Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

What do you guys think about RE?
I've never been a fan of RE and after playing the Beta this hasn't changed at all.
In my opinion the overall "Risk/Reward" is way to heavy on the reward and the risk is pretty small or better say the "cost".
RE isn't OP, sure it can't block Breakattacks and unblockables, but that's no real risk against most chars - same goes for stepping RE.

What my problem with current RE is are the Soul Gauge cost if you miss the RE and the amount of meter you get from a succesful RE.
You get the Soul Gauge back if you parry with RE, that means there is a way to neutralize the "cost" (which isn't a real cost).
And you get around a half bar for a successful RE ? That's just ridicuouls the CS and SC use is stupidly high.

I think, RE should cost Soul Gauge for activating and not replenish it at all - just an example, with a non touched soul gauge, using RE 10 times will bring it down to red glow.
The new JG could replenish abit Soul Gauge (if it isn't already)
And about the Meter, 1/4 of a bar would be enough.
We do, but I don't want them shoehorned in. I like a boss character for single player modes and such a character by definition must be OP. Following on from that, I'm grateful PS made him playable, although I would've been fine with it either way. Since Inferno is playable, he obviously needs to be limited to off-line only for the competitive health of the game, otherwise it brings up issues of having to ban him in tournaments or having him over represented. Having said that, he could be allowed in unranked imo.
I guess I prefer quality over quantity and it seems like a very polished game. We will get more characters as DLC and although that's a dirty word for gamers it's certainly a good way to keep a publisher invested in supporting the game with content and balance/performance patches.
I'm all for DLC if it's good content, but I'm on the other side of the fence when it looks like a cash grab.

Fair enough, i'm just of the opposite opinion when it comes to bosses. The easy way for developers to make them broken is just let them break established rules. Such as infinite meter, increased damage, life, etc. Of course you want their abilities and appearnce to look over the top and scary but that doesnt mean the actual data on the move list needs to be any different than the rest of the cast. As an example lets say a boss character has absurd looking teleporting options, a possible way to tone that down is slow down the startup and recovery frames of it, making the character vulnerable. Or they could just straight up make a hit box for it so that it only looks like a teleport but its actually just invisible movement. I just feel that if the development team spends time working any character models like that, they should do so with the intention of making them fully accessible to players.
I don't like the idea of a character with SNK boss moves being playable

Ok now that.... I'll admit i'm not familiar enough with SNK's games at all to have an opinion but if what i've heard over the years is indeed correct, yeah maybe SNK needs to keep its bosses nice and tightly locked up in single player only modes.
Welp, I guess Azwel's weapons really are just recolors of each other. I wonder if we're even going to be allowed to recolor them in CaS.
