Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

It's not exceptionally clear, really, doesn't have a date on it, but since Setsuka wasn't introduced until SoulCalibur III, it could be assumed that it happened during or after SoulCalibur II, which would make sense why it's left out, because this game only covers up to the beginning of SoulCalibur II. Since it doesn't have a firm date, they could have worked it in if they wanted to, but since they didn't, I think that affirms that it isn't until during or after SoulCalibur II.
It's funny, the timeline of this game, some stories do seem to pull from Soulcalibur II, like Siegfried's ending for example

Soul Calibur is inside Soul Edge and Siegfried must go and rescue the sword from turning evil (like how Soul Calibur is mixed with Soul Edge in SCII) in the end, he does rescue the sword and manages to get Soul Calibur, his ending stating he will take up the soul sword to destroy Soul Edge

Personally I think, if SCVII is to be made it won't be a complete retelling, it will take some story elements from SCII-SCIV (mostly taking from SCIII) but will also be its own original thing, I guess we'll find out in the future.
I've been too busy recently so didn't have enough to play much but did love the few time I played. Very early impression it's best 3d fg since vf5fs and best SC since 2.
I think everyone was exceptionally characterized in Soul Chronicles, while in past games the characters felt trope heavy a lot of them felt fleshed out.

While being a badass, he still is a fucking dumbass at the same time, he literally embodies the idea of a stupid, if well meaning, brute.

We all knew Sophie was the purest pure paladin of purity, but it is nice to see how careful she is around other people, specially Kilik and Siegfried

Amy being absolutely over everything and acting like a little she couldn't give less of a fuck, just to get that glimpse of despair when she realizes she could lose Raphael is amazing characterization and even explains her attitude in SCIV

Everyone has this shiny moments of characterization that are very much appreciated.
Haven't checked libra and chronicles yet you guys make it seems ps achieved something cool with those 2 modes. Can't wait to check this out myself
Thanks! I'm pretty sure most of those are not in the OST released so far. Did you upload them or something by chance? ^^
I uploaded it here: - But it's something which should be edited for it to be good for listening to (stage music is separated into multiple tracks and should be mixed, and many track names are wrong). You'll need to convert it from HCA to another format, or use this to listen to it:
I wouldn't call Sophitia's story filler, personally. Her episode with Siegfried ended up extremely relevant to his character arc, which in turn is...well, probably the most relevant individual character arc to the main plotline of SCII-IV.
Yo what? Characters named Geki and Maki show up in Takis story. Those were the two malfested ninjas from Soul Calibur Legends. This game references everything!

Out of all the NPCs mentioned, I’m surprised Chie didn’t pop up anywhere. Being Taki’s childhood friend, Li Long’s lover, daughter of the former Fu Ma Clan leader, and eventual head of the Fu Ma Clan herself lol, I’d say that she’s pretty important. Even Li Long’s sister got a cameo in Xianghua’s story mode, who I completely forgot existed lol.
I’m loving chronicles so far, all the people that show up and the interactions seem so fun. Also, it details the characters very well for beginners and long time fans. Loving it. Hoping 7 can expand and make it better, maybe more cutscenes. Libra on the other hand has been meh, not much point in playing it if there are no unlockables.
I got 2 copies of this game now, on PC and ps4, but since Hwang is not playable I'm too depressed to play it right now even though I'm not a hwang player.
Sophitia WISHES she could rushdown like old Lizardman. SCV Aeon is just... I don't even know what they were trying to do with him aside from repurpose Kratos assets. There wasn't really anything particularly good about him, and his returning Lizardman moves were god awful in V for whatever reason.
He had a great 66A and arguably one of (if not, THE best) RO game in V.
So when you're enemy rage quits, does it actually tell you they quit? Because I was handing someone's ass to them, and just in the final round when I going to win the game "conveniently" disconnected from Xbox Live and told me I was disconnected, despite the fact that I very much was connected the whole time.
So when you're enemy rage quits, does it actually tell you they quit? Because I was handing someone's ass to them, and just in the final round when I going to win the game "conveniently" disconnected from Xbox Live and told me I was disconnected, despite the fact that I very much was connected the whole time.

I was losing a match 2-1, 1st match was without lag but 2nd had some lag from start, during 2nd match 2-1 it suddendly disconnected. He obviously didn't disconnect, he was winning, i didn't disconnect either i never. It can be an accident.

I don't think the message differs from the cause.

N.B. You didn't face me, i'm at bottom of ranking.