Wishlist for a Soulcalibur VII?


[09] Warrior
What are your thoughts on a Soulcalibur 7?

Since we’re on a new timeline, it’ll be a mix of SCII, III and IV. Hope Algol makes a return.

What of Grøh and Azwel? Hope more new characters and them or one of them to return.
What are your thoughts on a Soulcalibur 7?
Since we’re on a new timeline,
Oh shit! --breaks into a dead run, tackles Ronin to the floor, before he can be pulled into a particular vortex, then from the ground, with a resolute nod..-- ...Trust me, you'll thank me later: I just saved you from an experience I can only describe one way.

All joking aside, here is what I would personally prefer the next game in the series to look like: even if it is probably impossible for the scope to be quite so ambitious, I would hope at least that the next entry would include far less budget directed towards hokey, low-quality story cruft and a bigger relative prioritization of every other practical from of content, from the outset. But the reality I expect is that SCVII will probably be substantially like the present game in the broad strokes, with every so slightly altered roster and mechanics.
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More of the same, really, just in 1590-1591, at the very least, perhaps stretching a few years after that. It would cover SoulCalibur II-IV, and do some more buildup for SoulCalibur V, with a bit more grace than an abrupt timeskip that cuts half the cast.

Every character from SoulCalibur VI, including DLC, would return to the base roster, adding Algol and perhaps another new character to the mix, with a guest of course. This is feasible because we aren’t reinventing the wheel here, as well as this game’s success likely giving the next one a bigger time and budget allowance, and the history of the series also suggests that’s the way it would go. The DLC characters could be Dampierre (preorder like Tira / SoulCalibur V), a guest, Z.W.E.I., and Viola.

Soul Chronicle and Libra of Soul having a duality that tells the story with main characters and your custom character was a grand idea, but it had implementation issues. Especially Libra of Soul needs an overhaul. The choices need to really matter, the quest lines and unlock requirements need to be more transparent, and there needs to be less tedium overall. Perhaps get rid of the RPG mechanics at all with the weapon stats and the random encounters, and have it play out more like Weapon Master Mode. A few more fully animated cutscenes would also be nice. Perhaps finally being able to unlock NPCs from various modes as creation templates would also be quite nice.

As for other modes, we really should really finally get Team Battle back, perhaps with a tag mode as was teased in SoulCalibur IV. Online should bring back Global Colloseo, instead of the janky lobbies we have right now. Plus seeing a smoother online in general like SoulCalibur V would be nice.

Basically, SoulCalibur VII should be the SoulCalibur II for SoulCalibur VI, improved in every way without compromise.

Edit: Oh, and mechanics-wise, I advocate for the return of Brave Edge and the removal of Reversal Edge, for the purposes of better flow. Brave Edge as a natural combo extender or improved frames or properties on a particular hit is far more fluid than Soul Charge transformation sequences and time-limited enhancement. And Reversal Edge is just a time waster, pretty much the biggest mistake of the SoulCalibur VI mechanics. Critical Edges could also stand to trim the fat, being more like they were in SoulCalibur V.
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hmm thought there was a SC7 thread (which should be different from a SC6 S3 speculation thread)

Base Roster:

I don't think any of the SC2 newcomers will be DLC (so now Cass / Yun / Talim are part of base), whereas you might see someone like Azwel / Zasalamel / Yoshimitsu become DLC to keep the starting base roster approx t he same size. Groh will likely return as base roster just like how Hilde made SC5.

Will Sophie/Mina/Cervantes be DLC ? Depends how many newcomers SC7 will lead to (and i'm hoping for at least 3, with at least 2 of them being grounded historical weapons)

RE Mechanic:
Likely the quick-time rock-paper-scissors wont return. I'm thinking it just leads to a guard break attack with an auto-combo if it connects. Hopefully they keep guard breaks as not being stopped by GI / RE. Hoping that grabs beat RE parry however.

Models likely time for an upgrade, but we can get better clues when Tekken 8 is eventually released. It'll keep the same realistic/anime hybird. Thank god the game doesn't end up looking like Street Fighter or Samurai Shodown.

My guess is it'll be 2 years after release of the final season pass (S3 ? S4 ?) and obviously they'll plan to stagger Tekken 8 release date with a nice delay followed up with SC7 .
Story: I expect SC2-3 timeline to be covered, SC2 events will stay largely untouched while SC3 events will be altered in major ways across the board. Zasalamel should be the most important driver of the plot. Viola/Amy and ZWEI should return early and be major players in the story. Cassandra should be able to prevent Tira from stealing Phyrra. I expect the epilogue to be Algol's return after the final of the game being about beating whatever final boss it all comes down to (Inferno/Night Terror/Abbys/some entirely new monstrosity). Algol should not be dealt with in SC7, leave it to SC8. The only real reason to put him into the epilogue is really just an excuse to have him on the roster.

Mechanics: SC6 is great, so most of it should stay untouched. RE minigame really is the only polarizing thing that came out of SC6, so maybe that one can be dropped, instead make RE do something else on hit. Maybe an extended attack animation a-la Weapon Arts muscle buster, that would still break the pace and add a little breather, but will be less intrusive about it, also no more luck factor at all.

Presentation: I expect better graphics, which means for the most part dropping SC4/5/6 asset reuse. Still overall character designs should stay the same, which means the same art style, same faces, same proportions. I really don't want Project Soul to do something stupid like using face scanning tech. In other words I want them to be more like FF7 remake and nothing like MK11. As far as cutscenes go, sticking to visual novel aesthetics with only occasional fully animated cut scenes is a good solution, it looks nice, allows for tons of story content and saves money, so other things can be achieved as well.

Characters and Stages: I expect more characters than in vanilla SC6, but not by a huge margin. There should absolutely be more stages though. Also there should be a plan/tools to allow for better retroactive DLC characters/stages backdoor usage in story modes. As of now if you go play Libra of Soul you'll find half of the stages that are already in the game will never appear in Libra as well as many characters and fighting styles. That is not good and should be addressed if not in SC6 itself, then definitely in SC7.
SCVII will need more original characters not like how Hilde & Algol came in SCIV.

How about for the next game, there are a couple of options...
  • Aztec warrior: Since Ogre, Necalli & Kotal Kahn, we need an Aztec warrior who'd get drawn to Soul Edge. He wields a macuahuitl.
  • Ethiopian warrior: An African warrior with a shotel.
  • Indian (Hindu) warrior: Since Assassin's Creed introduced a Sikh warrior, either introduce that with a scimitar or a female Indian warrior - like a bellydancer with chakrams.
  • Male ninja: A rival of Taki from the Fu-Ma clan or from another clan wielding a kusarigama.
  • Polynesian warrior: Any inspiration from Disney's Moana? Perhaps some bit of Maui in some way? We could have a warrior with a war club. Shark-toothed.
  • Bring back dynamic stages from SC5
  • Higher budget Soul Chronicles
  • Mode similar to Treasure Battle from Tekken 7, or towers/multiverse from NRS games
  • Multiple costumes
  • Better graphics
  • What if Arcade endings for all characters
  • Base roster of at least 25 characters
  • Polynesian warrior: Any inspiration from Disney's Moana? Perhaps some bit of Maui in some way? We could have a warrior with a war club. Shark-toothed.
  • Indian (Hindu) warrior: Since Assassin's Creed introduced a Sikh warrior, either introduce that with a scimitar or a female Indian warrior - like a bellydancer with chakrams.
I wouldn't mind a character with a Talwar from India, but since there are some middle-eastern and eastern European archetypes that I think would do quite well with a saber as well, I've thought maybe the next best thing for representing a historical Indian style that is quite idiosyncratic/distinctive is a Patar. These weapons certainly give a little bit of that wild and atypical aesthetic the PS devs seem to gravitate to, and historical these weapons were sometimes used as a match pair in duals in a frenetic, windmill-like fashion. Certainly seems like something the creative team for this franchise would like to sink their teeth into.

But yes, more generally, I really hope that Project Soul makes the decision to put out survey feelers in the early development of SCVII in much the same way they have solicited feedback on SCVI. And if they do, the one piece of information I am likely to give above all others (and which I hope will flood their portal, would be to begin utilizing actual historical cultures and their actual historical weapons as a (somewhat) more grounded basis for characters again, rather than more anime super saiyan warriors and energy wizards... I really don't have much hope they will change course on this short of a whole lot of very obvious feedback in this respect, which would have to come at just the right time. So either they hopefully solicit such opinions in the pre-development phase or hint enough that the game is coming that a social media blitz by fans can be made, either of which could easily fail to manifest for any number of reasons (particularly Project Soul's tendency to play their cards close to their vest).
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More of the same, really, just in 1590-1591, at the very least, perhaps stretching a few years after that. It would cover SoulCalibur II-IV, and do some more buildup for SoulCalibur V, with a bit more grace than an abrupt timeskip that cuts half the cast.

Every character from SoulCalibur VI, including DLC, would return to the base roster, adding Algol and perhaps another new character to the mix, with a guest of course. This is feasible because we aren’t reinventing the wheel here, as well as this game’s success likely giving the next one a bigger time and budget allowance, and the history of the series also suggests that’s the way it would go. The DLC characters could be Dampierre (preorder like Tira / SoulCalibur V), a guest, Z.W.E.I., and Viola.

Soul Chronicle and Libra of Soul having a duality that tells the story with main characters and your custom character was a grand idea, but it had implementation issues. Especially Libra of Soul needs an overhaul. The choices need to really matter, the quest lines and unlock requirements need to be more transparent, and there needs to be less tedium overall. Perhaps get rid of the RPG mechanics at all with the weapon stats and the random encounters, and have it play out more like Weapon Master Mode. A few more fully animated cutscenes would also be nice. Perhaps finally being able to unlock NPCs from various modes as creation templates would also be quite nice.

As for other modes, we really should really finally get Team Battle back, perhaps with a tag mode as was teased in SoulCalibur IV. Online should bring back Global Colloseo, instead of the janky lobbies we have right now. Plus seeing a smoother online in general like SoulCalibur V would be nice.

Basically, SoulCalibur VII should be the SoulCalibur II for SoulCalibur VI, improved in every way without compromise.

Edit: Oh, and mechanics-wise, I advocate for the return of Brave Edge and the removal of Reversal Edge, for the purposes of better flow. Brave Edge as a natural combo extender or improved frames or properties on a particular hit is far more fluid than Soul Charge transformation sequences and time-limited enhancement. And Reversal Edge is just a time waster, pretty much the biggest mistake of the SoulCalibur VI mechanics. Critical Edges could also stand to trim the fat, being more like they were in SoulCalibur V.

I dunno, I like Libra Of Soul and don't find it tedius. I agree, DLC stages and characters (especially canonical characters and stages) should be unlocked in Libra Soul when ever those stages/characters are released. There are some things that could be done to improve on Libra of Soul. I think it was a very good first shot. Some improvements e.g

  • Give us the capability to customize some of the mercenaries. i.e. apply CAS to at least some of the mercenaries you can hire
  • Give us the option to control the mercenary or let the computer control the mercenary (this creates a kind of team battle approach)
  • Add a legendary difficulty level choice to Libra of Soul

I think this format (because it doesn't include expensive CG animations/production) would allow Project Soul to add more chapters or extend current chapters as DLC. The Still-Art thing worx for me. Some of the art got a little monotonous because they wouldn't change it. They could add more Art and more color and that would be fine. I found that form of story telling in Libra of Soul okay, especially since it allowed for a more fleshed out story.

As I mentioned in another thread

I'd also like to see added to Libra Soul:

  • Character Win/Loss stats, or Win Stats, or stats they show which characters styles are your main nemesis based off win/loss. For some reason FG that used to track stats in single player, or two player modes, decided to only track stats for online-multiplayer. Never understood why. But I would like my character stats tracked for each of my fighters in Libra Souls.

  • Earn titles as your character ranks up. Titles similar to the titles characters earned in Weapon Master mode in SC2 . I want my characters in Libra of Souls to be able to earn titles. And I don't care if those titles can only be seen in Libra of Soul mode. Weren't the titles in Weapon Master Mode for SC2 restricted to Weapon Master Mode?

  • Capability to Name Weapons. You've got to be able to name your character's maxed out weapons in SC :sc3hwang1:

  • Would like to be able to create a photo background for my Libra Of Soul character like I can in regular CAS mode!

I think the RPG approach is the right direction for a CAS character. Project Soul just needs to take it to the next level. I give Libra of Soul a solid B+ afaic its going in the right direction. They borrowed the slippery stages from Weapon Master mode, they should have also borrowed the quick sand , and hot lava type stage perils in Libra Souls.
Unlocking Exhibition Theater, Battle Theater, and Demo Theater for completing Soul Chronicle or Libra of Soul would be totally appropriate. AFAIC Exhibition, Demo and Battle Theater are part of game play. Because it all depends on how you define game play. From my perspective the museum and the gallery are part of the game play. Anything I do in the game once I load it, counts for game play to me. I regularly play SC2 and enjoy battle, exhibition and demo theaters all the time. It never gets old.

The e-sports crowd might not like those features, but those of us who play the game primarily for single player modes enjoy them.
My Wishlist for SC7-
New characters with new weapons that are similar to SC3 as well never seen before weapons like one with the puppet
just for curiosity.. He and this girl is now Z.W.E.I.
My wishlist for SC7 includes the following:

1. A character and stage roster on par with or larger than Soul Calibur 3! With new technology, we should get far more features!

2. Bring back all of the Museum features like Exhibition Theater, Battle Theater, Character Profiles, Character Endings, etc!

3. A story mode similar to Tales Of Souls but with more cinematics.

4. Custom characters should have custom fighting styles! I'm tired of making clones!

5. Chronicles Of The Sword mode needs to return point blank period!

6. A Shop mode like SC3 or SC2 even! Make unlocking things actually worth the effort please!

Basically take some notes from SC2 and SC3 while also bringing in new features and modes :) I want SC to return to its former glory

The e-sports crowd might not like those features, but those of us who play the game primarily for single player modes enjoy them.
The E-Sports, elitist crowd shouldn't even be thought about during development especially since they're the least likely to buy the game in the first place. Single player content matters in fighting games and it needs to come back and stay!
The SC2/SC3 stylisms to return. Ranging from stages, to character models and graphics.

Oh, and get rid of all the various Streetfighter-esque attack animations ('swirls' and 'swooshes') that surround the character weapon trails. The weapon trails are unique and beautiful enough already, don't detract from them by piling on shit, it just makes the game that much harder to watch for newcomers who're trying to figure out wtf is going on.
It's actually Tekken that become more Soul than the opposite, by adding a lot of weapon characters for example.
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