Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Do you guys think MK Kameo's mechanic could work in SC? I thought of something similar to SC4 Tag using minor characters, it would be a good option to bring some bonus characters again since their number of moves are limited.
Do you guys think MK Kameo's mechanic could work in SC?
Which is?

I thought of something similar to SC4 Tag using minor characters,
It's a bizarrely under-explored idea for Soulcalibur: introduced in SCIV and then never touched upon again since. I think it has a lot of potential for depth as a mechanic for a game in this series, if explored with some nuance. I'd also like to see a return of Team Battle (not seen since SCII, I think?).

it would be a good option to bring some bonus characters again since their number of moves are limited.
You mean SCIII bonus characters? Most bonus characters in most entries in the series do not have unique movesets, but rare rather just essentially skins for a main cast member's moveset. The SCIII incomplete moveset bonus characters were not exactly received well. I mean, aesthetically a lot of people who liked SCIII (home/PS2 edition) remember the art design for those characters fondly, but as a mechanical matter, they are a part of why that game was such a flop with traditional hardcore / competitive scene players: they were just a part of the tapestry of bizarre gameplay decisions, bugs, and half-assed concepts that made the balance of that game terrible. There's a big reason why the updated SCIII:AE dropped most of those characters, in favor of taking the best three and reworking them into full movesets.

In any event, I don't think trying to add such half-characters to a modern Soulcalibur game makes much sense: not when they are already cutting back content almost across the board. It's going to be increasingly difficult to get big rosters before the DLC drops as is; diverting some of that work away from what could be full-fleshed out characters with full movesets seems like a very dubious choice to me, when we'll already be shelling out for the roster and they will be rushing to make release schedule deadlines.
Which is?
"Kameo fighters are additional characters that players can select in the character selection screen to occasionally join a fight alongside their main character pick. So for instance, if you're using Scorpion in a 1v1 fight against Sub-Zero, you can pick a Kameo fighter to join Scorpion's side in battle."

I saw the latest trailer for them, and I was obsessed with Sareena turning into a demon and helping Havik, like, I was never interested in her. I found it interesting.

You mean SCIII bonus characters? Most bonus characters in most entries in the series do not have unique movesets, but rare rather just essentially skins for a main cast member's moveset.
Yes, but they could also be support characters that we meet during the story, like Lyla, Maki, Azola, Curtis, Gabok, it would be a good way to bring this type of character to the game as playable, but that's just an idea, I'm not that big a fan of MK, but I liked that of Kameo Character.

You saw that art by some members of Aval, basically we have an older Siegfried, Cassandra e-girl and robot Rock. It would be a way for them to be playable, without replacing existing characters.

"Kameo fighters are additional characters that players can select in the character selection screen to occasionally join a fight alongside their main character pick. So for instance, if you're using Scorpion in a 1v1 fight against Sub-Zero, you can pick a Kameo fighter to join Scorpion's side in battle."

I saw the latest trailer for them, and I was obsessed with Sareena turning into a demon and helping Havik, like, I was never interested in her. I found it interesting.

Yes, but they could also be support characters that we meet during the story, like Lyla, Maki, Azola, Curtis, Gabok, it would be a good way to bring this type of character to the game as playable, but that's just an idea, I'm not that big a fan of MK, but I liked that of Kameo Character.

You saw that art by some members of Aval, basically we have an older Siegfried, Cassandra e-girl and robot Rock. It would be a way for them to be playable, without replacing existing characters.

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It's an interesting mechanic--for Mortal Kombat. though also hardly a new one for 2D fighters: these kind of momentary tag-in mechanics for mix-up potential have existed in some form going back to at least MVC2; all that's new here really is the branding and some of the nuances. But it still feels neat and fitting to the franchise. I don't really think there's any chance of seeing something like this is Soulcalibur though. It relatively easy when the action is all along one plane/axis to pop these characters in to join in combos, provide counters, and all manner of mix-ups, but those mechanics get much more complicated and potentially janky when you have characters operating in a full 3D space with their full 3D hurt- and hitboxes. The resources put into creating these limited purpose characters would also be more substantial in a 3D format. And again, we're talking about a series that has been producing its recent games on a shoestring budget, compared against the other big players (and even other Namco fighters); for every small handful of these limited-purpose (but time- and resource-consuming) psuedo-character assets that you produce, that's potential one less character on the main roster.

But that's all assuming that I'm reading your description and the video correctly: for clarity, are Kameo's a special class of character who are only used for support mechanics, popping in for assists here and there but not selectable as your main fighter? Or is Kameo just the distinction of how you use a given character in a given fight? For example, could you have Reptile as your main fighter and Liu Kang as your Kameo in one fight, and then reverse their roles in the next? Or is every character either a selectable main fighter or a Kameo character and usable for only that role? I gather from your description it's the latter, in which case--yeah, all of the above are reasons why you shouldn't hold your breath for seeing something like this in a SC game.
Do you guys think MK Kameo's mechanic could work in SC? I thought of something similar to SC4 Tag using minor characters, it would be a good option to bring some bonus characters again since their number of moves are limited.
I'm not big fan tbh and one of the reason i'm not that excited about new MK, but at same time i was never into tag games, expect if the game is cross over

I know kameo are more assist than tag but it's still 2 VS 2

For SC7 i prefer a focus of 1 VS 1 fighter
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But that's all assuming that I'm reading your description and the video correctly: for clarity, are Kameo's a special class of character who are only used for support mechanics, popping in for assists here and there but not selectable as your main fighter? Or is Kameo just the distinction of how you use a given character in a given fight? For example, could you have Reptile as your main fighter and Liu Kang as your Kameo in one fight, and then reverse their roles in the next? Or is every character either a selectable main fighter or a Kameo character and usable for only that role? I gather from your description it's the latter, in which case--yeah, all of the above are reasons why you shouldn't hold your breath for seeing something like this in a SC game.
“Kameo Fighters are a unique roster of partner characters to assist during matches, creating expanded gameplay possibilities for players. These characters are chosen separately from the main roster of fighters.”

As I understand it, the "kameos", each of them, are previous iterations of characters from previous games. That's why they are called "kameos".

(Left = Sub-Zero Kameo, Right = "Main Character" Sub-Zero)

They have their own selection screen, well, so a character from the main cast of this new time line written by Liu Kang, can be/have a Kameo version based on an earlier version, that must be why their costumes have their "klassic" designs..
“Kameo Fighters are a unique roster of partner characters to assist during matches, creating expanded gameplay possibilities for players. These characters are chosen separately from the main roster of fighters.”

As I understand it, the "kameos", each of them, are previous iterations of characters from previous games. That's why they are called "kameos".
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(Left = Sub-Zero Kameo, Right = "Main Character" Sub-Zero)

They have their own selection screen, well, so a character from the main cast of this new time line written by Liu Kang, can be/have a Kameo version based on an earlier version, that must be why their costumes have their "klassic" designs..
Ahhh. Well, I guess it's fun for people really fixated on that franchise to have every inch of the screen and experience crammed full of lore allusions, but my major issue with systems like that from an "in the moment" gameplay experience is that all leaping/teleportiong/sliding/falling in and out of the support characters can seriously disrupt any sense of visual flow and immersion. It's bad enough when you have something like a capcom game which is already filled to the brim with that kind of chaos, exaggerated action, and noisiness (but is also well-suited to it, tonally), because of the cartooniness of the action. But in something like Mortal Kombat, where the action is (a little) slower and (a little) more grounded, it sticks out even more. Actually, I wasn't prepared for just how much it does until I watched that video. The constant in-and-out of those characters is really jarring, and even for something as thematically over-the-top as that series, really breaks any sense of immersion you might nevertheless have while playing it. I really thought it would be an alright move for that series until I watched that video, but whether because of the specifics of how they implemented it, or just because I underappreciated how much of a bad mix of visual styles it would be, I wasn't prepared for how janky it all looks in application. :-/

Tekken 6 and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny rated for PS5, PS4 in Taiwan​

I mean, I guess that's better than not having them: but I just replayed some BD for shit's and giggles not that long back, and even on original hardware, it's kind of a rough experience. Emulated on a bigscreen, it's gonna look like garbage, and play as the most inferior entry in the series. Still, closest thing we have to being able to play SCIV on contemporary hardware, unless you kept your 360 going just for that purpose (cough, cough me), and maybe we'll get netcode for it and be able to fight online? (Well, I'm not holding my breath on that).

It does feel like rather a pathetic offering with so many of the classic games in the series inaccesible for so long now (even SCII:HDO is unavailable for purchase now, if I recall correctly, and SCV was recently delisted as they sunset older libraries), though, I have to say. Still, maybe we should take it as a glass half full kind of situation and hope it's a hint of things to come.
Exactly. I never got to play Broken Destiny, but I think I remember people saying it had balances that the original SCIV could have used. So it'll be good to try out.
They did fix Hilde's doom combo potential, I remember that much. But other than that, I don't think the differences are all that drastic. Honestly, the best part is getting to experience the aesthetics of what for my money is probably the best art design in the franchise (SCIV) in a new light. Literally, in most instances: they have variants of all the stages from SCIV with tweaks on layout or presentation, including typically a mix-up of the time of day represented. But again, it's gonna look awfully lo-fi on a big screen: the edges were alreadt noticeably jagged on a tiny PSP screen.

There are additionally some extra modes and a kind of pocket lore to the story, which doesn't seem to be a close sequel to the SCIV so much as an alternate story (if I recall correctly--it's all a little vague in that traditional unclear canon of the older games), which may appeal to some but which I consider to be of minimal value-added. Lastly, you do get two new fighting styles--Dampierre and Kratos. But if you've played SCV, you've experienced those already: Aeon's moveset in SCV is a virtual copy-paste of Kratos': I had remembered there being at least some significant differences between the two, but replaying BD for the first time in about a decade recently, I realized they truly are almost identical.

About the only reason a PS5 port of this game sounds appealing is the novelty of finally playing it with a fully-mapable game pad: the PSP only has the one set of shoulder buttons, of course, so it really did require a bit of adjustment for those who might have played the previous three games on a dual-shock layout.

I wish they would release this game on steam, someone at BAMCO must hate me, everything i ask they do the opposite.
Are we still talking about Broken Destiny? I don't think many PSP games have made it to Steam in general.
A new SoulCalibur release is still to be looked forward to, for me.
I enjoyed Broken Destiny, since SC4 is on my top 3 of the series.

But I always had hope for a SC4 remaster that would include contents and fixes from Broken Destiny.
Imagine those BD stages with the graphical quality of SC4 <3

Oh well, that'll do for a while.
A new SoulCalibur release is still to be looked forward to, for me.
I enjoyed Broken Destiny, since SC4 is on my top 3 of the series.

But I always had hope for a SC4 remaster that would include contents and fixes from Broken Destiny.
Imagine those BD stages with the graphical quality of SC4 <3

Oh well, that'll do for a while.
That would be pretty cool! I'm also a big stan for SCIV and feel it might be the most criminally underrated entry in the series, that got probably a lot more guff for its balance issues than it deserved and was unfortunately positioned as the first entry in the series without an arcade release at a time of transition for the genre. I'd love to see a harmonized/combined version of SCIV/BD (much as I'd also love to see a combined version of SCIII and SCIII:AE...or just a SCIII:AE port....or any SCIII port...).

Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. Especially right now and maybe ever. Namco doesn't seem very keen on doing very many straight re-releases of the older games in this franchise, let alone remasters. And SCIV has an extra dose of complication because of the very convoluted matter of re-licensing Star Wars characters (or facing nerd outrage if they are just left out). And it's understandable: I suspect SCII:HDO proved to be minimally profitable despite some effort being put into upgrading the game's visual fidelity and it being easily the most storied entry in the franchise. I'd bet good money that BD being released has more to do with Sony trying to populate their all-inclusive content services with as many legacy titles as possible and having developed a means to very easily and reliably emulate the PSP architecture on the PS4 and PS5, than it does with any enthusiasm for the re-releases by Namco.

Nevertheless, yours is a beautiful dream, my friend! I continue to want to believe that some day we will see the Soulcalibur classics collection, including minimally remastered versions of Soul Blade, Soulcalibur, Soulcalibur II:HDO, Soulcalibur III, Soulcalibur III:AE, Soulcalibur IV, Soulcalibur:BD, Soulcalibur V--and hell, throw in the decaying bones of Lost Swords while you're at it, cash grab though it was at the time. But I know in my heart that it's a dream from another, more beautiful and fair universe....
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I want to make a pool on X .
And to check Kayane .

I Hope the remake thing is not a simple texture lifting in HD .. I would love a true remake Of Sc2 or Sc3 ( more character than the first original Soul) ..
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