Soul Calibur 6 CaS Discussion

What’s a very basic pose to use for drawing customs? Not exactly battle stances. Something similar to the pose while selecting equipment.
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Good news for everyone! 2B is confirmed to be Customizable. Didn't get a screengrab, but i'm sure someone else did. guess my last hunch was right. She does indeed use the same model as everyone else. This likely means she also has an armor break i guess.
When Ivy find herself in RDR world


Next thing i'd like to try in cas, hope we'll get a similar hat like this in the season pass.
Yeah same, was just listening to a weeb version of Country Road and wanted to make a cowboy Tira edit... how is there no cowboy hat in this game!? I swear each time I go into creation mode there are less items than the last time.
So I was testing out the color fill option in CaS and went with the default green skin since I figured that might produce the best results.


However, no matter how much I tried in GIMP, I wasn't able to get rid of even the thinnest of green outlines around my characters when trying to make them into transparent renders. (I just covered the disasters by putting a gradient map on them with their respective colors lmao) Anyone have suggestions for better color fills?
How many Geralts would there have been if he wasn’t the guest?

Here’s a group shot of some of my OCs.View attachment 54613

Why do the customs look so much cooler against a white background? Maybe it’s that I use lower saturations?

Ooooh are we posting OC group shots?
The white background does make them look better. It makes them look more "official"
Umbra holy shit?? You're absolutely unreal lmao. That KOS-MOS is amazing!
Thank you! Funny enough, she's the one I dislike the most out of all my creations. 😅 But you saying that makes me feel much better about her.


Great job on these OCs, guys! On V I created almost 50, haven't started on VI yet, but as soon as we get those 100 parts I'll be joining you guys!

@SpellcraftQuill I really like the second to last, Young Pirate-looking boy!

@bagazstormy I really like the third row down, third over, looks kinda like an enemy you'd fight in Resident Evil 5 (my favorite)!
Is there a video or directory of some sort that has all sc3 CAS parts(unlocked as well)? I just wanted to see the parts for comparison.
As promised, I've recorded videos of all the SoulCalibur III customization parts:

Sorry for the few times the camera gets a little wonky, there's a lot of parts and I can only keep my hand completely still for so long before it spasms.
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