Men of the FGC

Further reading for those interested in Warhorse Studios.
Yes, Techraptor has done some great coverage of gamergate.

David Pakman recently picked up the issue too and has done a couple of fantastic interviews with people from both sides. If you have the time, I strongly recommend checking them out.
This guy has tons of experience interviewing extremists from all over the political spectrum, from communists to the westboro baptist church. Truly a great journalist.

I'll say I think all this GamerGate bullshit is dumb simply because if you want to talk about corruption in journalism, gaming is hardly the most relevant place. After all, looking at political journalism, the bribery and blatant bias in coverage prevalent in politics makes "gaming journalist" look like saints. Why is nobody up in arms about that? Do we simply not care about the things that make a real, meaningful impact in our lives? I agree with Alex though in regards to modern day "feminists" bitching about stupid shit. Like the recent video on Youtube about a woman supposedly being harassed while walking through New York City, just because a bunch of guys hit on her through out the day. Why don't they focus their energy on something actually important, like the fact that 1 in 3 Native American woman are raped in their lifetime. Or the fact that a cop or neighborhood watch guy can shoot and kill a black kid, and its okay because we found a picture of him on facebook smoking weed, wearing a hoodie, and flipping off the camera. Clearly that kids a thug who deserved it, and not just a normal kid who, surprise, isn't perfect like me. Or how about this? That BS law in Arizona that basically makes it okay for Law Enforcement to stop and harass Mexicans for their papers because we're all just a bunch of fucking illegals right? Meanwhile illegal Irish immigrants don't get the same treatment because hey they're white so they probably belong here. Here this article I read about it way back in high school.
I'll just add that when you can look around you and see that nobody cares about the issues that actually affect people, Jimi Hendrix's I Don't Live Today really hits a lot harder. (Which by the way, is a song about how Native Americans and the issues they face are largely treated as non existent. Written all the way back in 1967 and is still true to this day.)
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I'll say I think all this GamerGate bullshit is dumb simply because if you want to talk about corruption in journalism, gaming is hardly the most relevant place. After all, looking at political journalism, the bribery and blatant bias in coverage prevalent in politics makes "gaming journalist" look like saints. Why is nobody up in arms about that? Do we simply not care about the things that make a real, meaningful impact in our lives? I agree with Alex though in regards to modern day "feminists" bitching about stupid shit. Like the recent video on Youtube about a woman supposedly being harassed while walking through New York City, just because a bunch of guys hit on her through out the day. Why don't they focus their energy on something actually important, like the fact that 1 in 3 Native American woman are raped in their lifetime. Or the fact that a cop or neighborhood watch guy can shoot and kill a black kid, and its okay because we found a picture of him on facebook smoking weed, wearing a hoodie, and flipping off the camera. Clearly that kids a thug who deserved it, and not just a normal kid who, surprise, isn't perfect like me. Or how about this? That BS law in Arizona that basically makes it okay for Law Enforcement to stop and harass Mexicans for their papers because we're all just a bunch of fucking illegals right? Meanwhile illegal Irish immigrants don't get the same treatment because hey they're white so they probably belong here. Here this article I read about it way back in high school.
I'll just add that when you can look around you and see that nobody cares about the issues that actually affect people, Jimi Hendrix's I Don't Live Today really hits a lot harder. (Which by the way, is a song about how Native Americans and the issues they face are largely treated as non existent. Written all the way back in 1967 and is still true to this day.)

Well I think the thing about politics. They don't claim to directly speak on my behalf. As someone who likes games. I'm never a fan when gaming magazines or websites who directly represent our culture do a terrible job. "This game is good because I slept with some woman or got some cash in the pocket", It defeats the point of game reviews. Then you add in the backlash from these medias at gamers themselves. If gamers are their media base and income, why demonize and blacklist them? It's like the republicans saying gun rights and religion is evil. Politics works in similar ways, but politicians are too smart to harass their demographic.

As for there being more important issues people should focus on. Women's suffrage still exists in other countries but I never see feminists focus on that issue. The cat call video is fraudulent and silly propaganda. She shows 1% of her "research" on that video, leaving 99% of it out. Selectively choosing what she wants to show. A buff man made a similar video in New York and actually got the same amount of cat calls as the woman. And yeah, there are always more important things to focus on. But people tend to focus on what they identify with or rattles their morals. For instance, cops are killing around 500 innocent civilians in the U.S. per year. That's probably more important than catcalling. But I find the feminist battle extremely important since it's basically shaping our culture and how we are expected to communicate with women. It's also demonizing men unfairly, even though that cat call video is fake and dishonest. People are using it to hate men, people i actually know. It's important stuff, just not on the level of life and death.
Now they're also going after card games BTW:

I certainly understand what you're talking about Alex. I'll say I more personally identify with the struggles of Mexicans because I'm Mexican. Immigration reform is personal for me considering my stepfather is an immigrant worker (he's a legal immigrant), and I had friends growing up who we're here illegally. As far as feminist go though, I really wouldn't worry about them ruining society just yet. Look at all the Hippie protest against the Vietnam War in the 60's, for example. For as loudly as they clamored for an end to the war, nothing forced President Nixon to call for a withdrawal until Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong successfully used the Tet Offensive to make the situation in Vietnam look hopeless to the American public at large. So unless feminist got a similar card up their sleeves, they'll largely look like a group of crazy people with warped ideals to the public.
I certainly understand what you're talking about Alex. I'll say I more personally identify with the struggles of Mexicans because I'm Mexican. Immigration reform is personal for me considering my stepfather is an immigrant worker (he's a legal immigrant), and I had friends growing up who we're here illegally. As far as feminist go though, I really wouldn't worry about them ruining society just yet. Look at all the Hippie protest against the Vietnam War in the 60's, for example. For as loudly as they clamored for an end to the war, nothing forced President Nixon to call for a withdrawal until Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong successfully used the Tet Offensive to make the situation in Vietnam look hopeless to the American public at large. So unless feminist got a similar card up their sleeves, they'll largely look like a group of crazy people with warped ideals to the public.

That's the thing, we shouldn't focus on the planned goal of the hippie movement but it's direct effects. The hippie movement promoted drug use, tons of unprotected sex, protesting, self importance, psuedo spirituality and plenty of things that effected society. I'm less worried about what the Feminists end game is as much as how their culture has changed society negatively. When people think domestic violence, they automatically think about women. Even though men are 40% of domestic violence victims. Feminism has already spread and ruined our perception of reality. When a woman thinks men shouldn't have an opinion or voice because we will never understand because we aren't women. Or that because we have it easier or we are the majority. That's feminism's poison at it's finest.
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I believe when it comes to domestic violence, the statistics for both men and women are false. Having grown up around it, and most of my friends have as well, I don't believe the numbers because no one wants to talk about it. The crazy thing about it is that, woman are made to feel ashamed and at fault for the abuse they suffer so they don't tell people. I can tell you, I know a lot of men that perpetuate the line of thought "its never the man's fault if he hits his girlfriend/wife". On the other side of the token, men who suffer domestic abuse don't report it because, like that video showed, people don't take it seriously. You're manhood is even questioned for letting your lover abuse you and not responding back with violence, as if that somehow makes things magically better. But this isn't a perception created by modern day feminism. It's an age old attitude that you can see in movies and tv shows going way back, where a man with a wife who keeps him in check through violence is used to comedic effect. It's the same attitude that makes people believe a man can't be raped by a woman. Look up any article about a female teacher sleeping with a male student who reports her because he felt uncomfortable with the relationship. Reading the comments shows nothing but man after man after man calling that kid an idiot, and how they wished their teacher fucked them in high school. Usually, its the women who will show sympathy towards the boy, and his decision to report his teacher. Men perpetuate those attitudes just as much as feminists do. The problem is a lot bigger than feminism promoting anti-men attitudes.
I'm more in the camp of men can't be 'raped'. Woman need a significant advantage in order to do it but obviously it should still be punished based on the incident. Most of the cases are to boys which is straight up pedofillia and that is on a whole new level of 'wrongness'.

Equality isn't about literally being treated equal. Its about balance. The same people that are saying rape on men should be equally treated harshly are the same people that said women should be paid less if they are a firefighter because they are not as capable as men. That's not equal, balanced or fair. That's hypocrisy.

Women must be more protected, that is just common sense as that is basically the primal function of being men.

All this Gamer Gate shit though, everything on both sides are utter trash.
Rape is rape, and violence is violence regardless of the victims gender. You don't need a lot of physical strength to rape someone, which seems to be what you're implying. Most rapists don't straight up overpower their victims in a struggle. They find a way to surprise them, or work their way into position of trust with the person they want to rape. And if they want to do it the violent way, guns, knives, and other weapons exist. Also, I never said women don't deserve equal pay for the same job, which at least in my state (WA), is exactly what they get. And women should get the same punishment for rape as a man does. Not doing that only promotes attitudes that women are incapable of rape.
Oh dear, where do I start? (long post ahead)

I know most of you will automatically scoff at anything I say, but I'll bite anyway.

I've been a gamer for over 20 years. Since the early days, gamers have always been, in majority, the nerdy virgin types. Socially awkward, and probably emotionally stunted because they spent their childhood playing games instead of going outside and socializing with people. And yes, it has pretty much always been 90% guys.

Now, I see a lot of negative opinions about women floating around in this thread, and I can't help buy think that it has something to do with the fact that most of you don't really get laid that often, if ever. Guys who are pathetic, ugly, and can't get laid often times have extremely negative views on woman, and it's no mystery why that is. They are resentful towards women because they were rejected at some point, crushed, or kicked to the curb.

I find that generally speaking, the less a man gets laid the more he hates women.

The common criticism of sexism towards women in the gaming world is not entirely unfounded, I'm afraid. When I hear you guys talk about women like they are purely sex objects, or that "a good woman knows her place and is submissive to a man", I have to fucking laugh. It's pathetic, and just based on the posts some of you guys make, I would bet good money on which ones are fat, ugly, or a complete social imbecile when in comes to women.

Get over yourselves guys. Women are not ruining gaming. If they are getting preferential treatment now, it's not going to last forever. The gaming culture needs to evolve as a whole, because it IS sexist and it IS dominated by men (at least the competitive/hardcore types of games). I guarantee you, when the time comes when girls are actually playing competitive games near the amount of people that men are, they WON'T be getting preferential treatment any longer, because people will finally see them as equals.

It's just like affirmative action. That shit won't last forever. When the day comes when blacks are damn near as wealthy as whites, the need for it will disappear. Sadly, we aren't at this point yet.

The same is true for the gaming world. Women shoehorning their way in is an unfortunately necessary step for it to evolve to actually market games to the other 50% of the population. Think of it as a necessary evil.

Rather than play the blame game like so many of you do, instead look at yourselves and really try to see the misogyny in yourselves. Some guys have their heads so far up their asses that they don't even realize that they're sexist at all. It's a common defense mechanism when someone makes a legitimate claim: denial. Blatant, unadulterated denial.

I got into an argument once with a younger gal when I automatically opened the door for her as she was entering the store and I was leaving. It's just innocent chivalry, I thought. She explained to me that holding the door open for women makes them FEEL inferior. And you know what? She's totally right. I never leave the door open for guys. Why? Because even I can admit I can be a tad sexist at times.

Point is, most of you do things on a regular basis that is sexist and you don't even know it.

Even going into an auto shop for service as a woman can be a very different experience than a guy. They take advantage of a woman's ignorance of cars because it's assumed that women know less than men do about cars.

My ex wife gets a flat tire on the freeway. She's by herself. She's got a tire iron, a jack and a spare tire. She's no idiot, she knows what to do. Within 5 minutes a cop shows up to help her, DEMANDS that she let him do it, and literally won't let her do it. She even said "I don't need your help, I got this." The cop tried to say it was about safety and all that jazz. Bullshit. A cop would almost NEVER treat a guy this way. The cop might not even pull over in the first place. She said she was very offended by this. Can anyone really blame her?

Take a minute and think about all those times you coddled a woman because you assume girls are stupid, emotional, and fragile. If you treat them as equals, and I mean actually equals, you will find that they respect you more because you make them feel competent.

And besides, you guys act like feminism is something worth fighting against. I got news for you, IT ISN'T. It's a losing battle. You ain't gonna win, period. Feminism is here to stay. Might wanna get used to that fact.

The entire gaming world is sexist, but fighting games are the cream of the crop.
Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, Samuel L. Jackson, are all black and richer than me :( Captain Hook is lying
People who let doors hit the people behind them are assholes.

Well if the feminist is crazy enough. You open the door for her, it's misogyny. You don't open the door for her, it's misogyny. Essentially being born with a penis makes us evil and they are mysteriously for equality somehow.
Well if the feminist is crazy enough. You open the door for her, it's misogyny. You don't open the door for her, it's misogyny. Essentially being born with a penis makes us evil and they are mysteriously for equality somehow.
I'll still hold the door because I don't have a radar in my head that tells me who is crazy and who isn't. But those people are fucking obnoxious.
Well if the feminist is crazy enough. You open the door for her, it's misogyny. You don't open the door for her, it's misogyny. Essentially being born with a penis makes us evil and they are mysteriously for equality somehow.

This is an ignorant and narrow minded view on feminism.