Game Unicon Results and Props!

I forget way too many people in props so I would like to collectively say gg and thank you to everyone who came, NE, NJ, NYC, and out of staters. Really you guys are all awesome, you know who you are. Also thanks to Jaxel for streaming the event so everyone at home could watch the event, now I wish I could see what it looked like lol.

Finally, Serge thanks for the hydrating Gatorade, you're a classy individual.
Not too much time on my hands today so..for now real quick,

Idle: Excellent work running this event!!..and i will put thought into what ya said..

Jian:if only i wasn't so outta it and with a mixture of playing so obvious/randomness/trying to hard to that proper amount of rest!!..

KDZ: i dunno how you does it with no sleep either!..KDZ is top tier alone for playing pro with out good sleep!

G0ofus: uh oh, someone call Pizza Hut, coz you got PAZOWNED!!, j/k, gotta add that humor in :) ..i missed out on most of the match with you and Rob, i caught the last round or two..ew i say.. EW!

Mikosu: i came out on top of my bracket from losers, but since "I" is before "U" alphabetically , i can live with that :), hopefully the ranks are still in affect through this last event?

ThuggishPond: good to see ya there man!.. and it was great to actually get some games in wit ya this time around! gg sir.

...and lastly(for now) BIG THANKS again to Idle(and your other half did a great job at your side with some commentary as well!) and to Jamie/Dave/GU for being there and Jamie with the craziest winning move in the air hockey tourney!!
Wow, congratulations Rob, S-U ) Ban Hilde =)

Thuggish ... T_T how could you not win? I'm sad now.

Rekki: Saw your matches vs KDZ, you're solid, I can see you started to use some more stance ^_^ grats on getting 4th!
I sincerely would like to thank everyone for the props and I will let Vincent continue to silently fade away into the land of has beens.

There were quite a few players(SU, KDZ, Hacker Mike and me) using Hilde at this tournament.

And I've seen all of these players lose with her at this tournament.

On top of that, Thuggish beat me so bad with Hilde, that I picked Algol out of desperation.
And then he beat me even worse with Algol. lol
Coming from losers, I was even down 3-1 to SU in the finals.
Rekki steamed rolled every Hilde and took me to the last round with Astaroth.

To tell you the truth, the only thing that saved my black ass was the cowgirl customization, RTD mode and the Gold's bond baby powder.

Other than that, Hilde was toast son. The truth is in the live stream.

okkie dokkie props. if i missed you, then you must have been pretty lame because i even put some random street fighter dude in my shout outs.

Random Street Fighter dude what's up man

IDLEMIND When you said that you'd have my cowgirl Hilde waiting for me when I got there, I knew that I had to make this tournament.

That's why I was confident enough to put up the extra $50 for anyone who eliminates me because I never lost to anyone in a tournament with that cowgirl costume.

That was the bait to get me out there. I can't thank you enough for doing that.

Aside from that, you ran an extremely organized tournament inviting the best U.S. players with prizes for the top 6 placers with a ~ $900 payout to first place.

I may have the SC4 title for now, but you easily have the best tournament organizing title forever.

Something-Unique My man Omar. We slugged it out for the crowd and gave them a show until the tournament was over. I know that it's mentally challenging to fight a character who forces you to play a perfect game because i play Tekken.

When you had me down 3-1 in the finals. I knew I had to try something different, so I whipped out the Gold's bond baby powder.

I looked around and something still didn't feel right, so i got Thuggish to sooth the powder on my hands.

That's how I found my strength to endure.

but aside from Gold's bond, we got revenge on the people who beat us and we won us some money. I don't know what more you could ask for. Where do we go from here? i guess we'll see as all great players always cross paths.

Thuggy i knew that Amy was dirty ever since somebody in California told me that you played with her in SC4. i pictured you with that Sc3 X and i was like omg. Thuggish and Amy are just slimiest, filthiest image i could imagine. And when you steamed rolled me the first time we played in the tournament, it was just an epitome of what i already expected. You don't let any get off the ground or anything. that just isn't right man. and then you ring out too because i knew that you had a pocket HIlde lurking in the works when i seen you switch to the pad at Evo.

That's what i like about you. It's the slyness in your eyes and the way you throw out moves like you don't give a shit.

rekki We've played many years ago at Anuedee's place and here we are playing again in the tournament. From your performance at this tournament, you will never be the under-rated player that silently destroys people under the radar again!

I've played many Astaroth's in tournaments and your Astaroth was by far the most competitive. I knew that I had to go at you with everything because Anuedee plays a mean Astaroth and solid OmegaXCN is part of your SNJ crew.

what made you play so good? did you need the money? were you hungry? what was your motive?

Serge It was good to see a fellow ATL-ian in the house. Your game on and off the court has evolved and it's always a pleasure kicking it with you.
I still find it strange though how you had faith in me even after I lost. I'm not sure how it happened, but your pep talk about how I played chess with your roommate reinvigorated my spirit.

The Champagne was classic too. I really enjoyed it. Thannnnk yyyoouu!

Woahhzz hey Woahhzz. how are you? i'm glad that i finally got a chance to play you offline. although when i saw you, i wasn't surprised that you were Asian from your solid unique playing style. i love your Algol too. that shit made me laugh so hard when i saw you doing his shoryuken with no bubble strategy at all. Surprisingly enough, that strategy was very effective.

and you know I'm sorry that i made you miss so many school busses with our online matches.

actually, i thought it was kind of funny. but you have to admit, it made both of us better ;)

KDZaster Clearly not the same person I played at EVO. But then I again, I wasn't either. Hopefully one day, we will both be able to play each other at our full potential. Now I know that your cheering against me wasn't personal because you helped me in SF4. You just want a little hype and you want to see the underdog prevail. it's always good to give the crowd what they want, even if you have to throw shades at them. we need more hype like that in this community.

MTFighter hey Jeff! you are officially known as the online champ. everyone knows that. our online circle of trust with Whoahhzz always gets my blood going.

And offline, you are a force too. you play just about the entire cast. do you ever wonder how you would've done with anyone else? Maxi maybe?? i should be getting my playstation fixed soon and I'll hop back online to play you guys ASAP!

Ramon yo!!! it was nice to finally play you. you gotta play Paul in Tekken because you Death Fist with Sophie like it's nobody's business. your Algol looks mean too. you seem to enjoy a challenge because you had fun when we played. i did too. so tell me, what did you learn my friend?

Rigel Good to see you again yo! the hair is where it's at. i'd love to play you again some time. i know you hate online but it's all we got :)

Sporko It was a pleasure. Good to see you!

g0ofus your faithfulness in Voldo is amazing. congrats on qualifying in the pools btw! I knew that you'd make it out and that we'd end up playing again. It always ends up that way. I'm pretty sure you'll find a way to take me out next time ;) if you don't want to wait until the tournament to practice some anti-hilde- my psn is rtd_atl

Justkill and Jian Nice seeing both of you

Shadowfox Awesome job commentating. It was funny.

Hates Like me, you've been able to attend most of the SC4 majors for the summer. You're always one person that I never look forward to playing because i know that you have some good anti strats for me and that you are comfortable with my character. let me know your next stop so that we can meet up again. see ya!

Jaxel Thank you for everything including but not limited to 8wayrun, the streaming and the promotion of the Soul Calibur community. Your technicality and devotion is well welcomed around here.

kikaleek i love to fight that Yoshi because you are one of the few players that play him well. also check out lolo. he is sick with Yoshi too. check him out online. you may have played him already.

Bibulus hey good to see you again! Just like Serge, you are always down for a good time. you had a some good ideas for the podcast and i'll be glad to help any way that i can. i'll be around for the interview anytime. See you are around.

OmegaXCN yo dude. you coming from work was pretty hard-core. it was good to see you again. look for me online. i want to help you re-fine that anti-Algol strat! and you gotta tell me... who's it gonna be. who are you going with? Voldo or Lizzy?

HackerMike good to meet another fellow Hilde player. don't forget to mash the instant win button that people believe that Hilde has sometimes ok? maybe we'll get to play someday.

HervE it's good to see you again. too bad we didn't get to play long but it's all good. people can only take so many ring outs before they go crazy anyway.

Mikosu were you there? although we've played a few times online, i can't put a face with your name :(

Thanks to everyone. Everyone should go to IdleMind's tournaments. It was so much fun!

I took a few pictures. I'll post them soon.
It was a fun tournament, however I just want to say that the hotel had possibly the worst bar I've ever been to. And that's saying something considering I'm basically an alcoholic. Here is their recipe for a black and tan:

1) Take customer's order.
2) Ignore order.
3) Repeat step 1.
4) Go do something unrelated for 20 minutes.
5) Fill up a glass with Guinness. Make sure that you get as much head as possible. Ideally you want the head to fill the entire glass.
6) Wait 15 minutes for the head to disappear.
7) Repeat steps 5 and 6.
8) Ignore the spoon attached to the tap. This is crucial.
9) Pour in the Bass. The goal here is to make a completely homogenous solution.
10) Serve customer.
11) Overcharge customer.
IdleMind: Yo this event was the best one that I have been to ever by far. The hotel was such an excellent venue and however it is thatu provided a guaranteed pot in combination with money from another pot resulting from other entrants is insane. The invitees were damn near perfect selection as well in regards to competition. Keep up the good work as I would like to see this as a major every year around the same time. Also the exhibition matches were genious as I know SFIV does that with there top competitors like Justin Wong and Sanford. Other tournaments should consider the invitee method and exhibition method.

RTD: Damnit such a beastly competitor and my god did u steal my victory from under my feet. Fucking Gold Bond's baby powder and the cowboy hat. To strong and yes fighting Hilde is a bitch of tremendous proportions due to having to compete at damn near perfection. I knew that when I didn't close the first set it was to late as the reacting to charges on sight started to dwindle over time and at that point things got worse. Nice C4A into C4B combination but damn was I pissed because I stepped but in the wrong direction and I was like fuckkkkkkk in my head. I told u this before but I hope we never have to compete in a GF's set ever again with a character like Hilde in someone's hands like urs cause its mentally taxing. Give me best of 3 please lol. Last but not least there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that without question u have the best Hilde in combination with just being a dangerous competitor equals a problem at any tournament. You my friend are indeed not riding the Hilde waves but ur just a beastly competitor. Other than that bro we have to chill sometime seriously. You and the rest of the ATL folks.

MNSGOY: Massive props for the fun times!

Herve: Yo u are the greatest man with that free 40 purchase. I was twisted off of that and like 4 cups of Vodka at the end of the night. Most appreciated and next time it will be my honor to get u drunk so be prepared.

Thuggish: Yo are one cheap ass bastard to the fullest extent and RTD couldn't have said it any better with the above statement "It's the slyness in your eyes and the way you throw out moves like you don't give a shit". I told u I would have ur money as I don't try to get over on people and especially people who are generous enough to help me like u did at Nats. Your more than cool in my book and watch out for the future Amy rapage that will ensue from here on out. Also u suck for taking my money from me in a MM while I was drunk and half asleep with cheap as Kilik vs. my Setsuka (so mean). Duely noted: do not play Thugish drunk in a MM he will take ur Money. So sly.

Rekki: OMG! Your an eye opener for being so solid with such precise execution and I can even tell that ur leveling up just waiting to explode. Its so awesome watching u play and I hope u only get better and better. I will give u better Kilik practice in the near future since i'm gonna link up with u, Woahhzz, MT, Anuedy, OmegaXCN in the future.

Woahhzz: Don't worry about it becuase its like I said I think me vs. you will always be a toss up competitively. I never truly feel comfortable competing against you when we compete. I was one of the people that requested u as an invite. Your just gonna get better and better.

MTFighter: Man the X was whupping my Setsuka's ass. So much flawless step work that I couldn't even land anything. Noted: Do not use Setsuka against u in the future because its a pain in the ass.

OmegaXCN: Damn man u could have beaten that slimy bastard Thugish. I was amazed at half the shit that was going on in that match. That alone made me think that your potential for laying down as whuppins is dormant but its there just waiting to be unleashed.

Hates: Your a funny dude man we gotta hang out more! Nice Cervy stuff by the way. I have never seen 3B into iGDR and half the shit u did against Ramon in the exhibition match. I guess it stands true that you know your Sophitia stuff and refuse to lose to one. That's exactly how i feel about Taki. Hope to see u at NEC10!

Jian: Seriously man this is like two tournaments I have been at with u and we haven't had any real games. I have this thing that I want to squash all Siegfried's since I think he is such a shenanigan character and I want to make him the nest Taki in which I do not lose. Other than that bro it was fun meeting u again and hope to see u at ore Bone's in the future.

Goofus: We stil have a MM to conduct sir.

NY Folks: You know what it is already and its always fun!

NJ Folks: The same as the above!

Docvizzo: Thanks I wish I had taken it to.

Renki: Maintaining that level of reaction against Hilde is hard to keep up for such long periods.

To anyone else I forgot it was fun also!
Don't worry Omar, we all know it's because there's something magical about C4A and C4B. ;)
Lets be real.
I played this tournament with 0 minutes of sleep.

Woke up 9am Friday.
Didn't sleep till 6am Sunday.

I started playing tournaments after being awake for 32 hours straight.
Top 5 in - SF4 Teams (I OCV'd a record 7 teams straight), SC4, BlazBlue
Top 16 in both SF4 majors.

All on zero hours of sleep!
That alone gives me some sort of man award.

Congrats RTD for winning.
You're one of the few smart enough to understand what's behind my actions, whether in-game or out.

And holy shit, I loved this venue soooooooo much.
Flipped ur name round with Jian's properly JustKill.

RTD: I was not there. Really really wish I could've been but issues out of my control prevented it. I'll bear lag calibur to play you. No doubt.

If Sarah keeps this up as a yearly major (NOT SO SUBTLE HINT HINT) my scrubby arse will be a part of this. Stream was great and I'm proud of my community, even Serge lol. Great job Mr. Lord of Tournaments.
This was a perfect tourney! not only were we allowed to party in the hotel hallways BUT if we wanted some casuals...the tourney venue was open 24 hours!

so the props!

RTD - Congrats on winning! i had a lot of fun playing you! wish you could have chilled with us after too! and fuck i gotta be even more patient with sophie!

Hates - To the Fizzbitch himself! good stuff beating me in the ft5! hopefully next time i can give you a better challenge! be sure to come back to EC again sir!

Thuggish - FUCK THAT STUPID BITCH! lol Your Amy is toooooooooooooooo...random! YES I SAID IT! WHAT! it was great seeing you like always hope you come back soon!

Idlemind - Do this month! great stuff!

SU -! i expect you to win this weekend!

Everybody i always see! - you guys always make this fun no matter what! thx nuez for driving your ass off!
Good games to pretty much everyone I played, more so goes out too..

Rekki: Nice asta, I was surprised I could win a few to be honest. Yun-Seong Shenanigans for the win? Yeah, you like those UBs. We had a lot of wtf moments in our matches. Ducking JF grabs on reaction was LOL.

Whoazz: LOL at Yun Mirrors. Fun games, I really wanted to play your Ivy at least once though.

Ramon: Nice meeting you. Fack sophie. That's all I can really say bout our matches... xD

Ivan: D: Awesome guy, great close games... Rung yourself out on accident twice.. Tracking 50% damage unblockables... What's more fun than that? I hope you play more so I can get my rematch.

Serge: Lol, I would have money matched you. I found $5 but I felt that was insignificant.

People wanted to play...

IdleMind, Jian, HervE, and Hates.
I won't say much here since I didn't say too much there but, I had loads of fun. Thanks for inviting me Idle, I had a good time.

oh, and sorry bout being so down after losing like I did lol, I'm working on getting my attitude fixed soon.

anyway, congrats rtd on the win! hopefully my X will be good enough to hang with you as well as everyone in top 10 soon!

Thanks cuong for the ride up there, and doug for the ride back. and john for letting me crash for the night XD.

I'll see y'all at koga next week if all goes well!
I'll just prop the ppl that prop me so far lmao

Idlemind: Grats on the well run tourny, it was one of the best ran tourny's i've been at. I can't believe u even gave Omega some gas money, you're too nice.

RTD: I didn't think you would remember me. I was very hungry at this tourny, since I hadn't won a tourny since SC3 NEC! Thx for the Asta compliment, IMO my Asta is not good enough yet, i've got a lot to learn to be truely anti-hilde lol. Grats on the win though!

SU: Yo man, next time I see you, imma MM you lol. I'm ashamed I gave you such a easy win. I totally forgot how to fight kilik when we played (Asura owned). Nonetheless grats on the win, I will be more prepared next time we meet.

Shadowfox: Yo man, you need to use Asura more lol. I might have fast reactions but I wish I have the patience that you have.

Jian: We finally meet in a tourny. Your Sig is getting better I see, its ashame you couldn't practice.

Icychains: I don't know why but I didn't duck that flip that you do which is a high, even though i knew it was a high (maybe tired). Lets meet again, I want to play that Yun-seung again :). Next time i'll show you my mitsu.

Fun trip! Not sure when the next time ill be traveling, we'll see.

Idlemind- Couldn't have made it there without you! Thanks for the trip, driving me, and the well ran tournament. Venue was good, worked out with the 24 hour gameroom after all!

SU- lol finally got me. Don't get too happy though unless you get them stages! :P. I'll be more prepared next time like I was after the first time you beat me! Don't know when im going to be traveling next so we might not be playin for a long while.

RTD- You and your cowgirl bitch lol. You got me in the losers finals, I just froze up terribly and kept whiffing like crazy. Was good seein you again. I wonder when the next tourney we will meet at. I will be waiting! But don't forget, you couldn't have won without my baby powder skills!

KDZ- Good stuff stayin up for 2 days lol, can't believe you talked me into stayin up 1 night, and that was because I thought we weren't playing in the tournament til sunday! I see how your mind games work now lol.

Ramon- lol good casuals, always fun hearin you talk shit in the matches. Best part was when I did 33B, you blocked it, and I did 2B+K immediately after and it hit...frame trap! LOL.

Serge- Your too nutty lol. Its always a party if theres alcohol in your presence.

Rekki- AGAIN we didn't get to play, gotta change this trend that we keep having.

Hates-Good hanging out and talking about Broken destiny, seems like its a worth game to come out on consoles from what you say. And no more pressing PS buttons mid match! =P

Might post more later.
Just browsing through what i missed!

Thanks Anuedee and i'm not sure only time will tell!
Thanks Kayane!
Thanks Belial!

Thugish u better bring ur black ass down here for NEC10! Lol seriously I want to beat down on Amy some more and just all around bury that bitches face in the floor. I might make it to that tournament u have in November in Chicago if the cash out is enough to cover the cost and bring in some cash for me since I like Chicago.

I thought this pic was pimp as hell since i'm the one holding more money this time after having been ur fault for taking me out at Nats twice.

Where's ur mulah this time! Hahaha................................ See now u have to make it to NEC10.
GameUnicon Updates/Results

Camera+Mic+Serge on the Mic+Girls in the Chatroom==>Serges Dick.

Well fortunately not the whole dick.

THANK GOD. *bleaches eyes*

Regardless of that, I wish I could've made it. Too bad Idle's not doing it anymore. Or maybe. :|