Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

The reason why Tira is DLC is that the budget for the main game was already allocated when they decided to add her.

She was made using DLC budget, doesn't matter if she is on the disk or not, she is DLC because the funds for the main game were already used

I think that's probably the clearest explanation with whats going off here providing we can take Bandai Namco's word at face value. Overall though it sucks to begin with that there wasn't enough of the main budget for Tira to be included or other legacy characters that are currently missing.
Do all ties = enemy guard burst in round 2?
Like K vs K in round 2 for example?
Can RE result in trading hits in any way?
No. B vs a guarding opponent in round 2 results in Guard Burst. All ties in round 2 go to the player who started the RE parry. The initiator also gets a free Lethal Hit out of any winning attack in round 2.

Not sure what you mean by trading hits. You either win the interaction or you lose it.
It's just a Guard Impact used in response to a Guard Impact.

I'm watching a Mitsurugi Impact Counter a Groh's RE with a Break Attack. Happens at 2:54:51

And I like that RE graphic. Lemme get this straight, G vs G ties, & in round 2 G vs G again ties and players autoGI instead?

As for throws, maybe the tosses are mapped to L2 and Away L2 and require A/B/K or away A/B/K to break out of.

Edit: The instigator auto GI's the defender, they're left on their ass. Great graphic
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Hm, I guess Impact Counter also applies if you use a Break Attack against a Reversal Edge, then. In previous games, Impact Counter meant you repelled a Guard Impact. Interesting.
Can someone help me out, have we figured out what the final roster will most likely look like?

I did a quick thing on my phone, and this is what I came up with and think is realistic:

Who could realistically fill that last spot?
It's most likely Tira, as being a "bonus character", as well as Day One DLC, she would have one of the main slots, like the Star Wars characters and Dampierre before her. There is also a thread dedicated to this.
Yes, you're probably right about that. I forgot those characters left open spots on release.

Honestly though, if that we're the case, and our other two DLC characters aside from the guest were bewteen Cassandra, Hilde, Setsuka or even Viola, I think most fans would be extremely happy with that roster.
Personally I think SC6 is being designed to have a fairly long lifespan. The base game is already looking solid and has the Chronicle of Souls storyboard laid out, so I mean it would be pretty easy to just keep adding CaS content, stages, and fighters as time goes on, giving them their own scenarios in the chronicles and continue progressing the story that way, much like Blizzard has done with titles like overwatch for example.

It doesn't make much sense to me to create a whole new game just to add a few additional fighters if they are likely to appear in SC6 as dlc anyway. That being said I think it's fair to assume that SC6 will likely be the only title we see on current gen consoles and depending on how it is recieved will determine weather or not we get a continuation on next gen platforms.
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All this drama since Gamescom:
So? I see little overlap here. The kinds of people who care about CoD or Battlefield are not this game's target audience.

well I wouldn't say the "target audience" is the problem, it's that people are going to choose to buy other games, and the BIGGEST one there is gonna be allot of peoples choice

like the target audience of fighting games isn't 2 million strong
the target audience isn't enough to sustain a fighting game, you need the sales from all the dude bros and little jimmies too
well I wouldn't say the "target audience" is the problem, it's that people are going to choose to buy other games, and the BIGGEST one there is gonna be allot of peoples choice

like the target audience of fighting games isn't 2 million strong
the target audience isn't enough to sustain a fighting game, you need the sales from all the dude bros and little jimmies too

Generally speaking, majority of the initial sales are going to be from the target audience. At that point it becomes a bit of a symbiotic relationship between both devs and the community to further promote through social media, events, live streams, news & updates, tutorials and so on to help draw in more players. Honestly if you've ever thought about streaming or anything of that nature, now would be a really good time to start.
Generally speaking, majority of the initial sales are going to be from the target audience. At that point it becomes a bit of a symbiotic relationship between both devs and the community to further promote through social media, events, live streams, news & updates, tutorials and so on to help draw in more players. Honestly if you've ever thought about streaming or anything of that nature, now would be a really good time to start.

unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth for streaming.

I'm just really getting anxiety about SC6, it feels like it's gonna be a great game that sells awfully... idk, i see the writing on the wall and i can't help but feel bamco is trying to ruin SC by releasing in october, the fuck are they thinking?
pls soulcalibur... don't die...
Generally speaking, majority of the initial sales are going to be from the target audience. At that point it becomes a bit of a symbiotic relationship between both devs and the community to further promote through social media, events, live streams, news & updates, tutorials and so on to help draw in more players. Honestly if you've ever thought about streaming or anything of that nature, now would be a really good time to start.

The sales from V continued steadily for another year after release. A game that was seen as unfinished.

I remember in their earnings review it sold more than tag 2 and surprised everyone.

Sometimes it's good to release in a big year for releases. You get associated with other big titles and roll with their word of mouth too.