Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

They are not pointless, of course some option is required but it shouldnt be the primary focus. I dont have a PS4 so i dont know a lot about SF5 but an arcade mode is pretty basic and i imagine involves relatively small amounts of work. That isnt comparable to say something that involves role playing or strategy elements and stats.

I brought up SC 3 because of CotS, all the additional movesets and customization that came along with that. That was still pre-online match era. Where the developers didnt have to be concerned with online matches and all the challenges associated with that.

It had the most singleplayer content and it raised the bar for absurd demands and expectations in that regard.
Which why I would love a remastered of sc3. It wouldve been a good extra for scvi.
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Quality over quantity. Let the game work out its kinks before we start overloading it with stuff that can't all be fixed.
True but the reality is that the quantity of content in SC6 is anemic compaired to all past Soul Calibur game as we can clearly see with the absence of 2P constumes.
True but the reality is that the quantity of content in SC6 is anemic compaired to all past Soul Calibur game as we can clearly see with the absence of 2P constumes.
Soul Calibur VI has more content than any of the previous games just with what has been announced thus far and can be implied from the menu. Not sure why you think it has less quantity. What we are waiting on is to see if the quality is up to par with previous games.
True but the reality is that the quantity of content in SC6 is anemic compaired to all past Soul Calibur game as we can clearly see with the absence of 2P constumes.
The game has already more content than V or IV.

3 story modes:
-Libra of Souls (Which has RPG elements to it).

Extensive CaS with parts from bot IV and V + new ones

Character balance that seems to be heading in a good direction.

Yes, maybe we have a smaller roster but it is not like Namco gave this game the budget to go all out, unless you think adding things is free, I don' know you why you're always downplaying what is on the game so much.
While i agree with the 2P comments to an extent, the rest of what you said is complete nonsense. Vs battles is at the end of the day, the point of a fighting game. The movesets (characters) are what makes up a fighting game. Single player modes are just time wasting activities, on par with cell phone games. You dont need an extensive movelist and complicated mechanics, (half of which you will ignore anyway) just to clear through a game's story. There are plenty other types of games available to scratch that itch.

SC 3 has given ..."fans" the illusion that SC can branch into several areas other fighting games can not but as i pointed out earlier, all of this comes at the cost of something else.... characters for example. So if anyone ever happends to be pissed that your favorite character isnt making the roster, either on release or by DLC, you can thank the "fans" who demanded single player modes.

SC5 failed due to missing characters, not a lack of single player modes.
The fans of soul calibur expect those things. Soul calibur does not have the hard core fanbase you would need to get the shallow pure fighter you desire and would fail on multiple fronts. Soul calibur has become more than your badic fighter and there is no going back. At this point attempting to results in a loss of half soul caliburs fan base. Be a bitter hard core all you want but the game can't survive with our us casuals anymore. You need us or the game dies and the game you want would result in no casuals and a dead game.

That's fact.
The game has already more content than V or IV.

3 story modes:
-Libra of Souls (Which has RPG elements to it).

Extensive CaS with parts from bot IV and V + new ones

Character balance that seems to be heading in a good direction.

Yes, maybe we have a smaller roster but it is not like Namco gave this game the budget to go all out, unless you think adding things is free, I don' know you why you're always downplaying what is on the game so much.
It's not totally Namco's fault, they gave them more than enough time in my opinion, they could have pulled the plug a long time ago with how bad the start of the development was, so bad that they had to throw almost everything in the bin.
But in the same time they didn't really helped the game either, Okubo had to take the responsibility to finally push the game in the right direction.
They could have went for one of the old SC lead developers but apperently they didn't.
We sure are lucky to have Okubo, he had the balls, and we were lucky Namco didn't decided to shut the whole project.
I will be very honest here, I would have loved 2Ps, but I don't get the outcry for them. It feels like such a frivolous thing to get hung on about, just dress the rivals as each other and call it a day.

I will dress Sophie as Tira
Tira as Sophie and Groh as Z.W.E.I if his pieces are on there.
Honestly it's not hard or time consuming to create a 2p costume. Rendering maybe but still.
Honestly it's not hard or time consuming to create a 2p costume. Rendering maybe but still.
It takes time to come up with an idea that fits the character, then make concept art and deciding what to keep and what to modify. It kinda is time consuming especially if they actually lack more time.
Soul Calibur VI has more content than any of the previous games just with what has been announced thus far and can be implied from the menu. Not sure why you think it has less quantity. What we are waiting on is to see if the quality is up to par with previous games.
Singleplayer content seem beefy so far and that's very good, but there are some big indicators of cut corners: no 2P costumes, CAS system is taken straight from SC5 with minimal improvements (even basic options like faces are 100% identical), lots of re-used assets, and the biggest one: this could end up having a rather small roster.

I don't blame the development team (though I am extremely curious what kind of trouble they had early in development which nearly got the game cancelled), but I do wish Namco would have given them a bigger budget and more time. I personally don't care too much about some of the lacking features (the one thing I personally would love to see different is having more returning characters), I just really hope we don't get another situation like SC5 where reception and sales are poor and thus Namco decides to shelve the franchise for another bunch of years.

Hopefully I'm just being overly pessimistic and the game will be received well.
I will be very honest here, I would have loved 2Ps, but I don't get the outcry for them. It feels like such a frivolous thing to get hung on about, just dress the rivals as each other and call it a day.

I will dress Sophie as Tira
Tira as Sophie and Groh as Z.W.E.I if his pieces are on there.

I don’t get it either, yeah it’s a loss but I’m more concerned about character slots.

I know Cervantes is pretty much confirmed.

But Yun/Hwang, Setsuka, Raphael and Cassandra is who i’d Like to see if they can throw me off with a great brand new character I can do that too
You're calling a game that hasn't been released yet and is missing alternate costumes anemic.
Yes and I'm amazed you're trying to spin it another way. A Soul Calibur game has never been released without 2P costumes so it's basically cut the costume count by half and this isn't even including the fact that we have less characters than what was release in vanilla SC3 to SC5. Also look at how many stages that are in SC6 compared to past games. Pitiful.

Soul Calibur VI has more content than any of the previous games just with what has been announced thus far and can be implied from the menu. Not sure why you think it has less quantity.
Because I played SC3 to death and from experience SC4 content was far less and from observations SC5 had even less content than SC4. I can see just from what has been presented for SC6 is no way the size of SC3 content. SC3 is the gold standard for a reason when it comes to content.

The game has already more content than V or IV.

3 story modes:
-Libra of Souls (Which has RPG elements to it).

Extensive CaS with parts from bot IV and V + new ones

Character balance that seems to be heading in a good direction.

Yes, maybe we have a smaller roster but it is not like Namco gave this game the budget to go all out, unless you think adding things is free, I don' know you why you're always downplaying what is on the game so much.

I wouldn't say it has more content, more like content priorities were switched with the 2P constumes and stages being sacrificed.

Also I'm not downplaying, it's objective fact that SC6 has cut corners, stop defending the publisher's lack of investment into it's development, they know full well from experince (Dark Souls 3 Ashes of Ariandel for example) and observations of other publishers the negative PR and boycotts that come from anemic content. If there's not enough content then people will just not buy the game when it comes out, which BTW is the most important time for any game as it's when it has the most profitable sales.
Honestly it's not hard or time consuming to create a 2p costume. Rendering maybe but still.
You need to pay for- Designer-Modeler-People to prepare the hit boxes and collision detection.

Also I'm not downplaying, it's objective fact that SC6 has cut corners, stop defending the publisher's lack of investment into it's development, they know full well from experince (Dark Souls 3 Ashes of Ariandel for example) and observations of other publishers the negative PR and boycotts that come from anemic content. If there's not enough content then people will just not buy the game when it comes out, which BTW is the most important time for any game as it's when it has the most profitable sales.
I would like to point out that you think Tekken customization is good, you literally have not a leg to stand on objectivity. You're calling a game not out yet anemic while ignoring literally everything else shown, because "2Ps" out, while defending Tekken 7's customization, do you ever stop to actually think?
Apparently the soundtrack has Cassie’s and Raph’s themes... and Algol’s and Rock’s.

Cassie might have the style the Lizzy is using.
I think Algol's theme will be for the new mage guy as it definitely seems as if the Aval Organization might be connected to him in some way.
Well I think it’s just there as Boss Theme since Inferno wasn’t there in V.

But it always seems to be the same characters’ themes. Kind of wanted “If There Was Any Other Way” for when I run my fake arcade modes with my OCs’ Destined battles although that music in Groh’s trailer might be the new Destined Battle theme.