Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

@Blue Fire said when, not who. When, I would say, being conservative, not until Tokyo Game Show, which is the third week of September.
Yeah, I mean when. I think will be Cervantes or Lizardman/Aeon too.

Third week of September? this is a month from now, more or less, I expected a reveal a bit sooner and then in the Tokyo Game Show :( . Well, we will see :3
Tira had lines recorded for her and referencing her last year and she still was made DLC.
I'm going to remain skeptical how they decide on "delivering" Raphael to us. Especially after I heard that comment about his fans sweating.
Sure, that could be taken as he got cut (that would be the ultimate bullshit), got bumped as DLC, or is just still terrible as almost ever.
Excuse me if I ponder what that meant in accordance to what is going on with him.

Yeah, the more I dwell on this the more worried I am he'll be repackaged as DLC too. I mean, makes sense, doesn't it? Like Tira (and Talim), he's got a story to tell in this era but it's more an origin story, not really relevant to anyone else in the cast at this juncture, especially if his big moment (stabbing Soul Edge's eye, freeing Sieg, and getting Malfested) isn't covered. It definitely seems like he's in, which is fantastic, but still...

It breaks my heart but it wouldn't surprise me if he was a fully completed character, just like Tira, then cut from the base and moved to DLC. The stress sweat is real enough.

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Funnily enough, two weeks from now it will be the 19th, so the final month. I expect all remaining character reveals to happen next month.
Well, i would have been fine seeing a levitating crystalball before the Azwel reveal but not now. ESPECIALLY if his style is CASable. Oh and while i'm at it, wasn't the Amy VA also on one of the CAS voices? I think people can settle with a custom gothic lolita floating six weapons around instead of a ball. We are really making ridiculous distinctions at this point otherwise.
"settle with a custom" ha no chance in hell, people want her back they don't want anymore "remplacements"
Plus the voices seem to have changed for every character in this game.
What a pleasant surprise, in regards to Azwel. I was among those who would've liked to see Algol back before, as his style is relatively interesting as a pocket character sorta, but now I'd say Algol is entirely irrelevant. Sure, they could both co-exist, but Azwel is just an far better character in design, moveset, and personality. Talk about a character having gone completely mad in the best of ways. Much as Groh is interesting, I have to say I like the looks of Azwel significantly more-so. If that transformation and all is a Soul Charge form and alternate CE for him like Kilik, then that just furthers my curiosity about his moveset. Looks like he actually manipulates the power of Astral Chaos in that form.

Can't say I really see how some people are saying this makes Viola irrelevant. Necrid and Algol, sure, but Viola's moveset being more focused on positioning of the orb in that regard sets itself apart a fair bit. I feel like they could probably pull off her inclusion pretty easily between that and if they put more emphasis on some sort of dance-like animations perhaps. Doubt it, but just a thought.

If the leaks pointing towards Inferno being playable are right, I welcome that. A mimic does ultimately offer another option and level of variety to gameplay in their own right, after all. Even if that's not preferable for some, I'd bet they went the route of being a mimic with unique moves and CE like Elysium, possibly for every moveset with some static personal moves or something. Maybe 1 or 2 unique moves per moveset in Soul Charge? I doubt as many people would take issue with that.

All-in-all loving the way things are looking more and more with time, and it looks like the pace of info is probably gonna pick up. After all, did any of us really expect another character reveal after Tira and Libra of Souls were revealed? Not to mention we're not too far off release now, so it's about time for whatever they've held back to get dumped on us at a solid pace probably, bar whatever they may want us to discover post-release.
Hmm so the expectation is probably getting a double reveal at some point (TGS?), right? Seems like with every 2 weeks we have about enough time for 3 reveals. It would be nice though if in September they ramped it up to some kind of trailer every week. That would be much better from a marketing perspective, even if it's just people doing kata's.

I do find it weird that we still have so few stages shown, and really haven't even gotten to see anyone play on the last two. Kind of feels like we have as many stages as we're getting on release.
Can't say I really see how some people are saying this makes Viola irrelevant. Necrid and Algol, sure, but Viola's moveset being more focused on positioning of the orb in that regard sets itself apart a fair bit. I feel like they could probably pull off her inclusion pretty easily between that and if they put more emphasis on some sort of dance-like animations perhaps. Doubt it, but just a thought.

Of course they are different Viola is all about combos and position where azwel seem to be a rather rush down character.

Well that statement was more in line with Viola fans than Amy fans. Despite them being the same perhaps. I meant if wanted Viola's moveset and playstyle, they would have to settle for Azwel.
Why is it always Amy/Viola's fan that have to settle with things, of that was the case I can say that Lizardman and Cassandra 's fans will have to settle with using Sophitia' s style, or Hwang fans with x style, or Setsuka with Mitsurugi or Yoshy, what? It's a katana right, same thing xD
But Viola IS Amy, like Jaycee is Julia in Tekken
I do see the point, but at least Julia/JC still felt like herself to some degree (had a fair amount of her original moves, with the wrestling stuff combined). Though I'm sure Viola has some Amy moves too when analysed, (like the backflip). It's a fine line I suppose. I did always wish Julia had just been herself in Tekken Tag 2 though. That whole 'posing for her friend' story just seemed pointless. They could've just put her friend in as a new mexican wrestler style fighter instead of trying to change an established member, though I think they did that more because Michelle was in the game and didn't want to clone her too much. With Viola there's no danger of her being a clone so there's no real reason to replace another character with her.

Again though, it's just me. As a perpetually depressed emo who hates everything, I felt a connection to Amy's numb, uncaring personality and whilst there are flickers of it with Viola, it just didn't feel the same for me. I appreciate most people don't have that kind of connection the characters so don't care as much, and Viola's style is clearly more popular and again, most people care more about gameplay so it makes sense she'd be preferred.

I agree with everyone you said Pal really nicely put. BUT I think I'll have to defend the Namcops cuz people really need to understand that even though SoulCalibur isn't getting the same budged, in the same time Namcops never really decided to totally pull the plug and gave Okubo the chance to finish the game even after someone before him screwed everything up.
So they do care a bit they just don't have THE MAN that is able to take care of the series, but they probably believe in Okubo if they gave him the chance to prove he is capable of leading the project.
Plus budget doesn't mean all that much, it's about how you dispose it, you can cut stuff here and there while focusing on the main bits of the game and still do it right.
Nier Automata didn't had a AAA budged but it managed to sell as good as one, so it is still possible.
Yeah I definitely agree that a low budget isn't a death sentence per-say but it can't have helped. Still, as you said at least they gave them a chance, and from the looks of things so far they nailed it and whilst there's a couple of things that have fans concerned, the general consensus seems to be that this is the best Soulcalibur since III at least and tons of people are flocking to it.

I went to try and preorder the deluxe edition at my local Game store and unfortunately they didn't have it on their system yet, but even they said that they were anticipating it to sell out 'because it's Soulcalibur' and I was surprised. Shows that people are talking about it and it's getting out there if random cashiers are like 'oh yeah this gonna sell like crazy'. Of course they coulda just been trying to charm me into coming back to pre-order when they DO get it on their system but eh, lol. I'll be doing that anyway.
Funnily enough, two weeks from now it will be the 19th, so the final month. I expect all remaining character reveals to happen next month.
That would be pretty damn sweet, and if they know about the leak, they'll know that thanks to confirming Azwel's name, we now technically know the remaining roster so they might just think "welp, we have no more surprises for them so here, have ALL TEH TINGS!"

I doubt it though :/ they'll probably just stick to the 2-weekly thing.
Of course they are different Viola is all about combos and position where azwel seem to be a rather rush down character.

Why is it always Amy/Viola's fan that have to settle with things, of that was the case I can say that Lizardman and Cassandra 's fans will have to settle with using Sophitia' s style, or Hwang fans with x style, or Setsuka with Mitsurugi or Yoshy, what? It's a katana right, same thing xD
I don't see the Azwel-Viola comparison very well (but definitely the Algol-Necrid-Noctis one).

Honestly I think people assume Amy/Viola fans are just disgusting perverts who don't deserve to get what they want and they probably see those characters as nothing but fanservice that don't deserve to be in the game over more legacy story characters. I can just about understand their point of view but it's very narrow minded. As mentioned, I love Amy because we have similar personalities and I feel like that lonely, emo roll isn't really filled elsewhere. Groh could've been that but he just feels too anime and cocky. Amy had a bit of arrogance but it never came off as egotistical the way Grohs does at times. He really is unlikable but nowhere near as Patroklos so i'll take it, lol
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