Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

It's good to see EVO thriving again after a difficult past few years. Even nicer to see the apparent focus on collegiality and sportsmanship between the contestants--everyone just seems so happy to be competing!

I Hope the remake thing is not a simple texture lifting in HD .. I would love a true remake Of Sc2 or Sc3 ( more character than the first original Soul) ..
What remake? If you're talking about Broken Destiny, that's just a port: and yeah I would expect it's going to look pretty rough on a large screen: those edges were rough on a PSP screen dozens or scores times smaller than your average TV attached to a console today. Nothing HD about it; it'll just be scaled (probably with a lot of artifacts), and even for all of that, because it's going to be emulated, the FPS might not even be all that good!
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It's good to see EVO thriving again after a difficult past few years. Even nicer to see the apparent focus on collegiality and sportsmanship between the contestants--everyone just seems to happy to be competing!

What remake? If you're talking about Broken Destiny, that's just a port: and yeah I would expect it's going to look pretty rough on a large screen: those edges were rough on a PSP screen dozens or scores times smaller than your average TV attached to a console today. Nothing HD about it; it'll just be scaled (probably with a lot of artifacts), and even for all of that, because it's going to be emulated, the FPS might not even be all that good!

It was about the Timor Of a remaster ( remake) Of Soul Calibur 1 or a collection Of Sc 1 & 2 . Some months ago
It was about the Timor Of a remaster ( remake) Of Soul Calibur 1 or a collection Of Sc 1 & 2 . Some months ago
I assume that was meant to be "rumor"? Well, I didn't really hear this latest version of such rumors, that I can recall, but if it's anything like the ones we usually hear in this community, I would treat it with the utmost skepticism. As we were just discussing, Namco seems to have very little appetite for such products right now (and there are substantial business and IP reasons for why that is).

Meanwhile, on the flip side of things, we may have the single most rumor-obsessed (and generating) community in all of the entirety of the game media industry. I'm not even going to sugar-coat it, because the bad actors have gotten so blatant and tedious: almost everyone with a largescale social media presence designed around covering fighting games (and Namco fighters in particular, and Soulcalibur most of all) is a highgrade bullshit artist who will knowingly and purposefully latch on any random comment or tiny detail related to a dev and spin it into "Industry buzz: Soulcalibur x Mortal Kombat, 100+ character roster!" in order to prop up their tiny little YouTube channel, or inflate their Twitter subscriber numbers. It's really pathetic and almost always purposefully disingenuous.

Likewise, almost all of the online "print"/article media outlets for covering the gaming industry are experiencing a similar glut of low-quality content mill articles doing the exact same thing: creating made-up stories out of whole clothe. There really is no detail too small or innocuous for these people to try to gin into something it's not, in order to drive views, and now the social media BSers and the clickbait article writers make a habit of just recycling eachother's rumors in an unending conveyor belt of credulous nonsense. In short, when it comes to Soulcalibur, don't get your hopes up for anything until there is some sort of official statement from Namco suggesting something is coming. Otherwise, no matter how many different places you heard it from, the rumor is almost certainly some combination of wish fulfillment or outright lies.
TEKKEN 8 - Release Date and Exclusive Content Reveal Trailer :sc2hei1:

It's not the right thread for this, but I only put this video here so I can comment on how jealous I am of T8 having 32 characters in the game's base. I'm not jealous of the fact that they "forgot" characters during the process, adding newbies in their places to renew the cast, but with 32 characters and none of them being a guest it would be like a dream come true for SC7.
TEKKEN 8 - Release Date and Exclusive Content Reveal Trailer :sc2hei1:

It's not the right thread for this, but I only put this video here so I can comment on how jealous I am of T8 having 32 characters in the game's base. I'm not jealous of the fact that they "forgot" characters during the process, adding newbies in their places to renew the cast, but with 32 characters and none of them being a guest it would be like a dream come true for SC7.
I wouldn't sweat it being in the wrong place, Lisa: with only two to twelve posts a month on the entire site right now, I don't think anybody is going to get on your back about consolidating discussion in just one thread. Actually, imo, it would be pointless to post anything otherwise.

Anyway, I disagree in pretty strong terms that Soulcalibur would be better without guest characters--a logic that I've never understood. Aside from the fact that I think these characters bring a little extra charm to each entry, I enjoy seeing the devs work their magic in translating a guest's aesthetic and movement design into the eight way run system: I think they've historically shown an extremely high talent for seeking characters that work well with the Soulcal mechanics (including some characters where you wouldn't think it until you see the final product) while showing fidelity to the original design. Virtually every other fighter series has jumped on this cross-promotional IP-suckling bandwagon in the last ten years, but Soulcalibur was one of the first to do it, and still arguably the best.

And even I didn't much care for the guests, I'd still be ok with it as a practice, since it undoubtedly brings new buy-in from fans of other franchises, helping to greenlight Namco's decision to make each new SC game, and helps bring in new players for the community. I just think it's a win-win all around, and the people who don't like it just because " don't get to play them in the next game!!! D*:" (and I'm not saying that's you reasoning, Lisa--it's just a common complaint I have seen from people when explaining why they don't like guests), I would suggest they are being extremely OCD/myopic in the face of the benefits.

That said, 32 is a nice base for a day-one roster in a 3D fighter, it must be said. I really wish Tekken and SC both made an effort at launching with 30-32 character day-one, with a goal of hitting 40-50 by the end of the season passes. Actually, what I really wish, is that we could cut the junk single-player content down considerably and have an entry with nearly the entire past roster, but I know that's just not going to happen, for a number of reasons. Actually, I'd be shocked to see any Soulcalibur game launch with more than 30 characters going forward. If I had one request, it would just be that they make some necessary cuts to the lame, goofy magic energy wizards (Azwel, Algol, ZWEI), so we have space for some long neglected legacy characters and, gasp, maybe even an original character know, an actual fucking grounded weapon style that's new to the series, for the first time in twenty damn years!?

Anyway, all predictions and gripes aside, the big point for celebration here is that, with a release date for T8, we can now speculate meaningfully on a rough timeline for Soulcalibur. We can probably expect it some time around two to three years from Jan 2024. Although, given the complexities involved with T8's ongoing support model, and the usual Project Soul constraints, it could be as soon as 20 months later or (quite easily) four years or more after T8 drops. Which is a pretty wide span of time, I'll grant you, but at least this announcement sets the clock running! Another question is...will there be an 8WR by the time it releases?
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I wouldn't sweat it being in the wrong place, Lisa: with only two to twelve posts a month on the entire site right now, I don't think anybody is going to get on your back about consolidating discussion in just one thread. Actually, imo, it would be pointless to post anything otherwise.
I mention this because here's a fg threads, which is basically me posting a bunch of fg trailers that I see. :sc2xia12:

And even I didn't much care for the guests, I'd still be ok with it as a practice, since it undoubtedly brings new buy-in from fans of other franchises, helping to greenlight Namco's decision to make each new SC game, and helps bring in new players for the community. I just think it's a win-win all around, and the people who don't like it just because " don't get to play them in the next game!!! D*:" (and I'm not saying that's you reasoning, Lisa--it's just a common complaint I have seen from people when explaining why they don't like guests), I would suggest they are being extremely OCD/myopic in the face of the benefits.
problem is the amount of them, besides that some don't match the game, well, 2B, Geralt and Haohmaru at least have aesthetics in their favor, in addition to using weapons. 1 guest in the base game and 1 dlc for me would be okay, especially in a game with lots of interesting characters.

I personally REALLY wanted Scorpion in the next SC, he's a popular, interesting character, uses a katana and kunai with chain. He would draw a lot of attention, I would really like PS to take advantage of Ed Boon's friendship with Harada.
That's basically what happened with Haohmaru, SS exchanging many messages with BAMCO and we ended up having someone from SS as a guest.

If I had one request, it would just be that they make some necessary cuts to the lame, goofy magic energy wizards (Azwel, Algol, ZWEI), so we have space for some long neglected legacy characters and, gasp, maybe even an original character know, an actual fucking grounded weapon style that's new to the series, for the first time in twenty damn years!?
The most "normal" character was Hilde and even she has very unconventional movements. If you look at sketches from SB~SC 1 you will notice several "different" characters, I think that before they couldn't, but today it makes even more sense, they see that all this exaggeration draws attention, I'm sorry for those who don't like it at all this "magic" but I believe it will come back. Mitsurugi and Sophitia must be the only ones who will be immune to these exaggerated and in some cases useless magic moves, being good only visually. :sc2mit2:

Azwel, Algol, ZWEI
Z.W.E.I. it may take a while, but with Azwel's performance in tournaments he will definitely return, in fact, with the exception of the characters introduced in 5, most of the newcomers return for the next sequence, so I believe that he and Groh should appear in the base of the game again, one of them should probably be "unlockable", it makes more sense Azwel, for being boss and villain.

I am fully convinced that the next game will only narrate the events of SC2, so I hope, I pray, that it takes a little longer for Algol to show up. If he was a dual sword user with one of his concept art, I'd look better, but the fact that we can't use his style, or change his weapon kind of bothers me a lot, by the way, I wish PS would give a way in these 3 characters that you mentioned in this regard, instead of having to choose between several versions of E.I.N why not change his appearance to another spirit, if I'm not mistaken that was one of the concepts of the character, or at least then we change the model of his sword.
Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 00-36-58 Soul_Calibur_New_Legends_Of_Project_Soul_027.JPG.webp (image...png

The same goes for Azwel, we know that he uses SE/SC to summon weapons, but that doesn't stop us from being able to choose the designs, in Algol's case it is more difficult, since the weapons come out of the body his, I believe being one of the reasons why we can't use his fighting style in a CaS.

Another question is...will there be an 8WR by the time it releases?
I hope so, I don't use discord and have no interest in using it. I don't think I'll have the same freedom I have here if I move to :sc2xia12:'s SC Portal, although her meeting people from PS means she has more hot information there than here, these days a pro player x announced that he would make his own sc website, I don't think I would feel good at this country club either.
I really hate characters like 2B and Azwell type of moveset, it just look like a bunch of mish mash nonsens
she has several stances that I particularly think are unnecessary, apart from the fact that a good part of her movements may not be used, unless they are given to some new boss or automaton of the sc, as already suggested here, which I hope never happens, but there's a throw from her that I would love for Arthur/Miser to use, if they come back.

I think Azwel is the only boss I can say I like, of course, his design doesn't suit me, that concept art of his younger, yes, daddy material, but that's irrelevant. I just wish they would work more on the use of their various weapons, like, maybe a way for you to choose between the spear & shield, or the dagger & ax in a way more similar to you being able to choose the stance (side) of Tira.
problem is the amount of them, besides that some don't match the game, well, 2B, Geralt and Haohmaru at least have aesthetics in their favor, in addition to using weapons. 1 guest in the base game and 1 dlc for me would be okay, especially in a game with lots of interesting characters.
I think three is going to be the minimum, moving forward: one in the base game and one for each season pass. Personally, I think that's a good balance. Despite the fact that Soulcalibur lead the way with this practice, it has now fallen far behind most other franchises, which often feature a half dozen or more guests.

I personally REALLY wanted Scorpion in the next SC, he's a popular, interesting character, uses a katana and kunai with chain. He would draw a lot of attention, I would really like PS to take advantage of Ed Boon's friendship with Harada.
That's basically what happened with Haohmaru, SS exchanging many messages with BAMCO and we ended up having someone from SS as a guest.
I'd be all for it! As you say, he has the right arsenal to fit in. The only concern I have is that I'm not sure an MK character's linear style translates well to SC; I think that non-fighting game characters who come from 3D games actually fit better in this respect than do FG characters from 2D games. But they made it work well enough with Haohmaru, so obviously it's not an issue that can't be overcome.

The most "normal" character was Hilde and even she has very unconventional movements. If you look at sketches from SB~SC 1 you will notice several "different" characters, I think that before they couldn't, but today it makes even more sense, they see that all this exaggeration draws attention, I'm sorry for those who don't like it at all this "magic" but I believe it will come back. Mitsurugi and Sophitia must be the only ones who will be immune to these exaggerated and in some cases useless magic moves, being good only visually. :sc2mit2:
I agree: it's likely to remain a fixture whether we like it or not.

Z.W.E.I. it may take a while, but with Azwel's performance in tournaments he will definitely return, in fact, with the exception of the characters introduced in 5, most of the newcomers return for the next sequence, so I believe that he and Groh should appear in the base of the game again, one of them should probably be "unlockable", it makes more sense Azwel, for being boss and villain.
Oh, no doubt he will be back. They made him too integral to the rebooted story that they are so keen on and which the lore nerds popped so many boners over. Besides, as you pointed out, he's actually quite popular in the tournament scene.

I am fully convinced that the next game will only narrate the events of SC2, so I hope, I pray, that it takes a little longer for Algol to show up. If he was a dual sword user with one of his concept art, I'd look better, but the fact that we can't use his style, or change his weapon kind of bothers me a lot, by the way, I wish PS would give a way in these 3 characters that you mentioned in this regard, instead of having to choose between several versions of E.I.N why not change his appearance to another spirit, if I'm not mistaken that was one of the concepts of the character, or at least then we change the model of his sword.
View attachment 95302

The same goes for Azwel, we know that he uses SE/SC to summon weapons, but that doesn't stop us from being able to choose the designs, in Algol's case it is more difficult, since the weapons come out of the body his, I believe being one of the reasons why we can't use his fighting style in a CaS.
I have no particular opinions as to this, as I have never mained any of these characters. I just hope they limit the number of such characters that appear in the base game for any one entry; it would suck to have three grounded characters all absent from a given game, or delayed until late in the DLC cycle, just to accommodate three wizards. Incidentally, I've long felt it is pretty obvious how Azwel came about and why he plays the way he does: it's pretty clear to me that there was a little bit developer's remorse that they squandered the license for Noctis, a character ideally suited to be a guest in Soulcalibur, on Tekken. So Project Soul just decided to do the same basic concept, but with enough visual design variation so as not trigger any IP concerns. Mix in the aesthetics of Ming the Merciless and a 50's stage magician/sex offender, and voila: Azwel.

I hope so, I don't use discord and have no interest in using it. I don't think I'll have the same freedom I have here if I move to :sc2xia12:'s SC Portal, although her meeting people from PS means she has more hot information there than here, these days a pro player x announced that he would make his own sc website, I don't think I would feel good at this country club either.
Wait, who is :sc1xia1:? Kayane?

I really hate characters like 2B and Azwell type of moveset, it just look like a bunch of mish mash nonsense
I personally don't lump these two into the same category. With 2B being a guest, their hands were pretty tied in many respects with regard to how she was going to be designed. But Azwel...they could have chosen any style they wished to fill that spot, and instead of any one of a thousand historical weapon styles, they decided to give us more hyper-anime energy wizard nonsense. Ugh.
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Oh, no doubt he will be back. They made him too integral to the rebooted story that they are so keen on and which the lore nerds popped so many boners over. Besides, as you pointed out, he's actually quite popular in the tournament scene.
Not trying to be Hermione Granger, as usual, but I don't believe that Zwei and the Z.W.E.I. are the same person, there are several points that make them different, unless he suffers a major reboot in his own conception, there are several mentions in the artbook of SC5, in addition to info about "They" in Acht profile that would break this hypothesis. Obviously Acht having that moon tattoo makes a lot of people associate them, but anyway, I have my theories and I will stick with them, just as some think Groh will become Z.W.E.I. somehow, which also for me will not happen.

I would be happy if I was right and in the next game I saw the fall of Iska Zwei, Iska Drei, Iska Vier, Iska Fünf, Iska Sechs, Iska Sieben and Iska Acht, giving Tira the opportunity to return to being the right arm of the Nightmare. Her presence in SC6 is so... nonexistent, I always liked to praise when she was well developed and important during the games, but in this one, unfortunately, she has as much relevance as Talim.

Wait, who is :sc1xia1:? K*****?
Yes, but I prefer not to mention any other players from this fandom. :sc5lei1:
Not trying to be Hermione Granger, as usual, but I don't believe that Zwei and the Z.W.E.I. are the same person, there are several points that make them different, unless he suffers a major reboot in his own conception, there are several mentions in the artbook of SC5, in addition to info about "They" in Acht profile that would break this hypothesis. Obviously Acht having that moon tattoo makes a lot of people associate them, but anyway, I have my theories and I will stick with them, just as some think Groh will become Z.W.E.I. somehow, which also for me will not happen.

I would be happy if I was right and in the next game I saw the fall of Iska Zwei, Iska Drei, Iska Vier, Iska Fünf, Iska Sechs, Iska Sieben and Iska Acht, giving Tira the opportunity to return to being the right arm of the Nightmare. Her presence in SC6 is so... nonexistent, I always liked to praise when she was well developed and important during the games, but in this one, unfortunately, she has as much relevance as Talim.
Well, I don't know what any of that is about, aside from what I have gleaned from discussions here: there's some sort of group of minions devoted to Soul Edge whose names are based on German numerals, and they may or may not have something to do with Zwei from SCV. I did play through those last couple of Soul Chronicles to feed the lingering remnants of my completionist attitude towards the series, but I held down the skip button for all the lame visual novel talking head sequences. After Libra of Souls and all the previous Chronicles, I was done wasting even fractions of seconds of my valuable remaining time on Earth on that terrible, ham-fisted, meandering narrative with its atrocious dialogue (and incompetent writing generally), told through cut-rate visuals and excruciatingly bad (even by Soulcalibur standards) voice acting. So I'll never know the ins and outs of who or what Iska Acht is--but will also never care. ;)

I will say this though: at least Tira and Talim got to retain their general style in gameplay, with minimal divergence for the gimmicks. Amy got her fair share of plot and then some, but they massacred her as playable character. Fucking throwing flowers...I can't believe I waited more than fifteen years for that bullshit.
Tira and Talim
As a person who enjoys the game's narrative, I'd rather have Aeon (A&S) and Rock in the game than them. I'll give Talim a discount due to that poll from 2017, but for me Tira was the worst female character / DLC in terms of story in this game. The game was already made and had its cycle finished, so complaining won't make a difference, but I think their choice to bring Tira earlier than expected and as DLC was a mistake. :sc3tir1:

Amy got her fair share of plot and then some, but they massacred her as playable character. Fucking throwing flowers...I can't believe I waited more than fifteen years for that bullshit.
Well, a few weeks ago I saw someone complaining about Mitsurugi's Critical Edge being boring compared to other characters, a few months ago I saw someone talking about how much he hated waiting 15 seconds for a special. People like it, others not so much, I'm honestly relieved that Mina didn't need to be magic or some very elaborate mechanic to stay unique compared to Kilik/Xiba.

Amy in SC4 is a very nice character to play, although she is not my specialty, I confess that I find it charming that they attack roses to enable some moves, I say that it is better than the mechanics of Setsuka/Hilde, her perception was something that she must have gotten from Viola. Being very honest I think the only character I would rather lose this mechanism is Cassandra, I think she has more power than she deserves or needs. It would make more sense for Sophitia to have a mechanic of that level, after all she is a true holy warrior, but that is up to PS. :sc4amy1:

I'm afraid of them giving magic to YS or even completely changing his fighting weapon to avoid comparisons with Hwang. Hmmm if they made YS sandstorm with his feet like Rashid I say I would find it funny. :sc2yun2:
As a person who enjoys the game's narrative, I'd rather have Aeon (A&S) and Rock in the game than them. I'll give Talim a discount due to that poll from 2017, but for me Tira was the worst female character / DLC in terms of story in this game. The game was already made and had its cycle finished, so complaining won't make a difference, but I think their choice to bring Tira earlier than expected and as DLC was a mistake. :sc3tir1:
I agree. To the extent that story and continuity does matter (and that's not much to me compared against gameplay, mechanics, art design, music, matchmaking/netcode, feature variety and just about every other element of this particular franchise--I do weight story quite highly in some games, but this is just not one of them), I agree that Tira is an odd choice for the final day-one character. But honestly, she's just too popular in the competitive scene to not be included, I think.
Well, a few weeks ago I saw someone complaining about Mitsurugi's Critical Edge being boring compared to other characters, a few months ago I saw someone talking about how much he hated waiting 15 seconds for a special. People like it, others not so much, I'm honestly relieved that Mina didn't need to be magic or some very elaborate mechanic to stay unique compared to Kilik/Xiba.
Frickin' none of them did, that's just the thing. Giving everyone a gimick...ok, I'm on board, I guess: experimentation has been a great boon for this series. Not every swing of the bat is a home run, but on the whole, the innovation has been very good for keeping this series feeling fresh. But you can clearly see the lines between the really clearly defined ideas they had, based on older, established mechanics for some characters/new idea that felt quit natural and appropriate....and the completely out of the fucking blue nonsense ideas.
Amy in SC4 is a very nice character to play, although she is not my specialty, I confess that I find it charming that they attack roses to enable some moves, I say that it is better than the mechanics of Setsuka/Hilde, her perception was something that she must have gotten from Viola.
...and Amy is the single worst example of this, though Hwang laps at her heels. Amy is supposed to be a smooth, continuous-motion counter-puncher who draws the opponent in with her ballet even as she's already drifting in to the sequence of evasion and punishment even as the opponent commits....not a damn petal counter who has to awkwardly maneuver around trying to score mechanically and thematically discontiguous hits with an awkward range hit in order to eventually, if you last two rounds and don't get completely worked by an opponent who probably has every advantage, earn the right to have almost as much damage output as most characters have by default..... easily the dumbest thing they have ever done with any character, imo. I am biased, mind you, as a SCIII:AE and SCIV Amy main who waited nearly twenty years for her to return only to get something that's just 80% recognizable, but I stand by the assessment nevertheless.
Being very honest I think the only character I would rather lose this mechanism is Cassandra, I think she has more power than she deserves or needs. It would make more sense for Sophitia to have a mechanic of that level, after all she is a true holy warrior, but that is up to PS. :sc4amy1:
Yeah...I could give or take it too. But at least lightning feels vaguely appropriate for Cassandra's style, which has always been about raw, unbridled force, bother aesthetically and mechanically.
I'm afraid of them giving magic to YS or even completely changing his fighting weapon to avoid comparisons with Hwang. Hmmm if they made YS sandstorm with his feet like Rashid I say I would find it funny. :sc2yun2:
Hopefully they will not feel the need to go too crazy with his gimmick, style-wise, having already made Hwang such a divergence from his classic style. Of course, I hope they drop the Gambit cards nonsense for Hwang for his next appearance, honestly. Nearly as peculiar as Amy's roses--man they were really spinning out in those season passes at times, weren't they? Thank goodness Setsuka came out fairly faithfully, as far as I can tell; I have scarcely played her myself over the years, but she feels faithful to me. Hilde's also fairly as you'd expect her too, I think. But cripes, even the guests feel more true to their sources than Amy or Hwang do!
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They should scrap guests for the next game and save it for dlc.

And wow I just see AKI she's so freaking amazing, I really hope SC will top their game in next game when it comes to newcomers
I would like to mention that SC6 was the only main game in the franchise that didn't add any new female characters, with the exception of 2B, if she had been part of canon history like Geralt I might have considered her, but unfortunately she only served to bring audience to the game. So if PS decides to add any newcomers that at least one of them is female and prefers not to be a member of Aval, although I have to admit I liked Grøh's (cancelled) bodyguard design.
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