Official Soulcalibur V Post-EVO 2012 Rule Changes!

EVO has just passed... Usually, we wait till after EVO before we start making sweeping changes to the community ruleset, as EVO usually marks the end of the tournament season. Well its that time again and here we go. These changes have been in discussion for several months and these are the final decisions I have come up with based on advice from various community leaders.

Set Construction:
  • 3 out of 5 matches in ALL SETS (even finals)
With the speed of Soulcalibur V and how quickly matches can end, it was determined that 2 of 3 in preliminary sets was a bit too quick. MLG has adopted a 3 of 5 in all sets system and the community has appreciated the lengthier battles. Because of this, the community has decided to adopt the MLG set construction. Naturally, we will not be adopting MLG's "extended-series" system.

  • All infinites, unless specifically identified are LEGAL until further notice. Most infinites are extremely situational, and thus should be treated as a "ring out". Ring outs are not "broken", if you put yourself in a situation where you could potentially get rung out, that's your fault and you've already done something wrong.

    Most infinites are the same; if you put yourself in a situation where you could potentially get infinited, that's your fault and you've already done something wrong. The only real difference is the "ring out" from an infinite is not guaranteed, and the player can mess it up, giving you another chance.
  • Viola Back-Throw Infinite is BANNED!

    As you can see in the above video, a single back throw can lead into an easy infinite with repeated back throws. For this rule to be enforced, we have decided that only ONE back-throw will be permitted in sequence.

    In addition to this, we will not be permitting Viola back-throw resets! This becomes a "dicey" situation which would be impossible to enforce, so we are simply banning the reset. If a Viola player does a back-throw, waits for a reset, and then does a back-throw reset immediately after, it will be treated the same as the back-throw infinite.

    So to sum it up:
    • back-throw > back-throw = BANNED
    • back-throw > reset > back-throw = BANNED
Should a player do a banned infinite, they will surrender the round to the opponent and continue the match. Should the infinite end the round, they will surrender the match to the opponent and continue the set. The reason for this is that it is extremely difficult to "return" to the previous situation with a penalty, so rather than delay the tournament, the offending player will simply receive a harsher penalty.

The Official Tournament Ruleset wiki page has been updated to reflect these changes:
Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
I don't agree with the reset ban, but at least backgrab > combo > backgrab is gone. And at least we know who is making the decisions now.

Oh right, and Hilde's loop is gone now. That's good.
Oh right, and Hilde's loop is gone now. That's good.

C2B's are not infinites. C2B's is very benificial to SCV Hilde, so that's why Project Soul put it in with Patch 1.02. This shows that Project Soul knew what they were doing with the patches. We just didn't understand yet.

Things work better as a dictatorship, it's a thankless job, one that no one in the community wants. You can delegate power, but you can't delegate responsibility... and that responsibility has fallen to me.

WTF? How has the responsibility fallen to you? Who the hell has given you the "power" to make decisions for the community? We certainly didn't. Do you represent the game of SCV? Do you represent Namco? Do you represent every single tournament event? Do you represent EVO? Do you represent MLG? SBO? Seriously, are you giving yourself this "power" solely because you are the admin of this site? It is a nice site and all but you DO NOT have the right or "power" to make huge decisions, or any decisions for that matter, related to the game, nor do you have the "power" to enforce this. If you had just created this thread as a suggestion on future tourneys and say that you will be doing this for your own tourneys and suggest other tourney organizers to do the same, we would probably take it into consideration but your sense of reality is truly distorted. Each individual tournament organizer will make their own decisions regarding the rules on their event and they will not be looking to you to make the decision. lmfao

jeeze you were the only one to come to this conclusion ? If you missed the whole thread, the point was jaxel kind of "arbitrarily" came to some rules, but was (and probably still is) happy to listen to suggestions regarding whether they are reasonable or not.

Him being a self-appointed arbitrator .. is not really the important point.
Pardon my naïvety as I'm new to the site but...Why is everyone so pissed? Without taking sides and just from reading the post i was in assumtion that these changes were going to be implemented at the tourneys that Jaxel runs? So I guess if you don't like the rules, don't go to his tourneys? I'm not trying to sound sarcastic but I'm just looking at it from the ground floor and I'm looking at the scope of the situation. Also...are that many people relying on loops with Viola that you don't want to play anymore if it's banned?

or maybe this is one of those "it's the principal!" things. And if that's the case...let's all just chill out and see what happens with the apparently incoming patch.
Maybe just changing the thread and rule sections title would be better.

"Official Soulcalibur V Post-EVO 2012 Rule Changes!"


"8 Way Run Post-EVO 2012 Rule Changes!"

"Official Ruleset"


"8 Way Run Recommended Tournament Ruleset"

'Cuz that sounds a little bit better than this. Also, it'd make Jaxel sound less like a clinically retarded actor. That'd be good, right?

*regrets poking fun at the actor*
Not gonna lie, I haven't been a fan of Jaxel in the past, but I have to go ahead and say job well done here. He did a small amount of research on the topic, talked to a few random tourney-level pals about some changes, and put something together to improve this game. So, he didn't get it quite right, and people came down hard on him. HARD.

But what happened? People like Sluch posted up facts about damages and combos not being that much different with multiple backthrows in them, others posted about C2B not being a true infinite and pretty hard to do anyways. The key here is that Jaxel listened to these facts and made the changes, despite people flaming him personally. That's called doing what's right, or being the bigger man, or having integrity, etc. Props on that because in a lot of communities mr-leader-dude sticks with whatever he said first no matter how wrong it is because of pride and stubbornness (WCMaxi).

Lastly, OOFMATIC: No. There is no point to deleting this shit and pretending it never happened. If this thread isn't proof of why we need open discussion then I don't know what is. And since I never miss an opportunity to flame ShenOu for being the dogshit irresponsible retard that he is: how would you guys have liked it if the thread got closed down and removed whenever someone tried to post why not to ban repeat C2Bs or viola backthrow->combo->backthrow? Cuz that's what happened in SC4 with ShenOu, anytime a discussion came up about Hilde there was this clown to shut it all down like we were about to say "Voldemort".

Be happy the community was allowed to speak freely about important matters this time around.

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