SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

a punisher is a fast move that does good damage after you block an attack. 214B is not a good punisher, it's a good evasive move that steps verts.
CL 214B_, Abuse Or Not?

The move fails often, if your opponents allow you to get away with it often, it's because they don't know how unsafe it actually is. Try it against button mashers, and you would be surprised.
Ivy's Best Stance

Just find the best tools of each stance. This will help you considerably into your game.
I also believe that there is not such thing as a "best" stance. In order to be effective you must shift through all of Ivy's weapon states. Because each one has strengths and weaknesses. Once you start playing with her, you'll realize that you'll shift through her stances more often than you could imagine.

You should also check these threads: (for SW) (for WP)
they contain nice info.
I believe, soon, a CL specific thread will be created also ;)
Just mentioning that older threads containing zero informative value (not useful info at all), will eventually at some point be merged with this thread. This is done to maintain nice appearance and of course to keep the most valuable threads intact. Also, I never liked deleting posts, so I think this'll work nice.

cheers ;)
Is it worth it?

So I'm looking into a third main because Seong Mi-Na got nerfed to hell in SC4 and I'm considering Ivy. Is she good/fun though? She's looks ridiculously hard to learn and I don't want to waste my time learning a character that's not good or at least fun to play as. If I wanted to learn a shitty character I'd play as Zas or Rock.
Is it worth it?

In terms of effectiveness, she is definitely above average.
Now, whether she is fun or not...
Asking this in here, I guess the answer is obvious:
She is a very interesting/fun character to play as.

Finally, about how difficult it can be to learn playing her...
Imo, every character is difficult to learn, If you want to play them at an advanced level.
Some characters can be learned faster than others though. Let's just say that Ivy needs a bit extra time in order to dig-in her completely.

So to give an answer to the title of this thread:
Yes, it is worth it.
Is it worth it?

I'm not going to lie; even though I'd played prior SC games, learning the new Ivy felt ridiculous at first. What makes it so hard is that there's really no way to ease into learning her. There's no beginner tactic to help you get a few wins while you're learning the ropes. Compound that with stricter execution requirements and the need for more character specific knowledge to learn than other characters (punishing in three different stances, etc) and you have a learning curve as mountainous as Ivy's chest became in SC4.

Is it worth it? Well, I think we're all a little biased here, but playing a relatively difficult and unpopular character at a high level and winning is a great feeling. The better you get with her, the more fun she becomes. It's totally worth it.
Anyone care to shed some light on WP A+B? I can never figure out the timing needed for the aGI. o.o;
Found an interesting tech trap. Well, sorta. I still haven't figured out ALL of Ivy's options; I'm still researching on it as I type.

We all know that 3 into SE 1B+K will relaunch if the opponent does not tech. However, interestingly enough, SE A+K will hit if the opponent techs on any direction EXCEPT left.

Sadly, nothing from SE can substitute if the opponent techs left. Although SE A seems to work in this case, I'd advise it against it since the opponent has enough time to duck. Not a lot of time, but time nonetheless.

Although I guess if you hold forward from SE you enter a mixup from SE A and SE BBB from tech. But yeah. Lol.

The tech trap becomes 100% if you use WP 44[A]. SE A+K will hit on all directions.


Now, a question. Is the WP 6A[B+K] teleporting glitch tournament-allowed?
Last post for the night. (promise. Idk what it is with tonight, I'm inspired to study Ivy's moveset all of a sudden lol).

You know that headspin stun animation that you get if the second hit of CL 4B hits as a CH? Well, you can get a mini RO cannon if you used WP 3B+K afterwards. It has about a step or two less range than the regular RO cannon, but definitely more range RO wise than WP 66A+B.

Now... how to fish for a CL CH 4B (second hit) is the -real- question. Lol.
Anybody else find buffering cs harder online?
I can practically perform it anytime I want offline, but online it becomes a lot harder or is it just my imagination?
(I know I'm gonna get a lot of reactions about how online sucks lizardman reptile balls, but sadly around here it's the only kind of competition I can find.)
Man. Today was a tough day for Ivy at Norcal regionals. So close to getting top 8/9... GAH. ><

I just have to say one thing for the relevance of this thread though.

SW A+B ~ [A+B] rocks.

Will post the vids when they get uploaded.

PS. Link: thinking about actually coming down to your regionals. I -need- to fight you now and am willing to travel across the country to do it lol.
Congrats! I'm pretty sure that SW A+B UB glitch will be the first thing to be fixed in 1.04 though (unfortunately. Di still curses the day he found it lol)
<Darth Vader>


</Darth Vader>

Meh, the UB is good enough without it already. :p
SW A+B [A+B]~ No one just sees it in time. :) Its like u try it on anyone and their reply: NO FLAMES!! WTFOMG!!! It will be a while until 1.04. Lets just leave it at that. :p
I dont fully understand the Glitch of the Sw UB, is there a timing where you should hold and press or press and let go?

anyone that can shed some light in the timing, i keep getting the regular A+B out instead of the UB