Azwel, Leader of Humanity, Formally Announced!

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During the Libra of Souls trailer released last week, Namco Bandai also revealed the final boss of the story mode. They later confirmed via an interview with @Kayane that the as yet unnamed character would be playable. Well today, they formally announced him as "Azwel, the Leader of Humanity".

It appears that Azwel will be similar to Algol in that he fights using the manifestations of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur.


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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
Oh god damnit... Its Algol/Necrid 2.0. The one play style I hoped wouldn't make it :/

Plus... his dialogue/choice of words screams bad writing/translation. Any time I hear "human race", it triggers me - especially if you used [humans] in the prior sentence. Mankind or Humanity would have sounded much better. /rant

On the flip side, his aesthetics at least look better than Algol - who literally looked like a man running around in his underwear wielding hand cannons...
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Oh god damnit... Its Algol/Necrid 2.0. The one play style I hoped wouldn't make it :/

Plus... his dialogue/choice of words screams bad writing/translation. Any time I hear "human race", it triggers me - especially if you used [humans] in the prior sentence. Mankind or Humanity would have sounded much better. /rant

On the flip side, his aesthetics at least look better than Algol - who literally looked like a man running around in his underwear wielding hand cannons...
Now THIS is the type of supernatural character I've been looking forward to: summoning weapons from thin air, flying around everywhere. Oh my GOD this is amazing. I can already tell personality-wise Azwel is gonna be confident, intelligent and charismatic. Any Dynasty Warrior fans getting "Zhang Jiao" vibes from him? No?

Look at him, he is just having SO MUCH FUN and he knows it. This is a whole new combined level of Algol, Necrid, Viola and Noctis. Azwel is definitely a main in my book. Hopefully his style will be available in CaS.
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The voice actor is just annoying. He doesn't sound evil at all and his dialogue choice is crap. "Human Race", and the trailer even has "Leader of Humanity" in it - its like they are purposely sucking at the English translation. Changing to JP voices confirmed.
That's one small step for man... one giant leap for Human Race...
And one huge bounce back for my brain cell count...
poor old dusty thesaurus...
This is indeed necrid 2.0. SO far this game is tickling every happy button of mine. It's like the SC gods at namco know exactly what I want.

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