Siegfried Videos

Kaamage is very aggressive in every game he plays. It's difficult to adapt. My buddy lost to him in VF as well... nothing to be ashamed of. You did very well - sorry I didn't get to meet ya at EVO. I underestimated how much partying was going to be happening, lol.
Here is a video of the "Spinning along wall" crap. Sorry I didn't get the whole thing, had to use replay mode next time I'll get my sister to hold the camera so I can record myself doing the whole combo and watch the spin glitch. In the video that first iagA is the only splat I've done in the combo. Enjoy my shitty video.
Did you start your combo with iaga or 3B?
It went like this: 3(B):SCHkBE, iagA (where the video starts), 3(B), SCHkBE, iag(A) (spin glitch).
Edit: If you want I can make another video about it. It's extremely consistent.
Hmm i dont know what went wrong there. Have to do more testing. Maybe its because of the corner?

Although i want to mension that the iag(a)~w!~SRSH B~22_88 BB combo ender does work even if the last wall splat occurs on the wall to your front rather than your side.
Hmm i dont know what went wrong there. Have to do more testing. Maybe its because of the corner?
It happened on every stage I tried it on.
Although i want to mension that the iag(a)~w!~SRSH B~22_88 BB combo ender does work even if the last wall splat occurs on the wall to your front rather than your side.
Mind=blown. Lol iagA getting the W! to the front but not the left.
Alright i did some testing and i found out, in practice mode, when you have start point set to wall: left the 2nd iaga will not wallsplat. If you set it to wall: front, it will work. Now what that means is, i believe the distance between you and your opponent at the combo start is crucial.