Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken 6.


[08] Mercenary
I know there already some tekken 6 threads but theyre dead anyway...

Yh title. SCIV has lasted me a long while and i still play it a bit these days. Altho when tekken 6 comes out i dnt see myself ever touching SCIV again and i'll probably go over to the tekkenZabitsu forums. I barely know anything about tekken but i've played 3 and seen a few vids and it looks gr8.

So whoelse will probably stop playing SCIV and go to tekken 6? (many will probably be goin to that 2d fighter that i forgot the name but i dnt care much about those)
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

You dare post this kinda shit on a Soul Calibur forum? GTFO this forum then traitor j/k.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

i use to play tekken 2 n 3 alot, so will be buying 6, but give up sc? nah
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

You dare post this kinda shit on a Soul Calibur forum? GTFO this forum then traitor j/k.

yes i do lol xD. But SCIV is gettin old a lot of ppl will be moving on after nats and evo or w/e.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

I'm going to play T6. However, I'm not giving up SCIV for it (not like I really play SCIV often as is anyway...<<)
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

Not me.

(this message brought to you by the Juggles Suck Balls committee)
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

Nah. I used to play Tekken a lot, but after playing Soul Calibur for so long Tekken just seems kinda boring.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

I probably won't. Mainly because I've never been able to get into Tekken. Give me something easy to understand like VF.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

Who are these people that are quitting after nats, because most of the people that are actually qualified for nats are gonna keep right on playing after its over.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

NEVAH!!! (This message is too truthful)

Personally, IMO, it's hard for me to play a fighting game that doesn't have a block button :/.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

NEVAH!!! (This message is too truthful)

Personally, IMO, it's hard for me to play a fighting game that doesn't have a block button :/.

you don't even have to hold back to block in tekken

if u just stand there you will be blocking :)
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

To hell with tekken, to hell with Blaze, To hell with SC. Virtua Fighter R. its gonna be epic
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

hm dont see myself giving up SC for tekken any time soon ive always prefered it. Furthermore (correct me if im wrong) I get the impression that the tekken fanbase is alot more hardcore than the SC fanbase thus being skilled at the game is much harder because standards are higher. Furthermore i find tekken to be very stiff in comparison to SC.
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

i will purchase tekken, i will play tekken, but i will not quit sc >:d that's some BALOGNA
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

ohh i will def buy tekken 6. And I will also be playing about 5 other games by AT LEAST renting them during the same time. So I probably won't be able to get in as much fighter game time as i have recently (since this year has rather sucked ass for games honestly...).

Hell... Bioshock 2 and Assassin's creed 2 both come out in Nov so yea... lol. And then over the winter break hump we'll be getting mass effect 2? I'll be good for games for a while at least :) (not to mention L4D2 and a few other things to at least rent).

I've already kinda stopped playing SC4 for the most part like Shinobi was saying. I like that they brought the tekken forces or whatever back for this one. Always liked Co-op beat-em ups to play with friends :) Ppl tend to take better to me being on their team then consistently playing against them ... ...
Who sees themselves giving up SCIV for tekken

I wouldn't. Don't like Tekken, not going to buy it. I think I just split game time between SC4 and SF4 playing Nightmare and Ken. I will to slowly improve my skills..