead of B+G anyway.

vs. Tira: Watch me make all the wrong calls on wakeup. Though too much crouching was the main problem. I need to adjust more quickly to players who aren't almost always going to do lows or throws. I also had the perfect chance for a back-turned SCH B but it never occurs to me to do that until it's too late (won that round anyway, at least).

vs. Kilik: Kilik's bullrush hitbox when he is in Astaroth mode is totally LOL.

vs. Algol: What happened after the guard break in round 5? I was in FC after doing 66B, I tried to do WR(B) and.... nothing happened. I'm lucky I hung on to win after that.

not bad; in my opinion though lacking too often to capitalize on the damage ... for instance in match against algol after having broken the armor you haven't used the CE or two aimed after bk 6 b (confirmed) doesn't have capitalized using 88bb but with 3b which does less damage; for the rest, after 3b hold I noticed that you don't rank ever (you can do it btw a little backstep or stepforward) or vs lizard after 3a 1 ab (hold) you haven't used k be ... also try to use 66b when you throw it the opponent to the ground, if rolls u hit for a lot of dmg and if you do this from a good distance doesn't always come punished; good choice the 6b against lizard his strong "A" game: Anyway, GG!
not bad; in my opinion though lacking too often to capitalize on the damage ... for instance in match against algol after having broken the armor you haven't used the CE
I kind of... don't really use Siegfried's CE unless I get a launch with SBH B. In this particular instance, like I said, I was going to do WR(B) since I was crouched after doing 66B and I'm not sure why nothing happened.

after 3b hold I noticed that you don't rank ever (you can do it btw a little backstep or stepforward)
That's me trying to get SCH B out as quickly as I can, though I ought to try re-aligning with a step back more often, especially fi that makes it harder to step (not sure if it is, though).
Ok, so since i switched to omega, i had to switch back to pad in order to DNS B properly. as you can imagine this affected my iagA inputs in a not so nice way. so without further ado, i present me sucking at iagA vs randoms(they were really good sports about things...even after getting repeatedly DNS B'd...):
Just don't over do it with the SSH A on wakeup. Players still get hit by 1A or similar strings imo because hardly any Sieg players will use that. Now if I could find a use for 44K besides being a crappy combo ender, then that'd be awesome.
GI into 44K when your opponent has meter....
SBH B, 44A, and 1B are all good post-GI delay options. 1B in particular can be great because it beats immediate re-GI and no-reGI, plus that sexy reverse RO. Only problem is not getting an AT from it if you're too far away when you GI.
You guys are lucky - your mirror matches are really fun, I had no idea.

Anyway, here's a FT3 in mirror matches against Silent_Joel. When I look back, I can see plenty of stuff going unpunished like 3B stance cancels and whatnot, but there were some pretty nice moments in there, and it was damn close.

He's the green one and I'm the purple one.
. Only problem is not getting an AT from it if you're too far away when you GI.

Yes and that is a big problem. Sometimes I try it near the edge, but it doesn't connect so often.
3aA is IMO the best option after a GI. If you do it as fast as possible it's about the same speed as 1B (so the same advantages against the re-gi ;-) ). Dash 3B is combo for 60 damage. CE also connects.
The only problem is that 3aA is not easy to buff after a gi. But well Siegfried = lot of work, nothing new.

About SBH B, I never tried this. What do you do exactly ? GI > B+K SBH B ? It seems interesting.
Yes and that is a big problem. Sometimes I try it near the edge, but it doesn't connect so often.
3aA is IMO the best option after a GI. If you do it as fast as possible it's about the same speed as 1B (so the same advantages against the re-gi ;-) ). Dash 3B is combo for 60 damage. CE also connects.
The only problem is that 3aA is not easy to buff after a gi. But well Siegfried = lot of work, nothing new.

About SBH B, I never tried this. What do you do exactly ? GI > B+K SBH B ? It seems interesting.
SBH B doesnt connect when they immediately reGI but if they delay it a bit, it works.
Technically 44A works better because it beats immediate reGI, only problem is that most of the time the follow up wrB wont reach.

Because of that i personally really like 22B, which is very consistent and still quite damaging.

3aA sounds sweet on paper but i really think its impractical because of the tight bufferwindow (although i guess its only a matter of time until some crazy asian guy will pop up and prove me wrong lol).
1B isnt a bad option imo. The dmg is pretty low with 28 but its benefits are that its slow enough to beat immediate reGI and if they do, the AT will usually connect.

If the player really doesn't want to reGI, i'd stick to 3A for 46 dmg meterless or 3B personally (even though its quite meter intensive).
Yes and that is a big problem. Sometimes I try it near the edge, but it doesn't connect so often.
Eh, it's more about knowing the ranges it works at than just doing it and hoping the AT works. It's like Ivy FC 1B, the ranges at which it stuns opponents instead of launching them is character specific.
Besides, if you really really want that reverse RO you can use a delayed 66[K] BE instead for a lot more meter.

Technically 44A works better because it beats immediate reGI, only problem is that most of the time the follow up wrB wont reach.
I've never had the WR B followup be out of range. 3B won't launch usually but WR B has yet to fail me. What are his alternative combo options at that range off 44A? I have a feeling 66B should work.
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