SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

do you mean the Serpent Embrace A:236A ????
yesterday i found a good method.....listen:

start pressing 2A instead of A....then immediatly do 36A 2A, 36A movement........the game will recognize your initial 2 even during initial A and so you get the correct Just Frame works to me almost everytime :D

I wasnt aware this move had a just frame. what does it do, is it more damage? I know about the 236A followup. Does this jf have the white flash, or is it just the version in the move list, because it its just the one from the movelist, it ISNT a just frame. it isnt even difficult to do, its just not on hit. its SE A, then right away 236A, dosent even have to be fastest timing.

Wow!!! That's a great trick. I can finally use this move properly now.

no you cant, because the move can be shaken out of. :(
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

SE A:236A is simply 236A after A on hit...........just frame doesn't mean simply "fastest timing" like Cervantes' 234:B (fastest timing Geo Da Ray)'s simply a move that need to be input when the previous hit touch the opponent.

so you can write SE A:236A

however my trick works greatly.....unfortunatly good players know how to shake it XD
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

SE A:236A is simply 236A after A on hit...........just frame doesn't mean simply "fastest timing" like Cervantes' 234:B (fastest timing Geo Da Ray)'s simply a move that need to be input when the previous hit touch the opponent.

so you can write SE A:236A

however my trick works greatly.....unfortunatly good players know how to shake it XD

i know what a just frame is, what i was asking is if this move is a true just frame, whith a white flash and all.

assuming its how i think it is, with no white flash;

its great that your trick works well, no sort of timing trick is required.

its just SE A, then 236A right away. you dont have to time it or wait for hit or pray to Cthulhu or anything like that. The window is actually pretty big. you input the 236 A before the SE A hits the opponent and it works everytime, ALMOST like magic
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Actually BLDave is correct.
This move does NOT have a JF version.
It does NOT even require any specific timing.
Also in advanced gameplay, this move is almost (I repeat "almost") useless.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

yeah ok but because it was listed as input 236A when the initial A hit the opponent, i was calling it a just frame move XD

however yeah you can do it easily without need of tricks with arcade stick or analog stick....infact i can easily do A and 236A with analog stick......the problem is for the using the d-pad, using the trick 2A and 36A, works very well ;)

however 4 important questions for me please:

1)is SW 44B stun a shakable stun?

2)is SW 6 a move that guarantee other combos? it isn't a stun (no yellow lightning) but instead a guard break move....but i saw that on traning move with 2nd action as block all, the cpu couldn't do anything after it peraps shakable like a stun or no?

3)is WP 66B stun a shakable stun?

4)why there are moves that sometimes change my sword and sometimes not? for example WP 6B+K (long extended thrust poke).....sometimes it changes on Coiled....sometimes it doesn't change.......i would really like to stay on Whip but sometimes it changes on coiled......i don't think it's due to my finger pression on B+K button because i tried many times and the finger pression isn't the problem.
i thought it was due to the 2 seconds delay.....but it isn't the problem because i've tried many times waiting more than 2 seconds etc and it still was changing/unchanging casually.
same for moves like SW 2A+K (low kick sweep) and something else that involves B+K or A+K

maybe i'm just a stupid noob with Ivy but i can't understand where i'm wrong......i really would like to control my sword to stay in a certain form....expecially during this WP 6B+K long exteended thrust poke i would like to stay in Whip after it....

tnx and sorry for stupid noob questions :(
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

1)is SW 44B stun a shakable stun?
I don't fully remember this one and unfortunatelly I can't test it right now.
But from what i remember, i think it's not shakable.
When this move hits (if i remember correctly), you can do the following combo:
SW 44B, SW 66K, SW 2A+B

2)is SW 6 a move that guarantee other combos? it isn't a stun (no yellow lightning) but instead a guard break move....but i saw that on traning move with 2nd action as block all, the cpu couldn't do anything after it peraps shakable like a stun or no?

Things you should know about this move:
SW 6B is mid, and if blocked it doesn't have any additional effect.
SW 6 is actually a 2-hit move (stab-unstab). If you land this on an opponent, it produces a Shakeable Stun. This is actually VERY easy to shake...
However, If the opponent manages to Block the 2nd hit of this move (the unstab), then you have a Guard Break (or Guard Crush, whichever you like). If i remember correctly, this GB gives Ivy a +4 frame advantage. This is actually a very decent frame trap.

3)is WP 66B stun a shakable stun?
Once again, I can't remember for sure...(sorry)
What I can remember, is that i use this move rarely. And if it hits i usually follow up with WP 3A. So yeah, perhaps it is unshakeable.

4)why there are moves that sometimes change my sword and sometimes not? for example WP 6B+K (long extended thrust poke).....sometimes it changes on Coiled....sometimes it doesn't change.......i would really like to stay on Whip but sometimes it changes on coiled......i don't think it's due to my finger pression on B+K button because i tried many times and the finger pression isn't the problem.
i thought it was due to the 2 seconds delay.....but it isn't the problem because i've tried many times waiting more than 2 seconds etc and it still was changing/unchanging casually.
same for moves like SW 2A+K (low kick sweep) and something else that involves B+K or A+K
- Moves in CL that include A+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to WP
- Moves in CL that include B+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to SW
- Moves in SW that include A+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to CL
- Moves in WP that include B+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to CL
- If you are in WP and you want to stay in WP, then you must hold down A when you do B+K related moves (I rarely use this)
- If you are in SW and you want to stay in SW, then you must hold down B when you do A+K related moves (I never use this)
- When changing stances, you must wait a bit before changing again.
(All of the above are true in v1.02. Now that the v1.03 is spreading slowly around the world, we will know if there are any changes regarding Ivy's Stance Transitioning).

And finally one last piece of advice:
Ivy's best stance BY FAR is SWORD.
If you mix SW and a bit of CL, then you don't need anything else.
(of course, any changes with the v1.03 patch may affect the gameplay)
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

I don't fully remember this one and unfortunatelly I can't test it right now.
But from what i remember, i think it's not shakable.
When this move hits (if i remember correctly), you can do the following combo:
SW 44B, SW 66K, SW 2A+B

yeah i checked with training registered commands by trying to shake it and it's unshakable.

nice combo! i'll try it this evening :D

Things you should know about this move:
SW 6B is mid, and if blocked it doesn't have any additional effect.
SW 6 is actually a 2-hit move (stab-unstab). If you land this on an opponent, it produces a Shakeable Stun. This is actually VERY easy to shake...
However, If the opponent manages to Block the 2nd hit of this move (the unstab), then you have a Guard Break (or Guard Crush, whichever you like). If i remember correctly, this GB gives Ivy a +4 frame advantage. This is actually a very decent frame trap.

mmm interesting nice :D

Once again, I can't remember for sure...(sorry)
What I can remember, is that i use this move rarely. And if it hits i usually follow up with WP 3A. So yeah, perhaps it is unshakeable.

yeah i've tried and it's too follow up with cool WP 3A.....but then i can't find something cool....i usually follow up with another WP 66B or WP 6 to go into serpent embrace.....but i would like to know something better...

- Moves in CL that include A+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to WP
- Moves in CL that include B+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to SW
- Moves in SW that include A+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to CL
- Moves in WP that include B+K in their input, ALWAYS shift you to CL
- If you are in WP and you want to stay in WP, then you must hold down A when you do B+K related moves (I rarely use this)
- If you are in SW and you want to stay in SW, then you must hold down B when you do A+K related moves (I never use this)
- When changing stances, you must wait a bit before changing again.
(All of the above are true in v1.02. Now that the v1.03 is spreading slowly around the world, we will know if there are any changes regarding Ivy's Stance Transitioning).

tnx a lot guy :D

And finally one last piece of advice:
Ivy's best stance BY FAR is SWORD.
If you mix SW and a bit of CL, then you don't need anything else.
(of course, any changes with the v1.03 patch may affect the gameplay)

yeah i knew tnx! infact even if it has a shorter range, i find sword to be the best stance....very fast, good moves, safe moves.....and expecially i like that it has a lot of stuns....3A, 3B, CH 3B, 1A, 44B......yeah they are all shakeable except 44B....but this means that the opponent must shake them if i spam these moves, they constantly need to shake, then shake, then shake again :D :D :D
am i right? :D
and also ivy's lick 6B8 and the 2 variations 6B8K and 1KBK are strangly very good to trick the opponents :D
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

i guys! i'm having troubles with Calamity Simphony....

no problems with Summon Suffering because after fixing my d-pad, i can now get it 9 times of 10 with a simply horizontal 8 motion...

like WP 12369514753 (13269, then an horizontal 8 motion)

but no way for CS!!!!! in theory it's the same motion but inverted.....but no way......even if i go to right side of ring (player 2) and do the same motion as SS, it doesn't work!

i've noticed that it's important the 1+A+G timing.......but i can't understand........maybe i need a FASTER horizontal 8 motion and then a precise 1+A+G timing? or the motion speed is the same as SS but there you also need a precise 1+A+G timing? any motion tip? i'm having problems in performing this horizontal 8 motion but stopping before 1 and then pressing 1+A+G with good timing....

damn :(
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Try doing less crazy motions with your pad? Of course if you're high on sugar or something I did find an easier way.... Wouldn't you like to know? :P Honestly, I'm kind of scared to let this out, too many Ivys running around CSing each other would ruin the wow effect. But here you go.

6321474123698741 A+G, seems like a lot more, but it's much easier. I can dance across the level doing iCS with this method.

Edit: Working it into your game effectively is up to you ;)
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Try doing less crazy motions with your pad? Of course if you're high on sugar or something I did find an easier way.... Wouldn't you like to know? :P Honestly, I'm kind of scared to let this out, too many Ivys running around CSing each other would ruin the wow effect. But here you go.

6321474123698741 A+G, seems like a lot more, but it's much easier. I can dance across the level doing iCS with this method.

Edit: Working it into your game effectively is up to you ;)

I still can't get this move to work right at all. I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I am inputting everything correctly in my D-pad but CS and SS just never come out. I can't even get that crank money method to work anymore. Are these moves completely necessary for a competent Ivy?
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

I still can't get this move to work right at all. I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I am inputting everything correctly in my D-pad but CS and SS just never come out. I can't even get that crank money method to work anymore.
Do you use the Xbox360 pad?
(If you are, then I'm sorry but I cannot give you any advice. Since I play with the PS3 pad. But from what I've heard, buffering CS/SS with the PS3 pad is a lot easier.)
Are these moves completely necessary for a competent Ivy?
Generally speaking, SS is a bit nerfed in this game, CS is a lot nerfed and iCS is ok (was a bit better before the 1.03 patch).
So here's the facts. Ivy's command throws are NOT what they used to be. Meaning that in previous Soul Calibur titles, these command throws were a bit better.
In Soul Calibur IV, these two moves are NOT completely necessary for a competent Ivy...
BUT...they add fear factor to Ivy's gameplay. It is always an advantage knowing how to unleash these two command throws.

The thing is...even If you are able to master these two moves, in the beginning you won't notice any major improvement in your gameplay. But If your opponent knows that you can use these throws, then he'll start making mistakes in his gameplay.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

I would say that in this new series, Ivy's new gameplay have evolved into a more stance based game play rather than the more feared SE mix up.

But in terms of tools, compared to the last installments of her, Ivy does get a major upgrade in her arsenal. But her CS and SS game play definitely toned down a lot. Its not a MUST to put CS or SS into her game play now but it can still be a very good choice between a High/Low mix up, that is IF your buffering is good enough to pull the buffering off.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Yeah, i don't think it's going to happen. The xbox D-pad is terrible. I'd like to mod it but none of the hardware stores around me carry torx sets that are hollow. Besides, i feel like i am doing ok with just stance dancing. Unfortunately, though, i've started to really use sword stance as a crutch. It's just so much easier to kick ass with. Now that WP 6[A+B] has been nerfed, what moves do you use in WP stance?
When i find myself in that stance by accident (getting interrupted in SE or something), i usually freak out and try to shift back to CL or SW using b,b+k moves.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

3A is fairly solid for a quick interrupt in WP if you're desperate to shift out. 3A CH, then something like 3 to put you in SE, or 3B just to leave you in coil.

I actually find myself in the opposing predicament. When I'm in SW, I try to get to CL or WP quickly. I see the obvious potential with SW, I just seem to fail at putting pressure in that stance.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Most of my tactics are base on keeping the enemy close and instilling fear into their grandchildren's hearts. SW is the perfect tool for this, between 6, 3A, iCS, 1K B, 1_2_3 B+K,
6B8, a+b~[A+B], 44K, etc... and that's just some of her SW, not to mention CL transitions to either stance for instant CS / SS. WP 1B is great too. I heart Ivy. One thing that makes people hate that they played me is CL 6A K (A+K) SS, (B+K) SW out of SS, SW 6 on get up.....iCS.

Note: CL 6A K is not all that great with it being slow, high and shakeable, but it's nice when you CAN implement it.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Yeah, i don't think it's going to happen. The xbox D-pad is terrible. I'd like to mod it but none of the hardware stores around me carry torx sets that are hollow. Besides, i feel like i am doing ok with just stance dancing. Unfortunately, though, i've started to really use sword stance as a crutch. It's just so much easier to kick ass with. Now that WP 6[A+B] has been nerfed, what moves do you use in WP stance?
When i find myself in that stance by accident (getting interrupted in SE or something), i usually freak out and try to shift back to CL or SW using b,b+k moves.

I use 360 Analog 100% of the time with no problem, although I played on PS3 last month and couldn't get a command throw to come out to save my life.

SS will be easier, seems to me CS has a slightly smaller window for it's input though they made the window for iCS a bit longer in 1.03. And you guys hopefully DO reaize the throws are stance specific. SW=CS / WP=SS no ifs, ands, or buts.
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Also, there is no reason to be stuck in a stance. Try this:

Go to training and hold block like you're under pressure. Now, hold your stance change and block at the same time, release block and instantly start holding it again. You've successfully changed stances almost completely safely!
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Holy shit, you just blew my mind.

Also, in SW i have a lot of trouble landing 3A. The people i play against are usually crouching or tech crouching most of the time. Taki is an enormous pain in my ass for that reason. Is a+b~[:A:+:B:] the same as just [A+b]?
Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here)

Holy shit, you just blew my mind.

Also, in SW i have a lot of trouble landing 3A. The people i play against are usually crouching or tech crouching most of the time. Taki is an enormous pain in my ass for that reason. Is a+b~[:A:+:B:] the same as just [A+b]?

Not sure if blowing your mind was sarcasm but you're welcome if anything I said helped!

I think your idea of what 3A is may be different than what 3A actually is. If they are crouching 3A is a stun with SLIGHT sidestep and a small step foreward. It's not really a great move for it's frames or damage, but it will help change your timing up, close small gaps, and possibly stunn. If they block you could always throw the range-less 1A and hope they are close enough. At 4 frames there's not much that will stop you unless they're farther than an inch from your face:P

If you hold A+B, as we all know it is a fairly usefull UB move with range, speed, and hitting steppers. If you press it twice fast (holding the second press) and let it go at the right time, about 1 second, you can't see the flames until its released. So they don't know (or realize) that they're about to get their face pushed through their brown eye (balloon knot). On thop of that, it comes out a lot faster. This is a NASTY wake-up tool.
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