Anti-Character Discussion

Astaroth got you down? Siegfried stompin ya in da nuts? Amy getting on your last nerve? Your Maxi hav'n a tough time dealing with other characters? Post up the problem and together we'll try to figure out some kind of effective strategy.

Note: We can't help, if we don't know exactly what the problem IS so give us some details on situation when posting a question.
Cervy this game has some serious stun game, along with combos to go with them.

vs. GDRs
Normal: A normal GDR can be blocked and punished by 6A+B. Also sidestepped or sidewinded to the Right (RO shift)
Instant: Usually an iGDR comes around just in time for combos, if ever blocked however. Habit yourself for free back throw or if you do not trust it, 6A+B.
Teleport: On Teleport GDRs, Cervy gets a GC and it can catch you during step. Best possible option is to GI that shit or if you're in stance WL should work (i'll test this if no one else does)

Cervy is fairly basic character with a monsterous stun and combo game, however on block alot of those stun starters leave him fairly open. Meaning if Maxi wants to win this, keep stance looping to a minimum(unless you have danger balls). If you are force into crouch on block, Maxi's retaliation move is ws,B. Sadly, this move doesn't keep him off you for long (actually puts you right in his face) in fact, you cannot even block in time. My suggestion for options are as follows:
1. if he goes for anything B related at ANYTIME (CH BBB) WL or PSL5 (right step)
2. If he continues to block of stalls at all PSL1 or 2 (1 = LO/2= RC)
LO: You're searching for CH BK. If he still does nothing, PSL2 back to LI and fish for LI, AA on CH or if he is doing something time consuming LI,K for CH.
RC: You're searching for B to punish lows (2K primarily),A_aA_aB (A for punishment, but if he is still blocking or stepping aA = Step/Block, aB= any crouching bizness or mix up. K = Any High A they throw out, MAKE SURE you nail the entire JF off RC,K.

Moves to remember (and forget) vs Cervy
AA, BB...get those the fuck of you head vs Cervy. Unless you can nail AA on hit, don't even think about it.

Basic Offense

Basic Defense
LO/LI B options
Bison GDR (4a+b) IS really steppable, you just have to that shit, lol. Single steps will get you nailed by that fat hitbox, so just keep walking.

A+B is a shakeable stun, shake that shit.

Never ever discard A,A against anyone, tons of heads can punish it but he still needs it. Dunno how new B,B is but I'm sure it has it's uses.

Cervy aB roll is negative on HIT. Don't let him continue his offense after eating this.
Moves to remember (and forget) vs Cervy
AA, BB...get those the fuck of you head vs Cervy. Unless you can nail AA on hit, don't even think about it.

Eh? AA i can understand the cautiousness of using it, since it Cervy has 3A+B. BB though, you have a tool for anything when its blocked.
236A leaves Maxi at a disadvantage, doesn't it?

Actually, 236A is not as bad as previous versions. Does 40 damage on close hit, ring outs to the front and, yeah, is like -12 on hit, but the most reliable way to punish Maxi now is the enemy is on the wall and the 236A didn't push him away (Raph 6BB always punishes). Still is a very slow move. I would use it only for ring out or to finish a round, mostly.

1B punishes Lizard's Crawl just fine, and pushes away on block and hit.
ws, A evades Cwl B+K and B(the high hitting roll, punishes him on dat actually)
6K will cause Cwl A to whiff up to 2 times.
If Lizzy is at a distance, 4B dat crawl.

Stomp lizzy in his nuts? (2B+K,B)
the harsh thing about maxi.. anyone can just tap K and it'll stuff most of his options after AA or BB... so yeah, avoid em unless you're sure it's gonna hit.
I've been having problems against Kiliks. Its hard to keep pressure on them due to his range and the evasive nature of a lot of his moves. Any tips on how i can keep the pressure on him, or do i just gotta turtle up a little against him and hope he makes mistakes.
I've been having problems against Kiliks. Its hard to keep pressure on them due to his range and the evasive nature of a lot of his moves. Any tips on how i can keep the pressure on him, or do i just gotta turtle up a little against him and hope he makes mistakes.

Same here.

If upclose, I tend to 2A the shit out of them until they behave, then I start to loop.

If out of range, I would say 66A is your best friend since Kilik players love to sidestep at far distances. Then I hurry and close the distance.

I hate his WS B so much.
2Aing the shit out of him doesn't work. He can just do that move where he jumps back, then jumps foward and hits you in the toes (4B+K?). Even random things like 6A+B somehow move his feet out of the way of my chucks when i throw 2A. I find i have to just keep pushing foward on him to keep pressure on him with lots of 6A's and LO Ks, but in doing this, i'm taking a lot more risk than i'd like. I can sometimes turtle up and beat them that way, but that just shows that I'm more skilled than them, cause Maxi's punish game is crap.
I don't know too much about kilik but if you're hoping to interrupt something of his with 2A, 3K may be better to use. it's about the same speed i think, and doesn't get gi'd by that pesky asura.
Yeah, 3K is a must when they try using Asura. But thats not as much my problem as the stuff that moves him back. He just escapes pressure so well with Maxi's range. I know I can just slow down and not take my frame advantage opportunities, but then i'm giving into his game.
against Kilik's retreating stuff i sometimes use 8WR left A. 33K is decent as well, i've landed hits on him before heg ets the retreat. And as Uber said, 3K is critical vs Asura Dance. Basic regular K is fine as well.