Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

@fjphoenix not likely that SC6 will get any switch port due to Project souls resources being small.

@Soul its like fate that setsuka goes here!
Random though: I watched a doc about ancient Greek just recently, and this stage really capture so damn well the majestic of that civilizations, fantastic.

An ancient Egyptian stage would've been sick too, you can consider desert stage but it doesn't have that level of magic tho.

That make me think, best stages are most of the time iconic when they're based on real life places (places that exists, or existed), when you think about Street Fighter 2 that has some of the most iconic stages in history of fighting games, most stages of that game were inspired from real life places. Very super natural and too fantastic stages are usually good for final bosses tho, especially if that Boss is super natural too (Like Inferno or Algol)
With Haohmaru basically having Setsuka's SCIV Critical Finish animation in the game now, what do you think will her CE look like?

I'm predicting/hoping for a rather slow pace, building suspense similar to Yoshi's, Taki's, Zas' or Raph's CEs, with few swift cuts, ended by something along the lines of her BT B+K, B (JF), her umbrella forcefully popping, but pleasureably slower than in-game BT B+K, B (JF).

Hopefully, she'll not be given one of those annoyingly repetitive spin-in-place animations of the same move x20.
Looking at you, Mi-Na, Amy, Haohmaru...

With Haohmaru basically having Setsuka's SCIV Critical Finish animation in the game now, what do you think will her CE look like?

I'm predicting/hoping for a rather slow pace, building suspense similar to Yoshi's, Taki's, Zas' or Raph's CEs, with few swift cuts, ended by something along the lines of her BT B+K, B (JF), her umbrella forcefully popping, but pleasureably slower than in-game BT B+K, B (JF).

Hopefully, she'll not be given one of those annoyingly repetitive spin-in-place animations of the same move x20.
Looking at you, Mi-Na, Amy, Haohmaru...


I imagine her Critical Edge like that: She will throw her umbrella in the air, then so flashy she will cut down her oponent, without her opponent realise it that he is dead and then she will grab her umbrella falling from the air, she will opened and many cherry blossoms will falling down!
With Haohmaru basically having Setsuka's SCIV Critical Finish animation in the game now, what do you think will her CE look like?

I'm predicting/hoping for a rather slow pace, building suspense similar to Yoshi's, Taki's, Zas' or Raph's CEs, with few swift cuts, ended by something along the lines of her BT B+K, B (JF), her umbrella forcefully popping, but pleasureably slower than in-game BT B+K, B (JF).

Hopefully, she'll not be given one of those annoyingly repetitive spin-in-place animations of the same move x20.
Looking at you, Mi-Na, Amy, Haohmaru...

I just hope her CE has practical use. If it’s i12 to i14 along with a reasonable amount of damage I’ll definitely be content with it.
I imagine her Critical Edge like that: She will throw her umbrella in the air, then so flashy she will cut down her oponent, without her opponent realise it that he is dead and then she will grab her umbrella falling from the air, she will opened and many cherry blossoms will falling down!
Would that be the round-ending animation or mid-battle CE without special pose? Also, does she throw the umbrella in closed or open state?
Just noticed, someone on Twitter suggested that Yoshitora (or an eqivalent) from Samurai Shodown would be a good one for season 3, and Okubo liked it.

damn i can't find the proof of okubo liking it! The guy did tag Okubo in that picture tho...

Edit: I also laugh at the twitter archives where Daishi says "new bold ideas require courage" and I'm just like.... yeah you were brave alright! Brave enough to tank the series with your horrid fanfiction!
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Yoshitora is a decent pick, he has flare and is the main protagonist for Samsho 5 but I'd rather it be someone else who's more unique. Amakusa would fit that bill, though it would probably piss off the Viola fans as he would fill the crystal ball weapon type.