Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Maybe it is an unpopular opinion, but I don't consider 2P costumes "content". I would rather have a good variety of well designed game modes than a skin that adds nothing to the gameplay or the game.

2P costumes were just interesting to see what designs they came up with. It provided some nice alternative looks to characters. But it's no longer necessary in a game that has good customization. If CaS is as good as they claim then people can create their own alternative costumes for characters. I know that's what I'm gonna do as I did the same in SC4 because most of the 2P costumes in that game were ugly or boring.
I think the costume share feature is gonna be crucial at mitigating the absence of official 2P outfits. Some people understandably won't be willing to spend hours and hours in CaS creating alternative costumes for every single character, but if you can easily browse through hundreds of community-created alternatives with most popular ones on top of the list and get any costume you like in there in one click, you might end up being pleasantly surprised by people's creativity!
Good touch on the themes D, but so many Mitsurugi and Siegfried themes. Maybe those are the tracks you can choose.

But muh “If There Were Any Other Way” and “Destiny Awaits No One....”
Or maybe not, i have seen too many Voldos with a hairy dick in my days, yes guys its funny the first time but after the 100th time, you just wish they gave you the option to remove CAS characters from your screen and just fight them in their underware.
That’s actually pretty helpful for those who can connect with experts at screen capture for your custom characters. PS4 has the video editor which I’ll probably have to be well acquainted with for recording replays in training.
The way she words it makes me think it’s only meant to be for your own specific character tied to Libra of Souls, rather than a bank where people can freely upload their own creations and have a selection to choose from and download. If that’s the case I hope you can freely switch around which CaS you want to showcase on your profile.
The way she words it makes me think it’s only meant to be for your own specific character tied to Libra of Souls, rather than a bank where people can freely upload their own creations and have a selection to choose from and download. If that’s the case I hope you can freely switch around which CaS you want to showcase on your profile.

Fairly certain that's just because she's a native FR speaker. The point follows on immediately from the "100 slots" thing, meaning it's likely about CaS in general.

Besides, LoS is meant to be an secondary story mode, it'd be weird if THAT character was shareable but not others.
Every single feature they add is worthwhile: more characters, more singleplayer modes, intro cinematic, 2P costumes. Different features are more important than others, but that also depends on who you ask. You may think singleplayer modes are pointless, but there are plenty of people who would disagree. I can remember when SF5 got released a ton of fans went crazy because of the lack of an arcade mode. The complaints were loud enough that Capcom decided to make arcade mode one of the primary features of the next release.

I miss SC3. I feel like that's the only game in the series where Namco tried to satisfy every type of fan by going crazy with content. The game's one big downside is that it badly needed a patch. I'm not sure why you use SC3 as an example of content at expense of characters. SC3 included all characters from SC2 while introducing new ones.

They are not pointless, of course some option is required but it shouldnt be the primary focus. I dont have a PS4 so i dont know a lot about SF5 but an arcade mode is pretty basic and i imagine involves relatively small amounts of work. That isnt comparable to say something that involves role playing or strategy elements and stats.

I brought up SC 3 because of CotS, all the additional movesets and customization that came along with that. That was still pre-online match era. Where the developers didnt have to be concerned with online matches and all the challenges associated with that.

It had the most singleplayer content and it raised the bar for absurd demands and expectations in that regard.
I will be very honest here, I would have loved 2Ps, but I don't get the outcry for them. It feels like such a frivolous thing to get hung on about, just dress the rivals as each other and call it a day.

I will dress Sophie as Tira
Tira as Sophie and Groh as Z.W.E.I if his pieces are on there.
As long as there’s plenty of items that suit each character. And Voldo at least gets some of them BDSM masks that are exclusive for him.

It’s just that the loss in polish is a little annoying.
vinyl boxset
A side note, I have no jocking idea why vinyl still sells in this day in age. As someone who who used to DJ it was mearly a great tool to mix with. Also as someone who has written music and have written music with mastering engineers I can tell you that the so called "vinyl sound" is nothing more than those songs being mastered for analogue equipment and all you would need to do to give it that whomp is to remaster it for digital equipment. Hipster fashion is all this is and reminds me of the time Apple tried to market "better than CD quality audio songs" as if people have better hearing than a dog.