Maxi General Discussion "The Dandy of the Seas

Can someone post a list of his stance moves? I used to think I knew them but they shuffled some things around.

So I got from PartyWolf:

RC A - A or B followup, goes back into which stance? RC A goes into BL?? wow. RC AA into LI looks like. RC AA is a Break Attack.
RC B - break attack SCV 66B, goes into LI
RC K - SCV 33K

RO A ~BL? - same as usual. RO A(K) is a Break Attack.
RO B ~LO - mid that goes into LO, like SC2?

BL KK - same as usual


LO BK - same as usual
LO AK - same as usual?

WL A - SC3 3A+B
WL KK - SCIV 22KK I think? (Scissor Kick)

And then these new or returning moves, their transitions?:

1B is going into LO?

This is correct.

Maxi Move Analysis from the E3 Build
It's Not Enough!
These are My Concerns and Issues:
To Me SC6 Maxi is currently not even 50% complete. SC6 RC B is the NEW HotNESS dont get BLINDED by it.

- WR B+K "Doesnt Bounce" on CH. and if Namco doesnt want to give bounce fine at least give the same SC6 BL B[SC4 RO B] CH properties.
- The Removal of 8B+K & 2B+K.. is MADDNESS. "This alone tells me Im maining Someone Else in SC6: [SC3:AETira] [SC2Talim] [Taki] [Raphael] [Zasa] [Kilik]"
- "Mantis Lunge" The Block Stun and Forced Movement on 236 B is garbage.
- We are back to punishing with 66B+K"Dragon Cannon".. lololol"Range and Back-Steppers"lololol. [Best SC5Maxi Move "Stampede Wave" 66B into Li. "Miss it Already"]
- No Dandy Surprise.. I was expecting a Soulcharged-Version with guaranteed OTG BL K, K ender for 7Hit string. "Dandy of The Seas, I Dont Sea it"
- B, A, K. not knocking down is CRAZY. unless A+B[serpent's pleasure] followup is a free hit. "Dragon Bite doesnt KNOCKDOWN/no WALL SPLAT." CRAZY
- Falling Dragon Variation??
- Still no Stance Command Grab?? "just use SC2 Maxi vs Astra intro"
- The loss of Li B "Canyon Carve" is a big deal, dont get blinded by the new Li A "Purity Cross" Because it COMBOS.. I too like the way it looks Styling.
SC6 Li A"Purity Cross" is in its current state out of nostalgia for SC1/2 because SC6 is a prequel.
In SC4 "Purity Cross" is a WR A punish and it was useful.
"Canyon Carve" was about "Movement and Intimidation". creating Whiffs & Dodging were BONUS.
- :sc2maxi1:Now OLD SCHOOL Li B "Canyon Carve". Just make it [an A+B input] in Li Stance "FIXED" or better yet leave SC5 Li inputs the same and make "Purity Cross" [an A+B input] in Li Stance. "FIXED":sc2maxi1:

[:sc2maxi1:Tangent: Currently in SC6 WR A is "Water Cutter" HotNess. It would be OP Styling With PsL3]

:sc2maxi1:My Improvement List:
- Old BL A should be changed: BL A should be SC5 44A[White Polar Lights] or SC2 66A[Tiger Pounce]OP. Even nonstance 88A"Northern Lights[Reverse]" would be fine.
- Fury[JustFrame] last A should end in "Water cutter": Sc5: 3A into Li. Current [JF] Fury doesnt even give you "Backfist Ceremony"
- SC4 33bA is back "Cobra's Temple" on CH needs crumble stun or Stun spin. into RC
- 33A "Striking Snake" CH hard knockdown or Stun Spin
- SC6 RC K should be SC2/4 LI K.."Wheel Kick".:sc2maxi1: because it "Crushed on hold" or Created-Perfect.. 6A+B or Fury window [SC2Soulcharge LI K CH Properties]
- 22K, k "Water Slice" is back and it should have :sc2maxi1:SC4 Dragon Star JF "K,K,K"
- Nunchaku Lick should have an [A+B input-version] only in BL and RC Stance. "Like with SC4Maxi" or even SC3 Ankle Breaker.
- [SC3,4 Serpent's Breath 44B] = [SC2 Serpent's Breath B2] "Great Aggressive ReverseGi Bait"
- SC6 RO B Hit Sucks. :sc2maxi1:SC5 Hydra Talons[RO-B into Rc] is Mandatory.. Hit&CH needed.
- SC6/4/2 WR B "RBU" should launch/lift on hit{like new SC6 3B}... "Greedy" but if there are no more PsLs oh well need it.

- :sc2maxi1:*PsL 3 is Mandatory.*:sc2maxi2:
Im Tired of Saying it. If you dont know what PsL3 is for Maxi, your just a Groupie, a Fanboy, a Fluffer.
SC4 FunFact: "PsL3-purple" Gi'ed A's. same with "Ro A-purple" Gi'ed A's. No Pings

- The loss of PSL 4[Li] & 5[Ro] is a TRAVESTY to Maxi.
The Removal of Psl Jumps invalidates My SoulCalibur Name. I chose the name Dustbuster on; SC1Maxi: Back-JumpPSL 4[Li]. because Everytime he Stance Jumped there was a Gust of Dust At his Feet and also Li B Smash.

If Maxi doesnt have Movement in SC6.. Second Best is Ninja Taki, stay in PO Stance forever with movement/dodge skills.
Hell I might turn traitor and play Yoshi.. he is Styling now and Steals Meter :)
and it looking like I might Main Tira[if UpgradedSC3:AE-version], Taki or Talim[if UpgradedSC2version]

There might be an ODD SCseries curse going on because this SC6Maxi looks like his trolling with SC3Maxi.
NewFan Friendly First at a cost to Veterans that can see he is {Turned Into}Watered-Down for pick-up and play with Overly Simplified Polish.
If you didn't like SC4Maxi you will be playing a lacking version of him in SC6 with Simplification and Sc5 PowerPolish.
Pre-SCV release I was excited about SCV Maxi Power-Up..and forgave the Lack of PSLs. I Was Blinded by New 66B and Li B Damage. Maxi never had safe Damage since SC2 6A+B.
But in SC6 Every Character is Buffed Up... With AAA/BBB mash strings to invite new players(Cancer)

Love this current version of SC6Maxi. His Not Finished.. Missing a lot.

You dont know how to play Maxi
WL Parries B's

Qualms are "Still There" this current build of Maxi Vids doesnt show me anything new. Have to wait for next version build.

The Stance aGi only exist to stop Maxi's Stance-Switching BIGGEST ISSUE "2A pokes" Interrupting to his transition. This is OLD SC4 News.
FunFact: the aGi isnt a Gi. It pulls/sucks 2A mashers in closer, it doesn't give advantage. It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving.

Wavering Light in SC4 was The HotNess. If you had the skill to use; and, Catch/Fishing for B Gi's while In S-T or Looping .
"Your a Stance Fighter."
Hope they put SC4 Wavering Lights B: Fury[Wavering Dreams] back in. It gave free "Backfist Ceremony" They could just make it [B+K Input]
Giving Waveing Lights: 4 options: A, B, K, B+K.

@IRM ill wait for your view point.
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Looking at Hayate's notes, PSL beats all horizontals except kicks, WL beats mids and kicks, so you should be able to stop 2As.

WL just got even better.

WL Parries B's

Qualms are "Still There" this current build of Maxi Vids doesnt show me anything new. Have to wait for next version build.

The Stance aGi only exist to stop Maxi's Stance-Switching BIGGEST ISSUE "2A pokes" Interrupting to his transition. This is OLD SC4 News.
FunFact: the aGi isnt a Gi. It pulls/sucks 2A mashers in closer, it doesn't give advantage. It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving.

Wavering Light in SC4 was The HotNess. If you had the skill to use; and, Catch/Fishing for B Gi's while In S-T or Looping .
"Your a Stance Fighter."
Hope they put SC4 Wavering Lights B: Fury[Wavering Dreams] back in. It gave free "Backfist Ceremony" They could just make it [B+K Input]
Giving Waveing Lights: 4 options: A, B, K, B+K.

@IRM ill wait for your view point.

WL BB was Maxi's BL BB. aGI with PSL 3 (Neutral) countering High & Mid Horizontals and use WL A because of the Lethal Hit on aGI property.
Your quoting me so ill answer
WL BB was Maxi's BL BB. Yes, ok.

"aGI with PSL 3 (Neutral) countering High & Mid Horizontals and use WL A because of the Lethal Hit on aGI property." Confused.

First of aGi is Not PsL3, or has anything to do with PsL.
Stance-Transition is what gives you aGi.
aGi counters All "A moves High&MId" [Including "2A" Mash Interrupts]. Doesn't stop Sophi family stabs, that's what Wavering Lights is for Catch/fishing for B Gis.
Wavering Lights: A[SC3 Ankle Breaker] will not give you a Lethal Hit unless they are still mashing after you catch the B Gi.
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Actually I think WL A does give you a lethal hit if you aGI something with it, that's the condition for this move to Lethal Hit. IRM or PW shall confirm this.
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Actually I think WL A does give you a lethal hit if you aGI something with it, that's the condition for this move to Lethal Hit. IRM or PW shall confirm this.
FunFact: the aGi isnt a Gi it pulls/sucks 2A mashers in closer, it doesnt give advantage. It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving.

So your saying: On aGi, you [B+K]WaveringLights and then push A to get a Lethal Hit. "Only if they are mashing"

That was a WLs. B Gi into A and it Lethal Hit. What does aGi have to do with that???
Wavering Lights is a Gi that stops B's . aGi doesn't do the same thing.???

PSL is literally an aGI.
Your not wrong. PsL1 is Just Forward[6]
But your Fishing for an aGi with 1 Stance-Transition.
Example: BL to Li your looking for an A mash from your opponent to get the aGi if you know they like B's catch with WL.
Your using 1 S-T to get an aGi. If you catch them with aGi in BL your K,K is buffed because of S-T.
Your catching with a S-T for Buffed CHit.

@2:02. FunFact: the aGi isnt a Gi it pulls/sucks 2A mashers in closer, it doesnt give advantage. It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving.
Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull.
Stops interrupts and finishes String. It wasn't & didn't create a CH. [Gi's give Advantage]

If they took out PSL4 & 5 because they understood Maxi Side jumps catches "aGis" and Maxi gets S-T CH buff on next hit. We got Watered Down.
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@IRM : Maxi Trailer
Soul Charge SC4 6A+B, BL K, K. is it a real thing?? Did you try to do it??

Maxi Trailer: Soul Charge: 6A Ro A, A[SC4 6A+B], BL K, K

@Party Wolf Says: SC2 66A[Tiger Pounce] in game on Soulcharge, in one of Maxi Stances. Im guessing on Soulcharge its Old SC2 RC A or BL A.

- B, A, K. not knocking down is CRAZY. unless followup gives a free hit: A+B[Serpent's Pleasure] or 3A[Lotus].
"Dragon Bite doesnt KNOCKDOWN, no more WALL SPLAT." CRAZY

#120 New Vids:
- A+B G is in.
- SC4s Hidden "
Ro aGi" They put in Maxi's Real "Ro aGi" from SC4 the one you get from PsL3 Purple Hold only they made it a "Ro Specific aGi." Stance-Transition. That's NEW and HARD to input in SC4.
Match #1: @2:06 to 2:11. Its not purple anymore and gives a Ping.
@2:15. New Li A [Purity Cross] is not a chase move, The loss of real Li B [Canyon Carve] & [Li Bg>Ro] shows.
"or make [Canyon Carve] an [A+Binput] in Li Stance"
@2:37 to 2:40: Real "Ro aGi" is Guard Impact. and the BL is a S-T aGi "It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving" S-T pulls in players closer on impact. [Sidenote the BL is ping buffed]

Match #2:
@1:01. BEAUTIFUL. Clap Clap Clap. Im not explaining what that man did figure it out on your own.
Namco Pls:
Psl3 is Mandatory
Psl4[Li] &PsL5[Ro].
All SC2Maxi PsLs would be AMAZING.

@1:51. IM CRYING was that an SC2 6A+B on Soulcharge. WR A+B Im guessing
@Hayate THANK You.

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My Responses are in the Parenthesis
@IRM : Maxi Trailer
Soul Charge SC4 6A+B, BL K, K. is it a real thing?? Did you try to do it??

Maxi Trailer: Soul Charge: 6A Ro A, A[SC4 6A+B], BL K, K

@Party Wolf Says: SC2 66A[Tiger Pounce] in game on Soulcharge, in one of Maxi Stances. Im guessing on Soulcharge its Old SC2 RC A or BL A.

- B, A, K. not knocking down is CRAZY. unless followup gives a free hit: A+B[Serpent's Pleasure] or 3A[Lotus].
"Dragon Bite doesnt KNOCKDOWN, no more WALL SPLAT." CRAZY

#120 New Vids:
- A+B G is in.
- SC4s Hidden "
Ro aGi" They put in Maxi's Real "Ro aGi" from SC4 the one you get from PsL3 Purple Hold only they made it a "Ro Specific aGi." Stance-Transition. That's NEW and HARD to input in SC4.
Match #1: @2:06 to 2:11. Its not purple anymore and gives a Ping.

(bro what you smoking RO Specific aGI? Idk if this is a real thing in 4 but in 6 Maxi's NEXT TRANSITION post attack rather it be a Stance attack or move leading into stance the first loop WILL ALWAYS HAVE a aGI.) There is no Stance specific aGI, dont spread da misinfo cause you hype :D.

@2:15. New Li A [Purity Cross] is not a chase move, The loss of real Li B [Canyon Carve] & [Li Bg>Ro] shows.
"or make [Canyon Carve] an [A+Binput] in Li Stance"
(feel you on this one Li B being gone sucks but its fine Li A serves same purpose as Li B in all actuallity)

@2:37 to 2:40: Real "Ro aGi" is Guard Impact. and the BL is a S-T aGi "It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving" S-T pulls in players closer on impact. [Sidenote the BL is ping buffed]
(From my expeirences with the game this seems false, however down for more testing/evidence.)

Match #2:
@1:01. BEAUTIFUL. Clap Clap Clap. Im not explaining what that man did figure it out on your own.
(Twas pretty cool to see 4B PSL1~RC aGI ~LO
Namco Pls:
Psl3 is Mandatory
Psl4[Li] &PsL5[Ro].
(WOuld Be Cool)
All SC2Maxi PsLs would be AMAZING.

@1:51. IM CRYING was that an SC2 6A+B on Soulcharge. WR A+B Im guessing
@Hayate THANK You.
Your quoting me so ill answer
WL BB was Maxi's BL BB. Yes, ok.

"aGI with PSL 3 (Neutral) countering High & Mid Horizontals and use WL A because of the Lethal Hit on aGI property." Confused.

First of aGi is Not PsL3, or has anything to do with PsL.
Stance-Transition is what gives you aGi.
aGi counters All "A moves High&MId" [Including "2A" Mash Interrupts]. Doesn't stop Sophi family stabs, that's what Wavering Lights is for Catch/fishing for B Gis.
Wavering Lights: A[SC3 Ankle Breaker] will not give you a Lethal Hit unless they are still mashing after you catch the B Gi.

Ok this is just FLAT OUT Misinformation my homie. An aGI is an Auto Guard Impact meaning its just a GUARD IMPACT IE PARRY its a Auto Parry. even if you look in the game it alwasy says maxi's PSL is a aGI LOL. Each aGI has different properties. JUST TO RAIL THE POINT HOME. its AUTO because you dont have to input 6G/4G/w/eG to get the fucking parry haha. Moves have different conditions mah guy.
You jumped in on the Bandwagon when SCV:Maxi got Power.
You have Zero Maxi Knowledge just SC5Maxi. A Small Window's Viewpoint.

And the fun thing about all this is I have not even touched the game and I have more understanding about what is going on with SC6:Maxi from all the vids i have seen.

Back to your "Parenthesis" response:
"(bro what you smoking RO Specific aGI? Idk if this is a real thing in 4 but in 6 Maxi's NEXT TRANSITION post attack rather it be a Stance attack or move leading into stance the first loop WILL ALWAYS HAVE a aGI.) There is no Stance specific aGI, dont spread da misinfo cause you hype :D."
- Normally when People say Stupid-Shit and I leave them be. BUT Your WRONG go figure it out.

"Stance attack or move leading into stance the first loop WILL ALWAYS HAVE a aGI"
- Your saying from any First Stance-Transition Maxi gets an aGi(that might be true but I havnt played the game), but from what I have seen Maxi has 2 Kinds of aGi's.

"Ok this is just FLAT OUT Misinformation my homie. An aGI is an Auto Guard Impact meaning its just a GUARD IMPACT IE PARRY its a Auto Parry. even if you look in the game it alwasy says maxi's PSL is a aGI LOL. Each aGI has different properties. JUST TO RAIL THE POINT HOME. its AUTO because you dont have to input 6G/4G/w/eG to get the fucking parry haha. Moves have different conditions mah guy."
- SC6 Maxi has 2 Types of Impacts:
aGi = A Guard Impact the pushes your opponent away. And Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull, that pullz opponent close to him to keeps your Stance-Transition Moving. They are both [A{input} Impacts]. ...A's only or it is "OP"... :sc2maxi1:
ill just call it [aIPp] = Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull.
[AUTO Guard Impact] pushes your opponent away
[AUTO Impact Parry] OLD SC2:4G that everyone had. Except SC6:Maxi's version "doesnt pull Knockdown". "It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving"

SC6:Maxi PsLs
Let me Dumb it Down.
- "Ro aGi" gives you a [Gi] Guard Impact. Its not new its from "SC4:Purple Ro aGi" you had to into[A+K] in Ro then A[purple] to get the aGi.
[Match #1 @2:06 to 2:11 already in Psls and did an actual [Guard Impact]
- "BL aGi" gives you an [Ip] or [Pp]. Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull. So its an [aIp] or [aPp]
- "Li aGi" gives you an [Ip] or [Pp]. Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull. So its an [aIp] or [aPp]
- "Lo aGi" gives you an [Ip] or [Pp]. Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull. So its an [aIp] or [aPp]
- "Rc aGi" gives you an [Ip] or [Pp]. Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull. So its an [aIp] or [aPp] = Might[Gi] Guard Impact(that might be true but I havnt played the game) @1:01 cant tell, might be First Stance-Transition [GuardImpact]

Impact-Parry or Parry-Pull. ill just call it [aIPp]
I have seen "aIPp" in most of the SC6:Maxi vids

Now with SC6: ["aGi"/"aIPp"] & "SC4:Wavering Lights". Maxi has a Complete Safety Net, "if you have the skill." "Looping-Defence"

#120 New Vids:
Match #1@2:37 to 2:40: Real "Ro aGi" is Guard Impact. and the BL is a S-T aGi "It keeps your Stance-Transition Moving" S-T pulls in players closer on impact. [Sidenote the BL is ping buffed]
"(From my expeirences with the game this seems false, however down for more testing/evidence.)"
- YES GO Lab SC4:Maxi and LEARN SOMETHING. Your Maxi Knowledge is WEAK.

Match #2:
@1:01. BEAUTIFUL. Clap Clap Clap. Im not explaining what that man did figure it out on your own.
"(Twas pretty cool to see 4B PSL1~RC aGI ~LO"
- to get that aGi. An actual Guard Impact(that might be true but I havnt played the game). "First Stance-Transition like you said @IRM"
I dont know if it was "Rc" that Gave the Gi[Guard Impact] or "Ro" but if every First Stance-Transition acually gives Guard Impact thats Super-Cool.
Currently I Believe it was an "Ro aGi" Guard Impact.
If your Right this would mean all Opener Moves, First Stance-Transition give actual Guard Impact.

Namco Pls:
Psl3 is Mandatory
- Its Time to EDUCATE you CLOWNS[seen all of you] on what PsL3 is:
YOU MORONS CAN Prove Me Wrong right now: Put on SCV:Maxi
Beginner Loops:
- A,A into Li "Standing Still"
- B,B into Li "Standing Still"
- 4B or 6B into Ro "Standing Still"
- 1B or 44B into Lo "Standing Still"
- Ok Try this then: Li into Rc "Standing Still" "Li Standing Still into Rc". Actually Do it "Li>Rc>Li>Rc"

- Hell...Do one of my signature move. 3A then go into Ro Standing Still. Perform Ro A or Ro B "Standing Still" from 3A.
"Standing Still" No Stance-Transition = No Psl Forward[6] or Back[4].

- Normally when People say Stupid-Shit and I leave them be. I have issues with Stupid"The Sky is green level of stupid" IGNORANCE.

Psl4[Li] &PsL5[Ro].
"(WOuld Be Cool)"
- If they took out PSL4[Li] & 5[Ro] because Namco understood Maxi's Side-jumps catches "aGi's" and Maxi gets a S-T CH buff on next Impact hit. Then we got Watered Down.
:sc2maxi1:But they could also Make the Jump normal; and then, landing in-Stance would give ["aGi"or"aIPp"].:sc2maxi2:

- Alot you Maxi Players Dont understand the Difference between Stance-Transitions and Looping. Should I EDUCATE; because, nowadays you get MORONS who say shit like "Its Automatic" because they think pushing Forward[6] & Back[4] is Looping.
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