Soul Calibur 6 CaS Discussion

When the modern clothes looks like that I think I'll stop buy the DLC CaS or maybe stop play this game..
Don't see that coming! never happened when i re-created Auguste from SC4 on the same day as i get Setsuka DLC and new Character Creation set
So as a continuation of this post I've been using the "new" in-game chat to test out my characters' names; besides "Karen," it seems "Xiu" (from "Xiù Měi") is also banned, at least on Xbox LIVE. I'd certainly like to know why, but at least this would indicate the the type of letters or punctuation doesn't matter, since "Den Blüdsoul," "Ariel Leåmmas," "Aži Dahāka," and "Dr. Insano" all worked just fine.
So I noticed last night that the name "Karen" is no longer censored on Xbox Live… this coming a week or two after finally deciding to change my devil's name to "Kitty 'Akamu." 😛 Just as well; I'm pretty sure all of the short skirts and long jackets conflict with each other.

"Xiu" is still censored (so my Dynasty Warriors recreation is just going by "Měi"), as is the word "could"; so if you entered the phrase, "glad I could help" (as I did), it's all asterisked out. This is why you don't let algorithms control censorship. 😒
Wow...where to begin?
I would say:
More Backgrounds for viewing abd taking photos of your custom characters. Perhaps an option to download backgrounds as well?
Of course MORE items for ALL the CAS types, not just human/humanoid types, especially the Lizardman types...
Speaking of Lizardmen...why isn't there a female variant? It would be interesting to see one, right? not to mention a niccccce lizzzzzardy sssssspech option, yessssss?
More Animal parts, please, I liked the Goat legs, but it would be interesting to get a whole centaur like bottom half, complete with some armor customization to go with it.
More Hair options...just beeds more between male and female!
Of course...MORE WEAPONS, please...and more Weapon Effects....
Perhaps a few more weapon figting styles thrown in...
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I really hope Hwang's CAS parts are as follows:

Hat: Tricorn Hat A and Tricorn hat B (Hair thing, no hair thing)
Face: Face Mask
Cape: Cloak thing with scarf
Shirt: Fancy Shirt
Gloves: The fancy armguards
Belt: The flowy parts
Pants: His uhm.. pants
Boots: His boots...
Acc: His side pack. D:
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