Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

"A Hero Is Born

Fight 10 ranked matches online with a character made in Character Creation."

So it's confirmed.
these two trophies:

Farewell to a Bleak Winter

Complete the main story of Libra of Soul with the scales tipped towards good.

Warrior’s Respite

Complete the main story of Libra of Soul with the scales tipped towards evil.

means you have to play Libra of Souls twice?
EXACTLY. Do not buy the season pass until you know exactly what you are getting.
All you have to do is just buy the base game, and then the season pass separately when they reveal what's in it.
The deluxe edition does not have exclusive content and you can purchase SP at any time.
So there is no reason to blind buy at all.


I have a reason; I already planned on getting all the DLC. Mainly for the characters so I can study match-ups and I want access to Tira as soon as possible while also saving money since she's a bonus. Of course, I still hope the season pass isn't full of characters and customisation items I don't care about, but I need everything. The physical Deluxe edition does have exclusive content (steelbook & soundtrack cd). I wanted to get that one, but it's not available in Europe for some idiotic reason.
Do we know if it's possible to change stage during character creation? So far I've only seen the main one and the libra one. Be a shame if not since sc4 had this feature (although it was ommited in SCV)

EDIT- there's also a "bgm" option in CaS submenu from controller options button. Do we know if this allows us to change the bgm or just toggle it off like in SCV?
If they're going to allow CaS in ranked I might as well cancel my pre-order now. I wanted to play Soulcalibur online, not some shitty devianart OC fighting game.