Astaroth and Viola Announced at TGS

  • Admin
Tokyo Game Show started today (half a day ago, due to timezones) and already a metric ton of information has been released about various fighting games for the upcoming year. Soul Calibur V is of course no exception with Famitsu getting the details on two new confirmed characters!

The first revealed character is a returning favorite... Astaroth; who if my math is correct, is now 23 years old. The second new character is "Viola"; who attacks with disembodied jewels, very similar to Z.W.E.I. She is working with Z.W.E.I. to accomplish something or another.

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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
I'm totally loving Viola, a bit too skeptical about the orb/claw thing going on, but I hope she's not replacing Amy or something.

Also, loving the whole "Little Red Riding Hood" theme Z.W.E.I. and Viola have.
Well it's about that time to say what i have to say about the Asteroth and Viola.


He looks better thant in SC4. His first attire in SC4 was dope, but they couldve done better on his second one, but then again all second attires for all (except Algol,The Apprentice, Yoda & those other characters like Shura) characters had
to be for Character Creation. Soooo so far so good for Asteroth.


Yeahhhhhhh we have a new character intoduced. ladies and gentlemen her name is Viola. As I found out, she uses jewels to whoop ass. she kinda has the Amy look to her and I think she works with ZWEI for some reason.

Well thats all I have for you so I say goodbye to you all. I'm Isaiah and I will be back with more news about SCV. Good bye :)
im super excited. One of my suggestions for a new weapon was a magic character and Voilà, or should I say Viola, a magic girl with an orb and claw. SWANKY
Also how come asta doesn't have an sc5 subforum.
The SCV character subfora have all been put up fairly soon after news about the character surfaces, but this info just went up hours ago - the site admins probably have lives outside of 8wr you know (lol).

I’m sure you’ll get an Asta forum soon enough.
Viola looks like the first character I'll try out, if Mina doesn't make it into the game.

I'm hoping she gets some nice funky orb attacks though.
YAY, woohoo! I knew Astaroth(who btw looks bad a$$) was going to be in the game. So speaking of "cloned" characters does this mean no Rock?!? I hope so, I want to see Bangoo(sp?). And Viola does not appear to be a memory lost Amy. Sorry. I think that Z.W.E.I and Viola are two new characters that are working together like it says above. Viola actually reminded me somewhat of Ivy (in design). The hand thing. . .(just on different hands) , white/light violet hair but young. . .? Anyone notice this as well?
Viola really reminds me a lot to Amy, just look at the hair and the socks, her fighting style may be interestng.

I want Talim back

Wrong. As an avowed Amy hater, I couldn't be happier knowing she got nerfed so hard she practically was removed from the game, in essence.

No more 33B... no more 2B+K.. no more stupid B+K auto-parry, no more 6BB, no more 3A... no more Amy. Fixed Hilde, Amy nerfed into an entire new character... Sophie dead... c'mon namco, make my 4th wish come true... Kilik as a boss character so broken he can't be played.

On a less serious note, it seems they've changed something else...


That's Virtua Fighter's "Perfect," but this looks like the comeback message. Better than Tekken's "Great" imo. In Tekken it was more sarcastic than anything... Up 3/4 health, one poke will finish them, they step-launch and take the rest. Fuckin Great.

O_O Taki's launcher from the older games is back. 3B was it?

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